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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
The Twin Towers certainly were. Building 7 was on fire all day long.

It was not on fire all day. It was 9 hours. There was a fire on one corner of the building that cause littled structural damage and could not have caused the collapse. Nothing that was hit by the debry from the twin towers would have set it alight. Who set it alight? At 5:20 p.m., the massive 47-story steel frame Building 7, untouched by the hijacked airplanes, imploded in the exact manner of a professionally engineered demolition - at near free-fall speed, straight down, and with scientific precision into a compact pile of rubble, barely damaging any of the surrounding buildings. 1,700+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives. The twin towers were designed to take a hit from a Boeing 747, or a few of them, and yet just one hit each caused them to fall, again at close to freefall speed, and all the explosions heard by many witnesses was just a party going on next door. 1,700 architects and engineers have signed a petision calling for another investigation into the collapses. They should have asked you, then you could have told them that it had been burning all day.
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My God is omniscient. He knows all that there is to know.
He has to allow things to play out because to interfere would remove free agency by making our choices His choices. That would render the Plan of Salvation as obsolete

If god is actually good, he would wish to avoid inflicting unnecessary suffering, right?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
If god is actually good, he would wish to avoid inflicting unnecessary suffering, right?

God is unable to inflict suffering on anyone. He is a perfect being and to hurt someone would be an act of imperfection that will cause Him to cease to be God.
God is unable to inflict suffering on anyone. He is a perfect being and to hurt someone would be an act of imperfection that will cause Him to cease to be God.

I am confused, under your avatar it says you are Christian. The bible is full of examples of god inflicting suffering on people. Have you read the bible?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I am confused, under your avatar it says you are Christian.

I don't know what you are saying here. Are you asking if I am a Christian because my avatar says that I am a Christian but my beliefs do not reflect upon Christianity.

The bible is full of examples of god inflicting suffering on people.

No, the bible is not full of examples of God inflicting suffering on people. The Old testament is full of cause and effect situations where mankind has been told to shape up because they had become wicked. They refused and reaped the consequences. But the Old Testament is all about a people governed by the Mosaic Laws. The New Testament if when the Abrahamic Laws were introduced and you will not find the same cause and effect.

Have you read the bible?

I wouldn't call myself a Christian if I hadn't.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
I really do not want you to do anything. I would prefer that you do what you feel is right. What I get uptight about is the 911 debunkers and those who will not take the time just to see what so many experts are crying out to the world about. I can see that you are conscientious within your own locality, however, there is a bigger world out there that we should be keeping an eye on before it all becomes to late. People categorically knew what was going to happen on the day before September 11th 2001. Whole companies that occupied 3 floors of the twin tower were told not to come in to work, apart from 250 problem employees who died in the Twin Towers. That is not hearsay, it is a fact. How was it possible for building seven to collapse into it's own footprint at free fall speed, that means without resistance, after receiving minimal damage. Buildings that were closure remain standing. Likewise with the twin towers. Literally hundreds of demolition experts have said that all three buildings were brought down by controlled explosions.
All these things you mention were rumors and nothing more. They were and are the fodder from conspiracy theory people who fall for these things. Much like those that say that all Muslims were told to stay home that day. None of these hold an ounce of water. Controlled explosions? Come on now. The footage of the planes is available for anyone who wishes to watch and there was no controlled explosion involved. But if you want to believe these things, I cannot stop you.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
All these things you mention were rumors and nothing more. They were and are the fodder from conspiracy theory people who fall for these things. Much like those that say that all Muslims were told to stay home that day. None of these hold an ounce of water. Controlled explosions? Come on now. The footage of the planes is available for anyone who wishes to watch and there was no controlled explosion involved. But if you want to believe these things, I cannot stop you.

I spent a long time researching 911 and I can confirm that in my opinion the majority of it is backed by sound scientific evidence. It was not all muslims that were told not to come into work, it was the employees of those who knew what was about to happen. It not a rumour either. They have sworn affidavits to corroborate the incident. Witnesses accounts that are now a matter of record.

I am not disputing that these planes hit the towers, they surely did, however, the towers would not have collapsed so soon after the hit and especially at free fall speed, just time it yourself. That means that the towers came down having no resistance below them as explosives were detonated systematically as it fell. There is no other way that they would have fallen at freefall speed and especially into their own footprint.

