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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering

Ve Zivko

New Member
Nothing but hearsay from beginning to end. BTW, I overcame my religious indoctrination on my own, and changed my mind on my own based on reason rather than blind faith.

Well said, always go with reason over blind faith, shame that a lot of people don't do that, go up to a religious person and present them with a fossil that is over a billion years old they will have none of it, wouldn't give you the time of day.


Veteran Member
I am not going to argue with you because it seems that what ever I say you disagree with as a matter of course. I read this in a paper written by a professor of genetics. I figured that he is right considering who he is, however, you are no doubt more qualified then he is. I am talking about adaptive behaviour when a child adapts to using a potty instead of soiling himself. That is adapting so my description was right and did not require any challenge.

I’d like to see that paper then, because what you are describing here falls under the field of psychology, so perhaps you are missing something in your explanation that would tie it into genetics.

This is what you said and this is what I read. "You said: "Anyhoo, alcoholism is genetic. The link you gave reinforces that fact that myself and another poster had previously pointed out. So as it turns out, I do know what I'm talking about. You're the person trying to say alcoholism isn't genetic. That would make you wrong. Sorry."

I showed you exactly what I said in my more detailed post that I provided long before that one. I’m not sure how you missed that one, given that I’ve quoted it several times now and cited the post number as well. The only conclusion I can come to at this point that you are simply being dishonest.

I even went on further to point out that a discussion of genetics inherently contains a discussion on environment because both are intertwined in various ways. So to say that alcoholism is genetic, does not in any way ignore or deny the fact that environmental factors are involved. If you paid closer attention to what I’ve said, we wouldn’t have to go round and round in this silly game.

You are judging me without justification. I have not ignored what you have said, I had not read it, therefore, I only read your claim that alcoholism is down to genetics. You wrote it in a way that who ever just joined the debate would wonder what planet you lived on. It was grossly negligent and inconsistent.

I’ve asked you to point out to me what it is that I am not being clear about, after I’ve explained myself several times now. That’s not a judgment, that is a request.

You haven’t just joined the thread, so I don’t know what you’re going on about. If someone new joins the thread and asks me to clarify my statement, then I will gladly do so.

Well it sure did sound like it

Well, I clarified what I was saying right below it, so it shouldn’t sound that way now.

It didn't work because you were teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs again.

I still have no idea what that means. How about addressing what I’m saying?

I know what you are saying, however, you are wrong. You are trying to make a fact out of an ambiguity. We can all say "No" regardless of our genes. They may cause the urge but we lift the blanket and get in. If you say that we cannot control our base desires, then lets be honest, a trip to a psychologist is essential. Everything we do is by our choice, to blame it on our genes is a first degree cop out. That is why I said that dead to rights killers say that the are deterministic, blaming anyone or anything for their actions..

It depends what choices you are talking about. Some things that seem within our conscious control are influenced by factors we are not even aware of.

I didn’t say “we can’t control our base desires.” What I said was, we are genetically predisposed to certain behaviors, emotions, reactions, etc., or the risk of certain behaviors, given presentation of certain environmental cues at significant points in our development. Once we also factor in things like brain chemistry and epigenetics, it becomes pretty obvious that something like sexual orientation isn’t a conscious choice. Alcoholism is another one, once we start factoring in family history, personality type, and all the other indicators I mentioned long ago. Nobody chooses to be an alcoholic and nobody wants to be an alcoholic.

Then you see something that I don't.

I’m trying to point out to you what it is that I see that you apparently do not see. I’ve given you a few different examples.

We are all in full control of our faculties, only when you lose that control can you claim "I didn't have a choice". There is no compromise on this.

Again, it depends what you are talking about. For example, if you are talking about a person that is physically addicted to alcohol, quitting without close medical supervision isn’t necessarily a viable choice, given that that person’s body is dependent upon a certain blood alcohol concentration.

Or if we are talking about sexual orientation, it’s pretty clear that we are not making conscious choices to be attracted to other people, rather, it’s something that happens as a result of myriad of factors that are beyond our control.

This isn’t to say that we aren’t responsible to each other for the actions we take and the choices we make.

I am sixty years old and in that time I have fully accepted that I am totally responsible for every choice I have ever made, whether it be wrong or right, and have never willingly succumbed to the enticing of the Devel, or or any other influence, that would cause me to do something that I did not want to.

