Why is it so important to God that we believe in him without any direct evidence of his existence? The Bible states that he parted the Red Sea and did all sorts of other miraculous things. The people who witnessed these events never had to rely on faith; they had the benefit of having his powers demonstrated to them first hand. If I were to witness the same things that these people saw, I too would be onboard with the whole thing. But no, I have to rely on words written in a book that obviously could have been made up by man. If you think about it, it is man that I must have faith in, not God. Is there something more than meets the eye with this faith thing; because, it sounds to me like just a convenient excuse when you dont have any hard evidence.
It is not important to a god that we have faith. It is important to men trying to spread man made religions (like christianity) that consider faith important. Because without it their religion would cease to exist.