There is no reason why Thermite should be present in the dust of the twin towers and building 7 either. Thermite is used by demolition engineers to demolish buildings. They have now published a peer reviewed paper on it, so it is not rumor, it is indisputable scientific evidence.

Explosive Residues
Independent researchers have discovered a highly engineered explosive-incendiary material in several dust samples collected near the WTC site. In their paper, entitled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, nine researchers, led by chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, conclude:

“The red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

Likewise, if you do not want to believe that there is more than what immediately meets the eye concerning the twin towers and building seven, then that is, of course, your perfect right, I am not going to try and convince you otherwise. You must make your own mind up and stick with that which you feel comfortable with, however, what I have said about it is all verifiable and true. Personally, I just cannot ignore it.
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Well-Known Member
I spent a long time researching 911 and I can confirm that in my opinion the majority of it is backed by sound scientific evidence. It was not all muslims that were told not to come into work, it was the employees of those who knew what was about to happen. It not a rumour either. They have sworn affidavits to corroborate the incident. Witnesses accounts that are now a matter of record.

Believe whatever tabloid fodder you want. I am done with this, as I find it pointless and a complete waste of my time.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
All that this post does is either show your total ignorance to Christianity or you are making these abstract assertions just to wind posters up. If you knew anything about God and who He is, you would know that your presumptions are completely alien to Christianity.
From what I can tell, Christianity has as many versions of God as there are Christians.

Regardless, here's the core issue I've been getting at this whole time: whatever the objective you think God is trying to achieve, the fact that the objective has been achieved imperfectly (or not at all) is a problem.

Making declarations about how God has a different objective in mind than what everyone else thinks does nothing to help your case for God, because you still have this problem to content with. You've made things worse, in fact, because you also have to support your claims about God's intentions.

Meanwhile, the obvious answer has been staring you in the face. Whatever intentions you assume on the part of God, you're trying to reconcile these intentions with God's apparent inaction. Well, if we step back a bit and get rid of the assumptions, we can ask the question you should be asking: why does God behave as if he doesn't exist?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Because you know that I am a Christian so I love my fellow man enough to take my head out of the sand and smell the coffee instead of turning my back on the reality of the world we live in and how corrupt it really is. I try not to live in denial hoping it will go away if I close my eyes long enough. If anyone were to take a serious look at the evidence for HIV not causing AIDS, and for 911 being a obvious set up to dupe the American people into sanctioning war on Iraq, which reading your post worked on at least two of you, then I guaranty that you would believe it as well, just as 400 professors and 250 structural engineers were compelled to do. Anyone that has a reasonable level of education knows that aviation fluid does not burn hot enough to melt steel. It is a given.
I have a reasonable level of education, especially on this issue.

I'm a civil engineer myself. I've had formal education in metallurgy, structural steel design, and building science. In fact, my steel design prof worked on the design of the World Trade Center as a young engineer before becoming a professor and a forensic engineer.

In his class right after the attack, he set aside his scheduled lecture for the day and gave his assessment of what he thought probably happened. The NIST report ended up agreeing what he told us from personal knowledge of the building design and his experience as an engineer.

BTW: the fact that you would spout false claims about fire temperature and say "melting point" instead of "eutectoid temperature" (since steel loses strength and rigidity long before it becomes liquid) suggests to me that you aren't as informed and educated on this topic as you probably think you are.
Those who dismiss conspiracy theories humorously, and without looking at it with open eyes, play straight into the conspirators hands by persuading the world that there is no conspiracy and that if you think there is then you are a lesser person for it, which tell you the caliber of the person doing the discrediting. They are as bad as those who perpetrate the crime but just don't have the capacity to know it, even though with 911 the evidence is so obvious. They have been dumbed down by authority.
You don't have the first clue about what I know about the World Trade Center attack and collapse, but you automatically assume that my positionis uninformed? Who's being closed-minded?

I don't automatically reject conspiracy theories. When it comes to 9/11, I came to the conclusion that the "Truther" position is ridiculous after thorough, careful examination.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I have a reasonable level of education, especially on this issue.

