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Why does God want Christians to give food to hungry people?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Because those brainiacs Adam and Eve made the choices they made, silly. You need to read Genesis again. :) Because of the mistakes they made, humans will ALWAYS live in an imperfect world filled with struggle and toil. People starving to death and not having enough food is one of the results of their disobedience.

the danger in this, in this literalism is negativity

essentially you are saying man is born filthy, dirty, scum....

enabling people to say "Whoa is me, life is terrible"

Its like a cosmic "manic depression"

The story of Adam and Eve I would argue is not really about making a mistake
but, redemption..and more importantly the point of redemption....and beyond

to focus on the negative, is to only see the negative

when looking only for trees, all you will see are trees


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

--A. Einstein


Veteran Member
In your opinion, are there ways for people to convince God to not injure and kill people and innocent animals with supernatural disasters? That is correct, I said "supernatural" disasters. From a Christian perspective, God created the weather, and all other physical forces.
I'm not sure what you're looking for as far as answers but most Christians will say that God allows these disasters to happen because of the fall of man and original sin. Our world will FOREVER be imperfect. It's not until Christ comes back that things will be restored to perfect.


Well-Known Member
Agnostic75 said:
There might be enough food in the world for everyone, but it is not possible to distribute it to everyone. For example, there are not enough financial resources and logistical support in the world to distribute food to everyone who is in the area of natural disasters, and still have enough money and logistical support left over to take care of many other important needs.

Mr Cheese said:
Well actually that's false.

If we stopped shooting bullets world wide, for as small a period as a week

World hunger could be solved by shifting resources.

But where's the profit in that?

Please note that in my previous post, I said that "there are not enough financial resources and logistical support in the world to distribute food to everyone who is in the area of natural disasters, AND still have enough money and logistical support left over to take care of many other important needs." If extra resources and logistics are used to feed hungry people, other people will suffer as a result.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Please note that in my previous post, I said that "there are not enough financial resources and logistical support in the world to distribute food to everyone who is in the area of natural disasters, AND still have enough money and logistical support left over to take care of many other important needs." If extra resources and logistics are used to feed hungry people, other people will suffer as a result.

Yes, we are agreed....

Killing people is far more important than feeding them....:facepalm:


Veteran Member
the danger in this, in this literalism is negativity

essentially you are saying man is born filthy, dirty, scum....

enabling people to say "Whoa is me, life is terrible"

Its like a cosmic "manic depression"

The story of Adam and Eve I would argue is not really about making a mistake
but, redemption..and more importantly the point of redemption....and beyond

to focus on the negative, is to only see the negative

when looking only for trees, all you will see are trees


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

--A. Einstein
I understand your point. However, he is asking why God allows hunger and pain and does nothing about it. I'm going back to the origins of the problem. Our world will always be like it is. We can only put band-aids on the wound by helping and giving. It doesn't change the fact that things will always have a propensity to be damaged and non perfect.....according to Christians. I do not believe any of it.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I understand your point. However, he is asking why God allows hunger and pain and does nothing about it. I'm going back to the origins of the problem. Our world will always be like it is. We can only put band-aids on the wound by helping and giving. It doesn't change the fact that things will always have a propensity to be damaged and non perfect.....according to Christians. I do not believe any of it.


many christians do indeed believe "like" this
I don't think all do though..

Remember, the end of days and the apocalypse (removal of the veil) is a parrt of Christianity also....


Veteran Member

many christians do indeed believe "like" this
I don't think all do though..

Remember, the end of days and the apocalypse (removal of the veil) is a parrt of Christianity also....
Then, why does God allow this suffering when he obviously has the omnipotence to solve the problem?


Devotee of the Immaculata
James chapter 2 essentially says that if a man refuses to give food to hungry people, he is vain, and his faith is dead. Since God has allowed and caused millions of people to die of starvation, I find it to be quite odd that he would inspire James to write that.

This is our world, this is our problem. We as humans are totally in control of our own destinies. God answers prayers, but only through human agents. This argument reminds me of that joke where a guy's house gets flooded and he's sitting on the roof as the floodwaters rise, expecting God to save him. He turns down help from people in a canoe, a rowboat, and finally refuses to grab the rope from a helicopter, confident that God will save him. He drowns. When he gets to heaven he asks God why he didn't save him. God says, "I sent you a canoe, a rowboat and a helicopter. What more did you want?"

Which is why I send money to starving people in Africa. Because God isn't going to rain manna down on them from heaven. But he does have a whole bunch of followers that can provide money for food, clothing and shelter, and who can work through their respective governments to solve the problems that are causing the people to starve in the first place (which are probably human caused as well).

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Then, why does God allow this suffering when he obviously has the omnipotence to solve the problem?

In order to fly
A bird is thrown from its nest.


