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Why does god have to be perfect?


Get me off of this planet
I agree with everyone that says that it's in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has a different view of what is "perfect" therefore a "perfect" God will never be the same from one person to the next. But a bigger question is if there is a "perfect" God, why do people believe that his creations are "imperfect"? I never understood that.

Perfect and Imperfect are as well in the eye of the beholder, you see. It
is your choice to judge a creature of any kind. I could tell you the
mighty, ruthless, Scorpion is the ultimate killing and survivalist creature
on it's 'tier' and realm. While it is easily squashed in the level of Man,
although it's kind has claimed countless lives, along with the deceitfully
intelligent 'black widow', while many creatures are more aggressive and
blunt about their approach. The ultimate land killing machine is Man, above
animal inside it's wits, next to the bear, the ultimate K9 next to Wolf, yet
Wolves have shown themselves to be cowardly on numerous occassion, some
brave yet not many bears run.

As for the sea, the ultmate killing machines are greatly deceased, as time and
pollution, sadly, go on. I would say the great white, megaladon a great great
white, are the ultimate killing machine, of the shark genesis. Insects,
though, were considerable survivers of their era in the sea. The ocean is
actually a horrifying place, behold the whales, though, majestic creatures.

One day people will comprehend just what we have done. "We", no, we're
not all guilty. Other than that I do not feel like being laughed at, this is
some of the extent of my praise. The corporate world, which will become
Manless, a name of a company, over time, is responsible.

Marvel at the existence, the existence of the the Blue Whale, it is a truly
primordial creature. I think the geographic time scale is flawed.

Other than that there is Predator X. That was the King of the Ocean as well
at a time, there were many Kings of the Ocean, at the time, including
Megaladon, serpents, if Predator X is not considered a serpent, as well as the
Megolithic giant squid, which is a Humboldt. Most of the Humboldt you see
are infants, infants like many creatures of the sea. We will also learn many
creatures of the Sea are also immortal, like the orange roughy.

Are they designed? I do not think so, while some maybe, were they born of
the Earth, yes. IS the Earth alive, should it be considered a living "organism"

Consider the planet "Earth" a living organism, in space.


A fine passage.


I have a quite sarcastic sense of humor I battle with.

The simplest and most acceptable advice I can give anyone is,

"When in Rome." I do not want to be Roman, but I respect them, somewhat.

Multi-culturism does not work, unless it is forced. You can not force people
against their instincts, that doesn't mean they are wrong. Look at the animal
Kingdom, we are just above. The US Government in particular is forcing, FORCING,
this collaboration to be, even with deceit. It just creates a society of liars,
it's not wrong but shouldn't be enforced.
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Are they designed? I do not think so, while some maybe, were they born of
the Earth, yes. IS the Earth alive, should it be considered a living "organism"

Consider the planet "Earth" a living organism, in space.


A fine passage.

I agree with the above statement. I believe that the Earth is alive and we're apart of it. Just like the brain in our bodies. But many people tend to think, because of religion, that "man" is imperfect and that we should strive to be "perfect"? But how can one strive to be "perfect" when that word takes on many meanings to many people?


Get me off of this planet
The Gods were Barbarians... at first.. Later creating the foundation of respectable society
later. How Man came to disrespect the Barbarian is unsound.. These were cave
people later founding civilization. Reflect on what the Gods lived through as well as
them founding society, people do not respect that, the Gods were born on the dirt
and respect those most.

Lady Athena taught me that, and is the most glorious and refined of Goddess I have
been kindly blessed with. 'Barbaric'

I do not mean to behoove or persuade anyone, just not deceiving and this would cause
hatred and feud. She has campaigned numerous times with Mankind, now her kindness
may be found in the medical industry, if you desire to know her at all. I am quite
certain that is her prerogative, she is a Nurse.


It is overwhelming... But this is my alternative to taking to the
streets, being put in a psych ward. Jesus Christ is living as well
and his legacy is soured by the Churches overwhelming portrayal
of him. He is quite, one of the Manliest Men to grace my mind,
He seems quite Scandinavian as well, not Asa Thor, exactly, and
acknowledges he is a War God.

When in Rome.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member

Gods, it seems to me, are not always to be worshiped. Particularly in Ancient Greece they are to be references which one sort-of-secretly wants to see fall and be succeeded by those more like himself.

I don't think that is nearly as unusual as it may seem to be.


Get me off of this planet
Let us reflect on the Lord's (plural) Prayer. A fine piece of poetry Christ wrote.


From what I understand Christ was going to re-establish polytheism as well, as well as
not being a monotheist. The Lord's prayer which I haven't memorized but respect is a
masterpiece of poetry.

Love thy enemy like thy brother.

He consider himself a 'War god' if such entitlements are necessary, the Gods grew sickened of it.
Most of all anyone is subject to disagreement, causing feud, in politics or rivalry.
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Well-Known Member
Gods, it seems to me, are not always to be worshiped. Particularly in Ancient Greece they are to be references which one sort-of-secretly wants to see fall and be succeeded by those more like himself.

I don't think that is nearly as unusual as it may seem to be.

Oh ok cool gotcha


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone that says that it's in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has a different view of what is "perfect" therefore a "perfect" God will never be the same from one person to the next. But a bigger question is if there is a "perfect" God, why do people believe that his creations are "imperfect"? I never understood that.

Perfect isn't an attribute that's mentioned in Judaism or Torah.
Perfect isn't an attribute that's mentioned in Judaism or Torah.

Understood. Then the question will be how can a "perfect" God create something that is less than "perfect"? I want to understand the concept behind many religious people claiming that "man" isn't perfect if most religions believe that they serve a "perfect" God.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The perfect God is in the eye of the beholder and people that flatter their Lord in praise,
or deceit. My Lords are perfect, to me, and dignify Man, yet their abilities may be exaggerated
by fanatics or deceivers. I believe Man serves, is supposed too, serve the
Lord, not the vice versa. The Gods have flattered my every desire and I do not judge
them or their personal lives.

