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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
So now you know they exist.

Well yes, you have posted a list.

Because you said this:

You really need to pay more attention to what I am writing. I said "Since when do we here of Abrahamic Terrorists?" I only hear about islamic terrorism, which was my point. I did not say that they do not exists I said when do we here of Abrahamic terrorists.

Not Christians
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, IPA /ˈaɪsᵻl/), often translated as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and accordingly also commonly known as ISIS, is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist,Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam.

The first paragraph asks the question "Since when do we here of Abrahamic Terrorists?" which says that I, personally, never hear anything about Abrahamic Terrorism and that I only hear about Islamic Terrorism. Which is an accurate and true statement to make, that is, if you watch the news channel for a few minutes. I then left an explanation of who the usual suspect of terrorism is, that we all hear about on our TV screen, and that they are not Christians but Muslims. You are seemingly getting so desperate to discrediting me that you are making your post sound silly. Why don't you stop the character assassination and concentrate on debating the point instead.



Veteran Member
Nope, I surely did not. I said:

You Said
1. What proof are you referring to that demonstrates that secularism results in totalitarianism?​

2. To which I said
"You will only see that the proof is the truth when that is what you want to see. Do you not read the papers or watch the TV. Maybe you are selective as to what you watch so do not see the overwhelming evidence that is out there for everyone, with open eyes, to see."

3. To which you said

If that's the case, it should be rather easy to show me this proof.

4. And I said

I already have. referring to 1. above.​

But aside from this, I have also posted article and survey on the effects of secularism on another thread as well. These indiscretions are really tiring
Thank you for demonstrating that what I said was correct.

You and I haven't discussed secularism leading to totalitarianism in another thread. You have asserted that secularism leads to immorality in other threads. But that's not the same thing.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I'm not referring to atheists. I'm referring to people who don't practice Christianity.

Then maybe you should say what you mean instead of just asking about the other 4.9 billion people. I could have then told you that there are twice as many people who are Christians then there are atheists. And that the majority of the rest also believe in a God(s)


Veteran Member
Oddly selective?

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

History will continue to repeat itself until we do something to stop it. There is a line in the movie The Seven Samurai that seems appropriate: “You have to protect others to protect yourself.” By taking action to prevent another 9/11, another Afghanistan, another Iraq, and another Libya, the lives that you will be helping to save might just include your own.

This was written by an empathetic individual, did you recognise the empathy.
I don't think that the 9/11 attacks where secretly designed by the US government to kill American citizens. I don't buy into that conspiracy theory.


Veteran Member
Then maybe you should say what you mean instead of just asking about the other 4.9 billion people. I could have then told you that there are twice as many people who are Christians then there are atheists. And that the majority of the rest also believe in a God(s)
I said what I meant. You spoke specifically about Christians. I pointed out that 5.2 billion people in the world are not Christians.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Thank you for demonstrating that what I said was correct.

If that is what you believe then I am happy for you.

You and I haven't discussed secularism leading to totalitarianism in another thread.

I said that I talked about the effects of secularism and totalitarianism.

You have asserted that secularism leads to immorality in other threads. But that's not the same thing.


Veteran Member
Well yes, you have posted a list.

The first paragraph asks the question "Since when do we here of Abrahamic Terrorists?" which says that I, personally, never hear anything about Abrahamic Terrorism and that I only hear about Islamic Terrorism. Which is an accurate and true statement to make, that is, if you watch the news channel for a few minutes. I then left an explanation of who the usual suspect of terrorism is, that we all hear about on our TV screen, and that they are not Christians but Muslims. You are seemingly getting so desperate to discrediting me that you are making your post sound silly. Why don't you stop the character assassination and concentrate on debating the point instead.
Islam is considered an Abrahamic religion. So I was pointing out that you have indeed heard about Abrahamic terrorism, you simply didn't recognize it as such.

Plus I pointed out some Christian terrorist groups that exist around the world that you may not have heard of.

I haven't attacked your character at all.


Well-Known Member
You made it very clear that you agreed with her reasoning on who was responsible for the deaths of her children when you wrote the following.

After it, she left all faiths and died an atheist, seeing no reasons whatsoever for worshipping a deity who would inflict horrors of this nature on anyone and I did not blame her.

You are saying that God inflicted this horror upon your Aunt, which is commensurate with blaming Him for what happened. You then encourage her to leave her faith by agreeing with her that God is responsible for her loss.

Actually, all I said was that I did not blame her for her choice. That has nothing to do with God or blaming God but I am really not all that interested in continuing this as it has no meaning and only serves to add fuel to the fire. I wish you peace. Namaste.


Well-Known Member
I live in Canada.

I do not believe that the US government was involved in any conspiracy to kill 3,000 of its own citizens. But if that’s what you have to tell yourself in order to deny the religious component of the attack, then go I ahead I guess.