Good for you. That doesn’t deny the fact that there are certain things that are involved in your decision making abilities that are beyond your control, many of which you are not even aware of. The fields of psychology and genetics have elucidated this fact for us.

I’m sorry but I don’t believe in the existence of an evil demon that tries to seduce us into doing bad things. It just sounds like an excuse or a cop out to me.

Drinking another pint before going home, which leads to another and another is not the beers choice, it is mine. I accept accountability for that. That the choice was a wrong one does not detract from the fact that I made it, nobody made me do it. No one has ever made me do anything. I drank the second beer because that it what I wanted to do at the time.
Try arguing with your body when you’re curled up in the corner of the room having seizures and hallucinating and not knowing where you are because you didn’t have any alcohol today.

Christ is real, you just choose not to find out for yourself. Christ does not impose himself upon you. He knocks on a door with no handle. It has to be you who lets Him in. Christ cannot intervene and what kind of test would it be if you know all the answers.

Simply stating things doesn’t make them true. You believe Christ is real.

If he is, he should know exactly how to “knock on a door with no handle” in order to lead me to him and convince me of his existence, if that’s what he desires. He has not and so I cannot assume he exists.

It is my opinion that they have no deterrent. The have no rules and regulations, morals and principles, that the have a need to follow. If they sin then there is no consequences to their actions. So, although I cannot tar all atheists with the same brush I am a realist and can see easy prey for satan to influences into paths of unrighteousness. Although morality is objective when you have no need to keep then than the first thing to go is morals

It certainly is your opinion. Reality doesn’t bear out that opinion, as we’ve discussed in the past on other threads.

I, like most people, have no desire to be harmed and I have no desire to harm others, because I can empathize and understand how it feels to be harmed. I want to live in a society where I can be safe and happy and live in harmony with other human beings. I can’t do that if I am committing crimes against my fellow human beings, and neither can they. I can’t speak for most atheists, but since atheist mobs aren’t swarming the streets and raping and pillaging all over the place, I think I might be onto something.

The consequences to my actions are that they affect other people. And I have to live with how those consequences affect other people. We all do. I don’t think we need to believe that we need to be obedient to some invisible entity that dictates to us what we must do, and I don’t think any morality is actually being exercised under such a system. It’s really just following orders, whether we find them moral or not.


Veteran Member
Do you know, I can say that. One of the senses that feeds our cognitive awareness is our eyes. Through my eyes I see an animal with limited intelligence. Not with none but limited. They will easily open a door if you give them a banana, but he will never be able to solve a quadratic equation or have an intelligent conversations. They have not changed that much since we started to observe them. None of them drive a car to work or watches a rugby match with his mates. I love animals. I have two shih tzus that I adore who are both very intelligent but to potty train them would be a waste of my time.

You can’t say that any more than anybody else can. You cannot be aware of things that you have no way of being aware of.

Apes can be taught to communicate using sign language. Adolescent chimpanzees can beat adult humans in memory tests.


Yours is a very anthropocentric point of view. Which oddly enough, is one of those things that humans are prone to, while being unaware that we are doing it. Funny how that ties in with our discussion above.

I don’t know why you think potty training your dogs would be a waste of time. I taught my Lhasapoo how to ring a bell when she wanted to go outside to go to the bathroom. It wasn’t that difficult either. And then she got really smart and learned all by herself how to trick me into getting up to let her out while I was eating dinner, so she could race over to the kitchen table to grab my food while I was up. I think you’re vastly underestimating the other animals we share this planet with.

That is your prerogative.

Sorry, it’s not convincing to me.

Don't see it, or don't want to see it.

I don’t see the need to invoke an invisible entity that nobody has ever been able to demonstrate exists in the first place when we can investigate and explain how things work just fine without the need to insert a god into it. Furthermore, I don’t see how “god did it” explains anything at all. Explaining mysterious things by inserting other mysterious things doesn’t get us anywhere.

I became a Christian because I was challenged to try it, and if I did so with real intent have faith in Christ and a belief in His mission that I would receive the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Initially I tried half heartedly, however, I gave my word that I would try so I must honour my word. I would treat it as though it were a scientific experiment and give it equal attention. I have been a Christian for some 40 years now, because I rose to the challenged and received the testimony of the Holy Ghost, as promised. You have to want it bad enough to succeed anything else will result is a failure.