Suffering is perception
You are eternal
All this pain is an illusion
(apologies to Maynard Keenan)

One man may fly by working as an accountant
Another by helping a rape victim
Another by being raped

the quest is eternal....its accepting the quest
learnign to fly
or giving up
that is satan, that is evil, not learnign to fly

And all life is victorious
(apologies to the mandaeans..lol)


Well-Known Member
Mr Cheese said:
Well actually that's false.

If we stopped shooting bullets world wide, for as small a period as a week

World hunger could be solved by shifting resources.

But where's the profit in that?

Agnostic75 said:
Please note that in my previous post, I said that "there are not enough financial resources and logistical support in the world to distribute food to everyone who is in the area of natural disasters, AND still have enough money and logistical support left over to take care of many other important needs." If extra resources and logistics are used to feed hungry people, other people will suffer as a result.

Mr Cheese said:
Yes, we are agreed. Killing people is much more important than feeding them.

Are you proposing that human effort is able to allocate all of the world's resources in ways that would effectively take care of all human needs, including enough organs for everyone who needs an organ transplant, and enough money for everyone to have adequate health care, and enough money to protect us from global warming? Regarding global warming, most experts on both sides agree that it is occuring, but disagree about why it is occuring. Regardless of the causes of global warming, it is occuring, and if it continues to occur, it will take trillions of dollars to even begin to try to protect ourselves from it.

Are you implying that God does not kill people, and that he does not refuse to give food to hungry people? Why is it negligent if people refuse to give food to hungry people, but acceptable if God refuses to give food to hungry people? Do you believe that might makes right?


Well-Known Member
Buttercup said:
Then, why does God allow this suffering when he obviously has the omnipotence to solve the problem?

Mr Cheese said:
In order to fly, a bird is thrown from its nest.

But God has injured and killed millions of birds. In addition, since God causes some birds to kill other birds, he obviously does not care about birds.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Here begins the story about the snakes “Heavy-to-carry” and “Light- to-carry”

‘ Furthermore it was heard that there were once two snakes, and the first snake was called “Heavy-to-carry.” Their bodies were equally large, and their tails were very long. Being of one mind, they loved each other so much that one could not bear to be separated from the other. And lo, they went along a path together. After they had traversed much land, one snake glided into a depression. And the other snake proceeded along the way. On one side of the path there was a very high mountain, and on the other side a very deep body of water. And on the path, a trapper had set up a snare and a pitfall. Inside it was full of burning coals, and all kinds of fiery apparitions rose from it into the air. The trapper was hiding nearby. And when the snake came to that place, it was pleased and amazed at the fiery apparitions in the air. But it was not possible for it to avoid the pitfall, for, alas, it had to go ahead along this path and there was no way back. And lo, it paused , and then darted ahead, thinking, “I want to jump over the pitfall with my whole body.” But, because the pitfall was very wide and the snake’s body was long and very thin in the middle, and its tail was very long, it could not cross the pitfall. Its head came across, but the tail remained behind, and the middle of the body remained lying across the pit, and the snake could not pull it over to its neck. So it burned there and died. And the trapper came quickly, stretched out his hand toward the pit, cut open the head neatly, took the stone, and went away very happy.

The second snake came along and found its companion dead, its head mutilated. It cried out from the depths of its soul, “Alas! You were very dear to me.” And it wept and lamented bitterly, wailed pitifully and said, “0 wonderful brother, how have you died without your brother and shame?” When it had stopped lamenting, it thought to itself, “My brother died because he had not thought of a remedy for the body. I will also have to die.” And] it considered the matter carefully. And the snake said, “Because he was a male, he could not bear the separation from his dear tail; he could not endure corruption and suffering in his body. But there is really no other way out.

If I endure separation from my dear tail and endure a little pain in my body for the sake of my soul, then I will be able to jump over the pitfall.” Then it returned to the depression and found the abandoned fire of a shepherd. And it burned off as much of its tail as could be harmful [to its body. And, when it had become smaller, the tailless body jumped very lightly and crossed the pitfall safely.

Of these two snakes, one is the person who loves the body, for whom bearing. ..is troublesome, but who is unconcerned about the soul. And his.. .is long. The second snake is the person for whom the soul is dearer than the body. There is very little poison in him and his attachment to the world is very weak, and the fetters binding his soul are very thin. And the pitfall, the high mountain and the deep body of water are the three trenches. The trapper] is Ahriman, and the stone is the soul. Ultimately the Old Man, being without good works, is the one who cannot jump over the three ditches with the tail of the body. But the chosen New Man has purged the three poisons from the body and has borne in his body the agony caused by observing the Law, and he can endure separation from his dear wife and children and from riches, and on the Final Day his soul will arise from the body and will attain the peace of Paradise. ..