My experience make me even consider myself insane, but I am not and secure in my
mental health. The Gods defy reason, a gift from Lady Athena, I must re-enforce that.

The Titan Prometheus did Mankind a detrimental service in teaching us the fire, yet the
Lord Zeus was enraged we did not discover it ourselves, dignity. You will think it is
cruel, even "Zeus" considered his actions, among many, cruel. It is for our dignity. He is
not a Mother and from an age not many of Man would be able to comprehend, yet at
level with the modern age.

Zeus is a name, for God.

My experience with Loki on the other hand I feel I must elaborate on for certain
individuals. I did not judge Loki, I adored him as well, if that is the right term. I like
to laugh and that is his greatest power, as well as deceit. I think he has interacted with
Mankind on numerous occasions, Montezuma, for instance. Yet, he deliberately went
far beyond what was necessary to make me consider him, excuse me, mother *******
diabolical, as well as "Diablo". But he has been quite inconceivably respectful to me.
Many will not believe it but he has told me he is the Lucifer, although not what my
mind machinated, picturing a similar blonde haired and blue eyed individual.

Loki is the very one that patronized, antagonized Jesus, during his meditations
and fast in the desert. He made a joke, I offered him sunblock. Lord Samael is a different
Prince, King of Demons, equally hilarious and noble on most occasions.


He's hilarious.. Russian at times, but hilarious.

The All Father has spoken to me, unless I am horribly
and unfortunately deceived. How can you even consider respecting him, what I have
done to him was cruel but what he took from me was unforgivable.
Midgard is not my responsibility, my Son has his own Kingdom.

We choose our favorites and Lord Baldur, the holy Judge, Holy Ghost, still rests.

The All Father is who Christ was talking about, The Holy Father, Asgard is the Holy Kingdom of God.

The New Testament isn't exactly correct and I would quickly be accused of blasephemy, perhaps, but the Vatican, the Church is, has been, horribly corrupt.



I have learned things about World War 2, things considered treachury in the America's as well as insane to the rest. It was totally about religion and God.

Hitler was creating an acceptable Kingdom of God for Thor. Hitler believed in the Thor, and was making a Kingdom for Thor as well as a grand arena, where Thor would live the rest of his days, merrily.

Lord Thor has told me not all people would accept it. What Hitler was in fact, a perfectionist and extremely cruel. The honest truth was, not all of the Reich comprehended the cruelty happening and
it was considered 'humane', as well as the Nazi being trained to be perfect gentlemen, as well. No people have been more disgraced than the warriors of the Nazi Reich. In the coming years people will
reflect on the reich more and more and Hitler will continue to laugh beyond the grave.

I do not agree with the final decision but this is the truth I have been told and learned. Thor is still with us today.

I told you I will not deceive you, even if I disagree.

Interbreeding, crossbreeding, for instance, is a choice and privilege among many like my own to be respected, Although the Lord may not.

Each genesis of Mankind is sacred, I have been told by St.Michael, and he adores his own, yes, his own.

My kind are sacred, and must be preserved. He was the New Mensch, but outraged it was done without his approval, his statue.

I wonder when or if you're ever going to start making sense in your posts. You're all over the place, in a big incomprehensible jumble. I don't even want to know what that Hitler babble is supposed to mean or what the hell Hitler is supposed to do with the God, Thor.


Premium Member
Understood. Then the question will be how can a "perfect" God create something that is less than "perfect"? I want to understand the concept behind many religious people claiming that "man" isn't perfect if most religions believe that they serve a "perfect" God.

A quandary for sure, but why does God have to be perfect to create all of this.

Thanks all for the answers, I learned some more but still am missing some key elements towards understanding. Maybe its my definition of perfect that is the problem.
A quandary for sure, but why does God have to be perfect to create all of this.

Thanks all for the answers, I learned some more but still am missing some key elements towards understanding. Maybe its my definition of perfect that is the problem.

And that's the kicker. The definition of perfect, according to Merriam-Webster, is

a : being entirely without fault or defect : flawless <a perfect diamond>

b : satisfying all requirements : accurate

c : corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept <a perfect gentleman>

d : faithfully reproducing the original; specifically : letter-perfect

But I think that people associate the word "perfect" with definitions a & b which creates definition c, an ideal standard. This standard is one person's own idea of someone without fault or someone satisfying their requirements to be perfect. Example, one person can believe that a perfect God teaches lessons through trials and tribulations while another could believe that a perfect God wouldn't let you suffer at all. That's two different "standards" that are used to measure that quality of "perfection". Probably not the best example but I'm sure people can understand.

To me perfect is a word used to describe one's viewpoint of flawlessness. I can say that I make the perfect rum cake, for example, but someone else make think that I use too much rum, therefore, it's not perfect in their view. So, technically, the word is irrelevant since it doesn't have a uniform way of measurement.
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Well-Known Member
I am not looking of a debate but an understanding of why people need to believe in a perfect God. Why do you feel god must be omni-anything.

From a few conversations I don't know if anyone can explain so I will also take your view on why you think people need a perfect god.

God is a necessary being, and his attributes are necessary.


Premium Member
I am not looking of a debate but an understanding of why people need to believe in a perfect God. Why do you feel god must be omni-anything.

From a few conversations I don't know if anyone can explain so I will also take your view on why you think people need a perfect god.
It is because what God says goes. We can't readily argue with God and question so then God must know what he is doing. Meanwhile we hope this is the best of all possible worlds, hoping we aren't getting shafted with God saving the good stuff for some other species.