I was a Christian until I was in my late teens. I wanted it bad. And I got nothing from Jesus or god. Reading the Bible cover to cover made me realize even more that I wanted no part of that religion.

For a god that supposedly loves us so much, he sure tries his hardest to stay hidden away.

I believe that animals think in concepts rather then words so to discern concepts is not impossible. I know when my dogs are hungry, when they want a drink or go for a walk. Their wagging tails tells me that they are happy, and their affection towards me tells me that they love me. The communicate to us by barks and moans in a way that we comprehend them. I have an interest in dolphins and those who look after them will tell you that do know what the are feeling rather then what they are thinking.

You don’t know what any animal is thinking. Or another person, for that matter. Nobody can. We can see judge how a dog feels, by its body language but its thoughts are beyond our knowledge.

Well, I believe differently. They are not without intelligence and they have a limited degree of cognitive awareness, however, they will never understand what a black hole is. We are leaps and bound ahead of them. We have progressed in Intelligence over the last thousand years yet they have only marginally progressed. We are of a different breed to them
Apparently you will believe whatever you want, regardless of whether it’s demonstrably true or not.

Again I implore you to go and Google our primate cousins.


Veteran Member
You say there is no God then you put up an argument against a God that you say doesn't.exist.

In response to your claim that God does not exist, I would have to ask you to prove your assertion, and secondly, advice you that the Plan of Salvation does not allow for God to intervene, it is for us to be tried and tested and to recognize our faults and failing and then to forsake them. It is to be our choice and not a God assisted persuasions.
Actually you need to prove god to me, your the one who believes in him.


Well-Known Member
The keyword here is 'seems' as you don't know what God is doing and what was avoided.

Jer 9:23 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I think you misunderstand what the ad hominem fallacy is:

Yes, I am sure you do, thus allowing you to offend without recourse, only, your remarks have in fact offended me, therefore, there is no hiding behind rhetoric or ambiguities.

- ad hominem: "you're a fool, therefore what you're saying is irrational."
- not an ad hominem: "what you're saying is irrational, therefore you're behaving foolishly."

There are major differences between saying "I am sorry but I believe you are wrong in your opinion" and "you just seem not to be a very clear thinker, at least on this issue." One is an exemplary response and the other an unnecessary slight against my person. Both definitions you give make assumptions based on your opinions, verified by saying that "you do not know me", yet you make this statement as though you do, because you a stating it as fact and not pure supposition or opinion from you.

I didn't bring up your character; you did. I just replied... and I did so in a way that WAS focused on what you said. If you missed it, re-read the last sentence of my post.

It is irrelevant who brought up my character. It is the result of your accusations that brings my character into question ❔.

If it were focused on what I said why didn't you critique my words rather then my ability to rationalize, you just said that I am irrational without qualifying why you consider me to be irrational. Irrationality is to be "absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, silly, foolish, senseless, nonsensical, laughable, idiotic, stupid, wild;" according to the on line dictionary. It is a obvious negative expression and a hostile insult that you accuse me of. You are saying that I am foolish, therefore, according to you, what I am saying is irrational. An ad hominem by your own definition. However, in my opinion, both examples are ad hominem and it is you who misunderstands its meaning. In both cases your remarks are directed at my person and not my argument, which you have not even mentioned. What is not kicking the player instead of the ball in saying "therefore you're behaving foolishly" or "you're a fool." Both are hostile and both are directed at my person instead of the argument.

If you want to debate the many evidences for the existence of a God then I am willing to express my opinion, but leave my person out of it by sticking to the topic and not me.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Yes, I am sure you do, thus allowing you to offend without recourse, only, your remarks have in fact offended me, therefore, there is no hiding behind rhetoric or ambiguities.
And if I respected you, I would care about your hurt feelings.

If you want to debate the many evidences for the existence of a God then I am willing to express my opinion, but leave my person out of it by sticking to the topic and not me.
All right: give some of these "many evidences for the existence of a God"; I don't know of any.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
And if I respected you, I would care about your hurt feelings.

I have not asked you for your respect, as I know that it is a trait that forum atheists rarely possess. I do not ask you to care about my hurt feeling either, as empathy is also a characteristic in short supply to forum atheists. And that you can admit to disrespecting an anonymous person on a forum, giving his opinions, in writing, is, quite frankly, ludicrous. As you said "you don't know me", certainly not enough to judge me as you have.

All right: give some of these "many evidences for the existence of a God"; I don't know of any.

You had your chance but blew it with a unnecessary unfriendly rebuttal. You have demonstated that to debate these points with you now would be futile as you would not treat this with any kind of credence.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Good try, so you don't believe in him, that's good.

Why would it be good if I do not believe in a source that promotes righteousness as good and debauchery as bad? Surely that would be something to celebrate?

So, how do you propose to substantiate your claim that God does not exist?

In Post #652 you wrote : "Its easy, there isn't no God, how many brain cells do we need to realize that ?."

And again in Post #736 you said : "Well for one there is no god, "

Two clear and concise statements making an absolute claim that God does not in fact exist. For you to say that, without knowingly lying, you would have to be certain that what you are claiming is in fact true. To be certain that it is true you need to have some kind of evidences that will confirm you claim. So, can you show us the evidence that positively demonstrates that God does not exist so that we can put it all behind us and get on with life without the righteous principles taught to us by God. That is just what our world needs right now, less righteousness. Why is it that atheists, and such the like, want to abolish institutes that preach love and harmony?
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Veteran Member
Why would it be good? So, how do you propose to substantiate your claim that God does not exist?
In Post 652 you wrote : "Its easy, there isn't no God, how many brain cells do we need to realize that ?."

And again in Post 736 you said : "Well for one there is no god, "
Yes there is no god, a god has never been proved by anyone, until one is proved, I will change my mind, until a loch ness monster is proved I will again change my mind.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yes there is no god, a god has never been proved by anyone, until one is proved, I will change my mind, until a loch ness monster is proved I will again change my mind.

What to you is proof? What kind of proof do you want?

Do you know everything? If you admit you don't know all the knowledge that is, then how can you make a call there is no God? With so much unknown how can you make such a call and even confidently? Are you so confident in your own ignorance that it can prove there is no God despite you not knowing everything?

For some miracles are a proof for others the existence of the universe is proof. For you, what would be proof?


Veteran Member
What to you is proof? What kind of proof do you want?

Do you know everything? If you admit you don't know all the knowledge that is, then how can you make a call there is no God? With so much unknown how can you make such a call and even confidently? Are you so confident in your own ignorance that it can prove there is no God despite you not knowing everything?

For some miracles are a proof for others the existence of the universe is proof. For you, what would be proof?
Call me what you like, but there is still no god, unless you call God the Cosmos, and not a personal thing up in the sky, then we can talk.


Call me what you like, but there is still no god, unless you call God the Cosmos, and not a personal thing up in the sky, then we can talk.

That and there being no god are the two equally likely, or unlikely, possibilities. You can either face that or choose to believe one or the other without reason. But there's no avoiding the fact that you don' know, that agnosticism is the only ultimately reasonable position--no matter how much you dislike the doubt.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I have not asked you for your respect, as I know that it is a trait that forum atheists rarely possess. I do not ask you to care about my hurt feeling either, as empathy is also a characteristic in short supply to forum atheists. And that you can admit to disrespecting an anonymous person on a forum, giving his opinions, in writing, is, quite frankly, ludicrous. As you said "you don't know me", certainly not enough to judge me as you have.
I'm not judging your entirety as a person; I'm only judging what I've seen here. And all I've seen here is bad arguments, prejudice, and snark when you get called out on your bad arguments or prejudice.

(Case in point on your prejudice: you painting all "forum atheists" with the same broad brush based on your experiences with me.)

You had your chance but blew it with a unnecessary unfriendly rebuttal. You have demonstated that to debate these points with you now would be futile as you would not treat this with any kind of credence.
I'd carefully consider what you gave if you gave any compelling argument or evidence, but you may be right: I have no confidence that what you might give would be compelling.

Of course, neither of us owe each other anything, so if you have compelling evidence for God but want to keep it to yourself out of spite, you're completely entitled to do this.


Well-Known Member
Satan does not intervene in human suffering because the humans often bring upon themselves. Also, Satan does not simply going around helping people. If one wants Satan to help them end their suffering, they may do a ritual, which is a complex process and relies partially on the agreement of Satan. Also, one cannot simple expect Satan to end suffering for them, they should expect his help.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I'm not judging your entirety as a person; I'm only judging what I've seen here.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

And all I've seen here is bad arguments, prejudice, and snark when you get called out on your bad arguments or prejudice.

What gives you the authority to assume the position of an arbiter of what constitutes a bad argument or a good argument. It seems clear to me that all of your arguments must be good and any others are bad, because they do not agree with yours.

"Prejudice" is just another word for bias, which all of us are to our own beliefs and opinions, so you have said nothing untowards about me, in fact the opposite is true as you effectively say that I am honorably committed to my beliefs.

As for "snark," it is a sticks and stones slang for the attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm. That is your opinion, which, in my opinion, bears no resemblance to reality, but you are entitled to that opinion as I am to mine.

(Case in point on your prejudice: you painting all "forum atheists" with the same broad brush based on your experiences with me.)

That is your opinion and your gross misjudgement of me again. But you flatter yourself. You are not even a particularly hostile or aggressive atheist in comparison to many others that are here. Please be assured that you are not a bonafide member of the elite group of aggressive non-believers and Antichrists who demonstrate a positive hatred for Christianity and all that it stands for, although you do have the same fixation that all atheists have it right and all Christians have it wrong, because you are all more intellectually astute then we are, when the exact opposite is true, in that, non-believers do not have the intellectual capacity to be able to commune with God, via His Holy Ghost, and bear testimony to all of His works. No, I have many other more suitable candidates that I could use as a broad brush for painting my austetically pleasing portrait of truth and honesty.

I'd carefully consider what you gave if you gave any compelling argument or evidence, but you may be right: I have no confidence that what you might give would be compelling.

Neither do I, it is my opinion and dependant on the beliefs of those who read it, however, you are not compelled to respond to it, in fact, you didn't address one single point in my post that gave considerable weight to the existence of God, you just criticised my person instead of critiquing my opinions constructively.
Of course, neither of us owe each other anything, so if you have compelling evidence for God but want to keep it to yourself out of spite, you're completely entitled to do this.

It would not be compelling to you as you are obviously convinced that there is no God. It is only compelling to those who seek Him. It is so disconcerting to realise that you have cast your pearl before swine, however, there is a thread by me that has several thousand posts and many thousands of views, related to the topic, that people must have thought compelling enough to contribute so many posts on the subject. bad arguments do not usually do that. Would that be the case if your appraisal of me were true?
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Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Satan does not intervene in human suffering because the humans often bring upon themselves. Also, Satan does not simply going around helping people. If one wants Satan to help them end their suffering, they may do a ritual, which is a complex process and relies partially on the agreement of Satan. Also, one cannot simple expect Satan to end suffering for them, they should expect his help.

Satan is the anti Christ, that old serpent, defined as a sly or treacherous person, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray it Also called the adversary or the devil, is the enemy of all righteousness and of those who seek to follow God. He is a spirit son of God who was once an angel “in authority in the presence of God” But in the premortal Council in Heaven, Lucifer, as Satan was then called, rebelled against God. Since that time, he has sought to destroy the children of God on the earth and to make them miserable.

One primary issue in the conflict between God and Satan is agency. Agency is a precious gift from God; it is essential to His plan for His children. In Satan's rebellion against God, Satan “sought to destroy the agency of man”. He said: “I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor”.

Satan persuaded “a third part of the hosts of heaven” to turn away from the Father. As a result of this rebellion, Satan and his followers were cut off from God's presence and denied the blessing of receiving a physical body.

Heavenly Father allows Satan and Satan's followers to tempt us as part of our experience in mortality. Because Satan “seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself”, he and his followers try to lead us away from righteousness. He directs his most strenuous opposition at the most important aspects of Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. For example, he seeks to discredit the Savior and the priesthood, to cast doubt on the power of the Atonement, to counterfeit revelation, to distract us from the truth, and to contradict individual accountability. He attempts to undermine the family by confusing gender, promoting sexual relations outside of marriage, ridiculing marriage, and discouraging childbearing by married adults who would otherwise raise children in righteousness.

You speak of him as being someone who is good when he is the essence of all evil. Why would you promote such evil?


Satan does not intervene in human suffering because the humans often bring upon themselves. Also, Satan does not simply going around helping people. If one wants Satan to help them end their suffering, they may do a ritual, which is a complex process and relies partially on the agreement of Satan. Also, one cannot simple expect Satan to end suffering for them, they should expect his help.

God may or may not exist, but Satan is only a symbol for our temptation to commit acts that violate the rights of others. It's a vehicle for guilt transference and avoiding the fact that our moral free will carries with it the responsibility for its exercise.