I'm a civil engineer myself. I've had formal education in metallurgy, structural steel design, and building science. In fact, my steel design prof worked on the design of the World Trade Center as a young engineer before becoming a professor and a forensic engineer.

In his class right after the attack, he set aside his scheduled lecture for the day and gave his assessment of what he thought probably happened. The NIST report ended up agreeing what he told us from personal knowledge of the building design and his experience as an engineer.


BTW: the fact that you would spout false claims about fire temperature and say "melting point" instead of "eutectoid temperature" (since steel loses strength and rigidity long before it becomes liquid) suggests to me that you aren't as informed and educated on this topic as you probably think you are.

You are the only one, in 15 years of looking at this, who has used the term "eutectoid temperature". I suspect you are using it to prove your credentials.

"Spout false claims" How is that not aggressive and argumentative? I have not said that I have any qualifications in metallurgy or anything like it. You have assumed it and then insulted me on your assumption. I am not qualified in the area of metals and how they behave, however, I know 400 professors that do and they all say that thermite should not be in the dust of the twin towers and building seven and that the fire in both buildings was not hot enough to cause a collapse. Many of those 400 were engineers on the twin towers, including one of the designers of that building. Who should I listen to, you, an atheist who persecutes Christians but claims to be a Civil Engineer, or a Structural Engineer that I can see and hear telling me that it was a controlled explosion. I am sorry but I am going with the latter.

You are talking about just one area where there are many discrepancies. There are so many areas that need to be addressed for the sake of all those who lost their lives at the hands of their own government then blames it on the east allowing them to go to war for fuel and introduce the Patriot act to make sure you all comply, as you are doing right now.

1. The twin towers collapsed at near free-fall speed, completely negating the laws of conservation of motion. Pick up a pencil and drop it from head height. Think about all the supporting material supposedly untouched below the collapsing building — would that not have slowed the collapse to some degree? No, it appears that the building’s supports were cut out from under it, like it was part of a computer-controlled, downwards explosion!

2. The total collapse of WTC 7 did not even rate a single sentence in the 9/11 Commission report. They completely ignored this one of a kind event, a building never hit by a plane and collapsing due to minor office fires. It’s later is explained away as due to some unknown amount of damage from debris from WTC 1. The entire 47 story building came virtually straight down and described by some demo experts as a blatant controlled demolition. The building’s owner, Larry Silverstein in an interview, infamously utters the phrase “we pulled it.” It appears that some delay occurred in the demo of WTC 7 and was meant to “collapse” along with the other two towers.

3. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown insists he was warned not to fly 8 hours before the attack. He said it on camera and I saw it. Just who alerted his security people is unclear. A group of top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans for the morning of 9/11 the very day before. It’s proven that at least two employees of the messaging firm ODIGO did in fact receive email text messages warning them two hours in advance.

4. There were many credible reports and audio of explosions in WTC 1, 2 & 7 before and during the collapse, from numerous Firefighters, Police and civilians, both inside and outside the buildings. There’s even a video of WTC 7 where you can actually hear the charges going off right before the whole thing came down into it’s own footprint, at virtually the same speed as free-fall — physically impossible without demolition.

5. No large pieces of aircraft debris manages to survive the Pentagon crash site (only small pieces were ever photographed). No wings, tail structure, nor the massive high-strength engines which could not “evaporate” in an explosion of any sort (just imagine how those two engines out on the wings left no marks on the pentagon wall). The wings, engines and tail would have had to do some incredibly bizarre instant contortions to fit into the small crash entrance that was photographed before the roof caved in 45 minutes later. Unknown people were out picking up everything literally within minutes of the scene being stabilized. That very same afternoon, a line of people was organized to walk shoulder-to-shoulder, to pick up anything found on the lawn. Very soon after, the whole lawn itself is bulldozed over. No maintenance records correlating to aircraft parts history of Flight 77 — or any of the other 9/11 planes — are released, even though such things are public domain in any other aircraft accidents or crimes.

6. Over 80 security camera video around the Pentagon were confiscated and not released by the FBI. What’s the point in that? Surely, they can be no good reason — short of total lies to the American public — not to have released them.