None of this has anything to do with what I said.
Skeptic, this is the first I have even heard of this silliness. I cannot believe some of the things people will buy into. Its similar to those magazines one finds in grocery stores that are absolute rubbish..like National whatever.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I get it. I don't think it's cavalier to see that good things can come out of tragedy. Those are the things that help us go on and keep us from giving up on life.

My father was a sweet, kind man and I loved him to death, but he had a terrible drinking problem. He would sit up all night drinking and smoking and falling asleep in his chair. My mother tells me that she used to sit up watching him all night long, putting out his cigarettes when he fell asleep to make sure he didn't burn the house down with her babies in it. I shudder to think how close my mother could have come to living out the scenario your aunt had to live through and how close I could have come to being one of those children. She did end up taking us and leaving him before anything terrible happened but it could have easily gone the other way.

I admire the kind of person you are Jo.Don't ever change! The world needs more people like you.:heartpulse::hugehug:
Kiss kiss darling.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Actually, all I said was that I did not blame her for her choice. That has nothing to do with God or blaming God but I am really not all that interested in continuing this as it has no meaning and only serves to add fuel to the fire. I wish you peace. Namaste.



Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Skeptic, this is the first I have even heard of this silliness. I cannot believe some of the things people will buy into. Its similar to those magazines one finds in grocery stores that are absolute rubbish..like National whatever.

Then you are completely unaware as to what is happening on your own door step. Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.

At least 7 of the 19 listed hijackers are still alive (BBC). No video footage of 19 hijackers or passengers boarding the 4 planes. Pilots of the 4 planes never squawked the hijacking code. ‘Alive hijackers’, ‘ACARS’, ‘Pilots for 9/11 Truth’.

What if the plans that Clark saw in 2001 are still in the works? Recent events would suggest that at least some version of those plans is still being implemented. How many more times are we going to fall for the lies and allow the U.S. and NATO to continue murdering people in the name of justice? How many more lives have to be lost before we wake up and take action to stop the killing of innocent people?

Yet for many others, the suggestion that the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks is both ridiculous and repugnant, which is understandable. What is not understandable is that so many people blindly believe the official 9/11 reports and refuse to entertain that possibility that they have been lied to. Instead, they turn a deaf ear to (and often ridicule) the many thousands of highly intelligent people who have been trying for years to wake them up to the truth – people like Scholars for 9/11 Truth,Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, Military, Intelligence and Government Patriots, and many other highly credible people.

This report is for those of you who either believe the official story, aren’t sure what you believe, or think it doesn’t matter what you believe.

All you need to know about 911


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Veteran Member
Skeptic, this is the first I have even heard of this silliness. I cannot believe some of the things people will buy into. Its similar to those magazines one finds in grocery stores that are absolute rubbish..like National whatever.
Exactly. It's nonsense that you'd find in the National Enquirer or on some loony internet site. There is some kind of internet documentary about this that has made the rounds several times. I think it gives it an air of legitimacy to some.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Exactly. It's nonsense that you'd find in the National Enquirer or on some loony internet site. There is some kind of internet documentary about this that has made the rounds several times. I think it gives it an air of legitimacy to some.

I think that there is a tad more then an air of legitimacy about the unanswered questions and impossible scientific events, like a building falling at freefall speed, suggesting no resistance to the fall, indicating that it was a controlled explosion. In the over one hundred year history of steel high-rises and skyscrapers there has never been a single one, which has collapsed due to fire. On September 11, 2001 there were three such structures, which fell, World Trade Center Buildings Numbers One, Two and Seven.

You would think that a load of old nonsense would only generate one or two amatuestic movies but there are 60+ well financed and highly evidentiary documentaries detailing all of the obvious discrepancies and what was gained from that inside job. Below are just over half of them, all linked to video stream that can be watched instantly.

Groups that have been set up to investigate the 911 attacks and what makes it a inside job.

List of Experts who question the 911 attack
  • 220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials
  • 1,500+ Engineers and Architects
  • 250+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals
  • 400+ Professors Question 9/11
  • 300+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members
  • 200+ Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals
  • 400+ Medical Professionals

List of half of the documentaries that question the 911 attack
  1. The 9/11 Decade
  2. Bin Laden's Spy In America
  3. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
  4. Tania Head: The 9/11 Faker
  5. Inside 9/11
  6. George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview
  7. 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip
  8. 911 Emergency Room
  9. 9/11: Ground Zero’s Responders
  10. 9/11 False Flag
  11. Oil, Smoke and Mirrors
  12. 9/11: Missing Links
  13. 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
  14. 9/11: Decade of Deception
  15. Skygate 911
  16. 9/11 and the Belligerent Empire
  17. 9/11 Exposed
  18. September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
  19. Hy.poth.e.sis
  20. 9/11 Conspiracy Solved
  21. Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup
  22. 9/11: Intercepted
  23. 9/11: The Sensible Doubt
  24. September Clues
  25. The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction
  26. 9/11: The Falling Man
  27. 9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy
  28. Loose Change
  29. 9/11: The Road To Tyranny
  30. Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic
  31. Fahrenheit 9/11
Recent Additions to This List of Expert Supporters
(Please also check the other six pages.)

Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under President Nixon, Ford and Carter
Added July 17, 2011

Commander James Clow
U.S. Coast Guard (ret)
Former Chief, National Response Center
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
Added December 27, 2010

Roland Dumas
Former Foreign Minister of France
Added December 23, 2010

Major Albert M. Meyer, MHA
U.S. Air Force (ret)
Added December 15, 2010

Commander James R. Compton
U.S. Navy (ret)
Added November 1, 2010

Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Captain, U.S. Army Intelligence, World War II
Former CIA Case Officer
Added October 18, 2010

Michael Scheuer, PhD
Former Chief of the CIA's bin Laden unit
Added October 11, 2010

Ramsey Clark, MA, JD
66th U.S. Attorney General
Added September 29, 2010

Gov. Walter Peterson
81st Governor
State of New Hampshire
Added May 29, 2010

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Veteran Member
I think that there is a tad more then an air of legitimacy about the unanswered questions and impossible scientific events, like a building falling at freefall speed, suggesting no resistance to the fall, indicating that it was a controlled explosion. In the over one hundred year history of steel high-rises and skyscrapers there has never been a single one, which has collapsed due to fire. On September 11, 2001 there were three such structures, which fell, World Trade Center Buildings Numbers One, Two and Seven.
How many of 'em where also hit by huge airliners?

You would think that a load of old nonsense would only generate one or two amatuestic movies but there are 60+ well financed and highly evidentiary documentaries detailing all of the obvious discrepancies and what was gained from that inside job. Below are just over half of them, all linked to video stream that can be watched instantly.

Groups that have been set up to investigate the 911 attacks and what makes it a inside job.

List of Experts who question the 911 attack
  • 220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials
  • 1,500+ Engineers and Architects
  • 250+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals
  • 400+ Professors Question 9/11
  • 300+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members
  • 200+ Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals
  • 400+ Medical Professionals

List of half of the documentaries that question the 911 attack
  1. The 9/11 Decade
  2. Bin Laden's Spy In America
  3. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
  4. Tania Head: The 9/11 Faker
  5. Inside 9/11
  6. George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview
  7. 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip
  8. 911 Emergency Room
  9. 9/11: Ground Zero’s Responders
  10. 9/11 False Flag
  11. Oil, Smoke and Mirrors
  12. 9/11: Missing Links
  13. 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
  14. 9/11: Decade of Deception
  15. Skygate 911
  16. 9/11 and the Belligerent Empire
  17. 9/11 Exposed
  18. September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
  19. Hy.poth.e.sis
  20. 9/11 Conspiracy Solved
  21. Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup
  22. 9/11: Intercepted
  23. 9/11: The Sensible Doubt
  24. September Clues
  25. The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction
  26. 9/11: The Falling Man
  27. 9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy
  28. Loose Change
  29. 9/11: The Road To Tyranny
  30. Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic
  31. Fahrenheit 9/11
Recent Additions to This List of Expert Supporters
(Please also check the other six pages.)

Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under President Nixon, Ford and Carter
Added July 17, 2011

Commander James Clow
U.S. Coast Guard (ret)
Former Chief, National Response Center
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
Added December 27, 2010

Roland Dumas
Former Foreign Minister of France
Added December 23, 2010

Major Albert M. Meyer, MHA
U.S. Air Force (ret)
Added December 15, 2010

Commander James R. Compton
U.S. Navy (ret)
Added November 1, 2010

Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Captain, U.S. Army Intelligence, World War II
Former CIA Case Officer
Added October 18, 2010

Michael Scheuer, PhD
Former Chief of the CIA's bin Laden unit
Added October 11, 2010

Ramsey Clark, MA, JD
66th U.S. Attorney General
Added September 29, 2010

Gov. Walter Peterson
81st Governor
State of New Hampshire
Added May 29, 2010

I'd rather your respond to my post #284, instead of going on about this nonsense.

Is there any conspiracy theory that you don't believe?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I'd rather your respond to my post #284, instead of going on about this nonsense.

Is there any conspiracy theory that you don't believe?

I find your lack of concern and empathy repulsive and unsympathetic to the loss of so many lives, unnecessarily taken by those who run our secularist society. Your post 284 is an insignificance in comparison to such horrendous human calamity, it is only another of your usual bumptious and supercilious rhetoric that fuels your conceited assertiveness and dogmatism that I will have to discredit and refute.