What God created was perfect according to the bible so I have no idea on what evidence you would indict him.
Yes, that is the gist of it. Christians say it was "perfect", then how did it all fall apart? There was a glitch in there somewhere, a virus or something. In trying to explain it a lot of Christians use verses and attribute them to a beautiful and "perfect" angel, Lucifer. He was "perfect" until a flaw was found in him? Then, he wasn't so perfect was he?
We are obviously not perfect. Even Christians know they aren't perfect, just forgiven. But allowing us to fall so he could lift us up? Let's go back, for a minute, to that parent analogy again. Let's say one out of ten kids that makes all the wrong choices realizes at the end that his parents were right. He's learned by experience. He
knows the truth now at a level that someone that hadn't gone through it, and survived, could ever know. But, what about the other nine? Some died along the way and some remained doing all the wrong things. Never finding or realizing the truth.
Isn't that similar to what God has going on? So many of us are so totally turned off by the petty, stupid, archaic rules and morals of religion that we turn away from God. We look at the people around us, especially our parents. Since they aren't perfect, they're often horrible examples of what Holy, God-fearing people should be doing. They're living a lie. They're total and complete hypocrites. So a kid thinks, "If they don't believe in all thus Church stuff for their own lives, why should I? I'm going to go have some fun and do my own thing."
The parents of some of those kids force them to go to Church. What do they see at Church? They see liars, adulterers and people falling asleep and think, "This is dumb. I'm never coming back." You know, and it sounds like you might have been one of those, they actually make the best Christians, IMO. Because they did the "prodigal son" thing. They found out, the hard way, that the worldly things aren't that great. That there's no real lasting joy in it. So what do they do? They get down on their knees, and with a truly heart-felt prayer, ask for forgiveness. But what about the others? For every one that comes back and gets saved, how many died along the way without knowing God? And therefore, will spend eternity in hell?
I'm sure you've been their for a few people. You were there at the right time at the right place, when they were at the end of their rope. But how many died without having a real Christian be there for them? So if Christianity and God are true, there's just why too much, I guess you' could call it, collateral damage. Too many die in misery without be given that last chance.
But, for me, that's not the worst case scenario. It's the relatively good people, doing good things, serving who they think is God, but, according to "true" Christianity, they're not. They believe in a false religion or believe in the wrong Jesus. That's a big thing for me, because I was raised a Catholic. I never heard of such a thing as "personal salvation". What if I would have got some disease and died? Or, got killed in an accident? I didn't, but I know a lot of kids that did. My Grandmother had her rosary beads, and we all lit candles for her. We prayed to Jesus and to Mary. I wonder, was she saved? I know that her Jesus was definitely not the same Jesus that Protestants believe in.
But not only Catholics, what about Mormons, JW's, and people from non-Christian religion? What about them? They believe. They have, in their minds, good reasons to believe they have the truth, but according to Protestant Christianity, they don't. Protestants will say it doesn't matter how good they are. They are wrong and without hope. That's why the Christian concept of God is evil to me. You stand up for him, and I understand why. It's how you view the Bible. It is how you view what God says is the truth. We all know those verses. We all see how you arrived at your conclusions. But, as I always go back to, why don't the Jews see the Bible like you?
God is different. Satan is different. The Messiah is different. God is a trinity. Satan is the devil and Lucifer. And, the Messiah is God and is coming back a second time. Those are big differences. And after listening to them and reading for myself what they say, it makes sense. I see where they're coming from. By what they believe their Scriptures are saying, Christianity isn't the truth. And Jesus isn't their Messiah. I get it. I can see their point. They might be wrong but maybe not. IMO, Christians do take verses out of context to build their case. The "virgin birth" and "Lucifer" from Isaiah are prime examples.
But is that what's really important? Obviously calling each other names doesn't help. All though it is kind of fun, for a minute. Then we feel the pain we caused. How we hurt someone for believing different then we do. So right now, right here, I want to apologize for calling Protestants stupid idiots. Especially you, you're a smart guy who's been through the tough road to get to Jesus. Good job. And also to Sincerly, if you're reading this thread, I'm sorry. I may never agree with you guys. But also, I'll probably never become a Mormon or a Muslim, or anything else. Although, I do understand and have to learn to respect their decision to believe as they do. And in this way maybe I'll cut out a little bit of the evil that I've been promoting... and that is religious intolerance. Not for all the religions, just Christianity. Sorry.