7. Just the very day before, Rumsfeld announces a 2.3 trillion dollar (maybe more) “accounting error” which was suddenly forgotten about with the attacks the next day (by the media, too). The west side of the Pentagon struck, just happened to have held offices for accounting. Any explanation for the details for this accounting “error” are later explained away as being lost in the attack. How convenient. Do they really think we are so stupid?

8. Jet fuel fires only generate temperatures around 800° (C) and the burning fuel from the crashes only lasted a few seconds. Open-air hydrocarbon fires from office materials can not generate temperatures any higher. All of this fails to account for the structural steel weakening enough to cause the tower’s collapse. Nor does it explain the bedevilling evidence of red-hot molten metal in the debris field, weeks and even months after the collapse!

9. Nine scientists, in a peer-reviewed paper, have now proven "conclusively" - backed-up with "irrefutable" chemical analysis —that nano-thermite explosive residue was found in the dust of the WTC. This could NOT be anything else.

10. Flight 175 barely even grazed the main core of the south tower. The building’s chief engineer, John Skilling, had actually designed the whole thing to survive multiple impacts of 707’s at 600 mph, planes not much smaller than 757’s.

You don't have the first clue about what I know about the World Trade Center attack and collapse, but you automatically assume that my positionis uninformed? Who's being closed-minded?

You don't have the first clue about what I know about the World Trade Center attack and collapse, but you automatically assume that my position is uninformed? Who's being closed-minded?

I don't automatically reject conspiracy theories. When it comes to 9/11, I came to the conclusion that the "Truther" position is ridiculous after thorough, careful examination.

What do you want me to say? You are wrong? Yes, you are most definitely wrong, and if you gave it that much consideration, then there is something amiss somewhere. The World Trade Centre was demolished under the instructions of the US Government. There is no doubt about that, none what so ever. It was demolished for many reasons with the core reason being money. Larry Silverstein bought the complex just weeks before the attack for 2.2 billion dollars but claimed 7.4 billion dollars from the insurance. He got just over 5 billion dollars, not a bad investment, and all it cost was 2.2 billion dollars and just over 3,000 innocent lives. It seems that it is the debunkers position that is ridiculous and a unhelpful hinderance in bringing to justice those who were really behind the collapse of world trade centre 1, 2 and 7, like George Bush. The man who joked about his mistaken announcement that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as he gave a speech at a banquet, laughing so hard that he could barely contain himself.[/QUOTE]


Veteran Member
It was not on fire all day. It was 9 hours. There was a fire on one corner of the building that cause littled structural damage and could not have caused the collapse. Nothing that was hit by the debry from the twin towers would have set it alight. Who set it alight? At 5:20 p.m., the massive 47-story steel frame Building 7, untouched by the hijacked airplanes, imploded in the exact manner of a professionally engineered demolition - at near free-fall speed, straight down, and with scientific precision into a compact pile of rubble, barely damaging any of the surrounding buildings. 1,700+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives. The twin towers were designed to take a hit from a Boeing 747, or a few of them, and yet just one hit each caused them to fall, again at close to freefall speed, and all the explosions heard by many witnesses was just a party going on next door. 1,700 architects and engineers have signed a petision calling for another investigation into the collapses. They should have asked you, then you could have told them that it had been burning all day.
Yeah, that's basically all day. I'm not surprised that something that burned for 9 hours eventually collapsed. I saw it burning with my own eyes on 9/11, just like everyone else did. And I watched two giant towers collapse right beside it, just like everyone else did. I don't know why anyone would be surprised any of the buildings fell down.

Giant airliners ran into buildings and they fell down. It was a terrible and unforeseen tragedy. Just because something is built to be strong, doesn't make it invincible or invulnerable. The Titanic was built to be "unsinkable" and look what happened to it.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Yeah, that's basically all day. I'm not surprised that something that burned for 9 hours eventually collapsed. I saw it burning with my own eyes on 9/11, just like everyone else did. And I watched two giant towers collapse right beside it, just like everyone else did. I don't know why anyone would be surprised any of the buildings fell down.