–Iranian Manichaean Parable (from the Sogdian book of parables)


Well-Known Member
Mr Cheese said:
Here begins the story about the snakes “Heavy-to-carry” and “Light- to-carry”

‘Furthermore it was heard that there were once two snakes, and the first snake was called “Heavy-to-carry.” Their bodies were equally large, and their tails were very long. Being of one mind, they loved each other so much that one could not bear to be separated from the other. And lo, they went along a path together. After they had traversed much land, one snake glided into a depression. And the other snake proceeded along the way. On one side of the path there was a very high mountain, and on the other side a very deep body of water. And on the path, a trapper had set up a snare and a pitfall. Inside it was full of burning coals, and all kinds of fiery apparitions rose from it into the air. The trapper was hiding nearby. And when the snake came to that place, it was pleased and amazed at the fiery apparitions in the air. But it was not possible for it to avoid the pitfall, for, alas, it had to go ahead along this path and there was no way back. And lo, it paused , and then darted ahead, thinking, “I want to jump over the pitfall with my whole body.” But, because the pitfall was very wide and the snake’s body was long and very thin in the middle, and its tail was very long, it could not cross the pitfall. Its head came across, but the tail remained behind, and the middle of the body remained lying across the pit, and the snake could not pull it over to its neck. So it burned there and died. And the trapper came quickly, stretched out his hand toward the pit, cut open the head neatly, took the stone, and went away very happy.

The second snake came along and found its companion dead, its head mutilated. It cried out from the depths of its soul, “Alas! You were very dear to me.” And it wept and lamented bitterly, wailed pitifully and said, “0 wonderful brother, how have you died without your brother and shame?” When it had stopped lamenting, it thought to itself, “My brother died because he had not thought of a remedy for the body. I will also have to die.” And] it considered the matter carefully. And the snake said, “Because he was a male, he could not bear the separation from his dear tail; he could not endure corruption and suffering in his body. But there is really no other way out.

If I endure separation from my dear tail and endure a little pain in my body for the sake of my soul, then I will be able to jump over the pitfall.” Then it returned to the depression and found the abandoned fire of a shepherd. And it burned off as much of its tail as could be harmful [to its body. And, when it had become smaller, the tailless body jumped very lightly and crossed the pitfall safely.

Of these two snakes, one is the person who loves the body, for whom bearing. ..is troublesome, but who is unconcerned about the soul. And his.. .is long. The second snake is the person for whom the soul is dearer than the body. There is very little poison in him and his attachment to the world is very weak, and the fetters binding his soul are very thin. And the pitfall, the high mountain and the deep body of water are the three trenches. The trapper] is Ahriman, and the stone is the soul. Ultimately the Old Man, being without good works, is the one who cannot jump over the three ditches with the tail of the body. But the chosen New Man has purged the three poisons from the body and has borne in his body the agony caused by observing the Law, and he can endure separation from his dear wife and children and from riches, and on the Final Day his soul will arise from the body and will attain the peace of Paradise. ..

Iranian Manichaean Parable (from the Sogdian book of parables)

None of that explains why God inspired James to write that if a man refuses to give food to hungry people, he is vain, and his faith is dead. Why would God want Christians to give food to hungry people?

In your opinion, what justifies what God does, his power?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
None of that explains why God inspired James to write that if a man refuses to give food to hungry people, he is vain, and his faith is dead. Why would God want Christians to give food to hungry people?

In your opinion, what justifies what God does, his power?

well you are asking simplistic questions
Why is god a big fat meanie?
why does god have nipples?
why? why? dagnammit? why?


why not go beyond such simplistic allusions?
clearly there is more to "God" than some big nasty being that
is the cosmic chess player

or am I missing something?
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Veteran Member
why not go beyond such simplistic allusions?
clearly there is more to "God" than some big nasty being that
is the cosmic chess player

or am I missing something?
Yes, you are missing something. If this god is the epitome of LOVE, then why, why, why does he allow people to be raped, starved, murdered, etc. It's an age old question. ;)

Does God love humans or not?


Well-Known Member
Mr Cheese said:
Well you are asking simplistic questions.

Yes, simplistic questions which you tried to answer until you got into trouble.

Mr Cheese said:
Why is God a big fat meanie?

Why not go beyond such simplistic allusions? Clearly there is more to "God" than some big nasty being that is the cosmic chess player.......

I am willing to consider your complex allusions regarding why God wants Christians to give food to hungry people.

In your opinion, what justifies what God does, his power?


Premium Member
Since most people who are starving are doing so because of their governments, I would say that it is government that is evil. Besides that, what do you say about all that wasted food?

Jesus wants His followers to love and be compassionate.


Active Member
Yes Im a muslim, hence my username :)

Let me explain it this way, Allah says in Quran:

"21:35. Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good, and to Us you will be returned."

"21:23. He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned."

"17: 21. See how We prefer one above another (in this world) and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference."