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Why does god kill?


Disciple of Light
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing


and that is the reason my faith isnot, and never will be with him...
if i felt like i was equal to him, then i would trust in him, but he seems to be an object of fear, and that trait will not be a part of the one that i will walk beside


†ßig Dog†
My opinion, those are just stories written by man to justify his own actions. It's the old adage with guns... Guns don't kill people, people kill people. So be with God. He's more of a spectator,


Well-Known Member
Not many will like my view, but when you **** up majorly G-d will be angry, but i view it doesn't happen as some others view it, i do not see G-d behind everything, such as what happened in indonesia and world war 2.


New Member
~Lord [LEFT said:
Roghen[/left]~]even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing

Have you considered that perhaps the fault lies in your misunderstanding of God's nature?

If God is the ultimate holder of knowledge, including the knowledge of what lies beyond this life and we humans have limited knowledge of this life much less what lies beyond, who are we to question God?

The question is, do you think you are knowledgeable enough to judge God?


Mother Heathen
Any chastisement by God has been done for the greater good of His people.

And it is always man that turns from God...not vice versa.


We have to understand that the bible was written and is the word of God. He tells us in the bible not to kill and to be kind to one another and as a whole we don't listen. God loves us all very much, he has given us a map we choose not to follow. Does this make God love us less? No! This seperates the good from the bad, this lets God know who is with him. If someone innocent is killed by someone else, the I belive God will take special care to make sure your awarded for what you have done in life. Being killed or harmed by nature does not change what we have done in our own life while we lived. If you die from a tornado and were a sinner then you will reap what you have sown. There has to be something to let people know that there is something we cannot understand more powerful (ie nature), these things have to happen so we know we are not in charge. You can be killed by anything, and if we are christain, instead of worrying who is dying or who is gonna die, we should concentrate on what was written for us to follow. God has to let us know our place, he gets angry and has to let us know we are at his mercy.


Steel Magnolia
Could you present some specific verses you would like us to look at?

The way I see it, God had punishments that sometimes involved death in the Old Testament for those who broke his laws. Isn't it basically the same today? Our punishment for breaking God's laws is still death...we will go to Hell if we break his laws (and don't ask foregivness, of course).

And besides, God ordered his people to kill in the Old Testament, and we as Christians don't live by the Old Testament. We live by the New Testament, which only teaches love and peace.


Im not who you think I am said:
whos judging god. hes not judging god. hes acting out on his human nature, which is the reaction to sorrow from something seemed lost. he has a connection with god.

bloodnf's statement did not sound like any sort of judgement to me. he is right on track. it is a misunderstanding of the nature of God. the cheesy phrase to understand why some people have to die or go through difficult times is "to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs". when God is viewed as a wrathful bearded guy on a throne it can be easy to view God as angry and something to be feared, this guy that just breaks eggs out of spite; but when one takes a step back, meditates, and realizes the true nature of God, not as a man like creature, but as the infinite Spirit which surrounds us, who is closer to us than our jugular veins, like Jesus and ALL other prophets of God taught, the big picture is more easily understood. when you can see the omelette you can see why it is best for the eggs to be broken.

peace, love, and vegan waffles


Why was it that the God of the OT ordered the Isrealites then,to kill
all other inhabitants of the Promised?.
Was it not that the other peoples polluted the land by its sacrificing their children
to other gods for instance,something of which God not once commanded,and since
God chose the Isrealites then as his people,he wanted them to neither learn their gods,
or their ways,or what was customary to them.
And there were the sons of Anak/Nephilim in the land in those days,as were they after
In fact,whether or not they were ordered to wipe them out entirely,they didn´t.
Jacob before,had 12 sons,why was it that God eventually only chose 2,and cast off the
other 10?.
Or why was it God punished Isreal/Judah was on numerous occasions?.
Was it not for their going after/serving other gods that in fact were proven beyond a doubt
were no gods?.
Therefore contrary to what many want to believe,we all don´t pray to the same God now do
Remember the choice Moses gave to the Isrealites in the desert when confronted by Korah
and his hordes.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing
As the Creator God loves his intelligent creation. Sadly, the rebellion in Eden brought sin and death into the world. Not only that, but wicked men and angels have caused the deaths of millions of innocents. Would you not agree that a loving God would not allow this to continue without punishing the wrongdoers? God has promised to end all suffering and death soon, but for this to happen he must remove those who would continue to cause harm to others. Thus, I believe God is fully justified in destroying the wicked, especially after giving due notice of his purpose to end wickedness and wicked people. (Psalm 37:9-11) As he said to his people who had turned to wrongdoing, ‘“As surely as I am alive,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that someone wicked changes his way and keeps living. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why should you die, O house of Israel?”’ (Ezekiel 33:11)


even though im generally ok with god, i love him, he loves me, ive seen in the bible jesus teaching love yet his father kills people and smotes the land, destroying children women and men. i dont understand this and it hurts my faith. so i need some support on this. i generally see god as a mystical being of the universe, and i dont see him doing such a thing
in this imperfect world for something to live something else must die, and as soon as something is born it is subject to death- everything from the smallest grain of sand to the greatest star.


I think the problem rests with man...God sends His messengers and prophets to warn humanity.because we are created independent we can choose to disobey the commandments and violate the laws of God..in so doing we wreck havoc on earth and hence we receive judgement..


Premium Member
thanks but id really like a christian perspective on this

Hi there!

Is there a specific reason you posted this in the Abrahamic DIR instead of the Christian DIR? The latter will, by rules, attract/allow more Christian honest and direct opinion.

I'm Muslim and I fear I'd be seen disrespectful if I post.