A day is 24 hours in the UK. 9 hours is just over a third of a day with a further 66% to go. But I can understand why you would think that a building would collapse after having an office fire for just 9 hour

Maybe because in all of the history of skyscrapers and high rise this has never happened before, especially at free fall speed and into it own footprint, which you seem to be avoiding, as everyone else does, because it is exact science that irrefutably proves that it was a controlled demolition. I am surprised that anyone would consider that an office fire would cause the collapse of these three buildings, that were hit three quarters of the way up the building.
Giant airliners ran into buildings and they fell down. It was a terrible and unforeseen tragedy. Just because something is built to be strong, doesn't make it invincible or invulnerable. The Titanic was built to be "unsinkable" and look what happened to it.

Flight 175 barely even grazed the main core of the south tower. The building’s chief engineer, John Skilling, had actually designed the whole thing to survive multiple impacts of 707’s at 600 mph, planes not much smaller than 757’s.

The titanic has major design fault. The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach as high as they should have done. The White Star Line did not want them to go all the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class. If Mr Andrews, the ship's architect, had insisted on making them the correct height then maybe the Titanic would not have sunk. The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach as high as they should have done. The White Star Line did not want them to go all the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class. If Mr Andrews, the ship's architect, had insisted on making them the correct height then maybe the Titanic would not have sunk.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You are the only one, in 15 years of looking at this, who has used the term "eutectoid temperature". I suspect you are using it to prove your credentials.
Then you've been reading things put forward by charlatans. It's an important concept because it makes it clear that you've been sold a bill of goods.

The eutectoid temperature of steel (723 C for plain carbon steel) is the temperature at which its crystal structure breaks down and re-forms. This is accompanied by a significant loss in strength. It's not the melting point, but it's the point when steel becomes weak and floppy; think licorice: not liquid, but not strong or rigid... like we need our buildings to be.

"Spout false claims" How is that not aggressive and argumentative?
It might be, but I stopped short of calling it a lie because I'm open to the possibility that you've been misinformed.

Any time you see a table in a textbook or the like about the temperature of a burning substance, it's in open air. In a closed environment, if you have something burning, there's no theoretical limit to the temperature that can be achieved by burning ANY combustible substance.

As long as the fire is emitting energy into the space, if the amount of energy going into the space from the fire is less than the amount of energy dissipating from the space, the temperature will increase. Where the equilibrium point will be depends on the characteristics of the space: things like its size, shape, wall reflectivity, conductivity, ventilation, etc.

There is no magic single value for the maximum temperature of a fire under real-world conditions.

... so that's why your claim was false. If you don't want to be accused of spouting false claims in the future, then make the effort to fact-check what you say before you say it.
I have not said that I have any qualifications in metallurgy or anything like it. You have assumed it and then insulted me on your assumption.
I don't really care if you feel insulted. I'm more interested in correcting your misinformation for the benefit of others reading this thread than protecting your feelings.

Who should I listen to, you, an atheist who persecutes Christians but claims to be a Civil Engineer, or a StructuralEngineer that I can see and hear telling me that it was a controlled explosion. Iam sorry but I am going with the latter.
Why on Earth would you think I persecute Christians?

And I know I'm not going to change your mind on 9/11. I have no way to force you to educate yourself about this topic (and wouldn't want to force you even if I did). My aim here is to make it clear to everyone else that you've been duped and to make sure that your voice isn't the only one they hear.

If you decide to listen to reason, great, but I'll settle for having everyone else recognize your claims for what they really are.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Flight 175 barely even grazed the main core of the south tower. The building’s chief engineer, John Skilling, had actually designed the whole thing to survive multiple impacts of 707’s at 600 mph, planes not much smaller than 757’s.
Have you actually read the NIST report? It talks in detail about the failure mechanism of the buildings.


Veteran Member
A day is 24 hours in the UK. 9 hours is just over a third of a day with a further 66% to go. But I can understand why you would think that a building would collapse after having an office fire for just 9 hour

Maybe because in all of the history of skyscrapers and high rise this has never happened before, especially at free fall speed and into it own footprint, which you seem to be avoiding, as everyone else does, because it is exact science that irrefutably proves that it was a controlled demolition. I am surprised that anyone would consider that an office fire would cause the collapse of these three buildings, that were hit three quarters of the way up the building.
Gimme a break. It burned for 9 hours, all throughout the daylight hours.

Why are you shocked that a building that burned for 9 hours fell down?
Flight 175 barely even grazed the main core of the south tower. The building’s chief engineer, John Skilling, had actually designed the whole thing to survive multiple impacts of 707’s at 600 mph, planes not much smaller than 757’s.
Both towers were hit by planes.

You can build a building with all safety precautions in place and still something can go wrong. I'm not sure anyone could have anticipated what happened on 9/11. Nothing is 100% safe and secure, and nobody can predict every single scenario that might occur.

The titanic has major design fault. The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach as high as they should have done. The White Star Line did not want them to go all the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class. If Mr Andrews, the ship's architect, had insisted on making them the correct height then maybe the Titanic would not have sunk. The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach as high as they should have done. The White Star Line did not want them to go all the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class. If Mr Andrews, the ship's architect, had insisted on making them the correct height then maybe the Titanic would not have sunk.

Regardless, the point is, that everyone thought it was unsinkable. Just like you apparently thought the WTC should have been indestructible. Thinking something doesn't make it so, obviously.

I'm still curious as to why you will not respond to my post that actually has something to do with the thread topic, and instead are focusing on this 9/11 conspiracy which has little to nothing to do with your thread topic.
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Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Have you actually read the NIST report? It talks in detail about the failure mechanism of the buildings.
To be honest I am not going to get into the NIST report. It has be debunked by so many experts that are not in the employment of the Government or on their payroll. I am surprised that you hold any faith in it, beings you have been schooled in civil engineering. If you have read it you should be able to pick up the obvious buncom that it contains. Especially since you know so much about metallurgy.


And why didn’t NIST address what these experts say?:

  • The former head of the Fire Science Division of the government agency which claims that the World Trade Centers collapsed due to fire (the National Institute of Standards and Technology), who is one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (Dr. James Quintiere),called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. “I wish that there would be a peer review of this,” he said, referring to the NIST investigation. “I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. … I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable.
  • Two professors of structural engineering at a prestigious Swiss university (Dr. Joerg Schneider and Dr. Hugo Bachmann) said that, on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 was brought down by controlled demolition
  • Kamal S. Obeid, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, of Fremont, California, says :
“Photos of the steel, evidence about how the buildings collapsed, the unexplainable collapse of WTC 7, evidence of thermite in the debris as well as several other red flags, are quite troubling indications of well planned and controlled demolition”

  • Ronald H. Brookman, structural engineer, with a masters degree in Engineering from UC Davis, of Novato California, writes :
“Why would all 47 stories of WTC 7 fall straight down to the ground in about seven seconds… ? It was not struck by any aircraft or engulfed in any fire. An independent investigation is justified for all three collapses including the surviving steel samples and the composition of the dust.”

  • Graham John Inman, structural engineer, of London, England, points out :
“WTC 7 Building could not have collapsed as a result of internal fire and external debris. NO plane hit this building. This is the only case of a steel frame building collapsing through fire in the world. The fire on this building was small & localized therefore what is the cause?”

  • A prominent physicist with 33 years of service for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC (Dr. David L. Griscom) said that the official theory for why the Twin Towers and world trade center building 7 collapsed

Following our reports this week about three different ground zero rescue workers who all testified that they were told Building 7 was to be brought down, yet more revealing testimony has come to light - this time from a former NYPD officer and first responder, who states that he clearly heard bombs tear down Building 7 as he ran away from its collapse. Do you think that this guy is a liar, was mistaken, delusional or a charlatans? Are all of the above revered experts charlatans as well. Are the millions of people, some 146 million in the USA, all charlatans. Are 250 structural engineers and demolition experts all charlatans. Or maybe the 400 professors who have signed a petition asking for another independant investigation are all charlatans. If this is not enough to make you smell a rat then you don't want to hear the truth.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
To be honest I am not going to get into the NIST report. It has be debunked by so many experts that are not in the employment of the Government or on their payroll. I am surprised that you hold any faith in it, beings you have been schooled in civil engineering. If you have read it you should be able to pick up the obvious buncom that it contains. Especially since you know so much about metallurgy.
That wasn't a "yes". Have you read it?

I mean actually read it and not just parroted opinions about it from other people.

Have you?