I can try. God is perfect, if his standard was not perfect he would not be God. We can't be perfect so he became perfection for us. His perfection is legally substituted for ours when we accept Christ. Now he can let us into heaven without having to compromise his perfect nature. Whatever weakness you find in that is astronomically multiplied by considering it's opposite. If not perfect what standard does he have and why? Who knows what it is? Are there 6 billion different standards? 100? 12? How would I know if I met it? Why does Joe have a higher or lower one. Perfection and substitutionary atonement solves every single problem of the millions that would exists if merit was the standard.Can you explain this better?
Legal is the technical aspect of our moral standing. It is not the actual case. God calls things that are not, as though they were. We are actually guilty, but by virtue of Christ death we are declared guilty. One is the actual fact, the other is the legal status in God's view.For example, your description is confusing since you claim moral perfection is the standard for salvation but then you say Christs redemption only makes you legally perfect. However, you then elaborate that we are still technically guilty morally. How is this actual perfection and actual moral perfection that CG DIDYMUS and I were referring to?
Legal is really just my word. Legal would be our standing with him based on his merits. Actuality would be the fact given our own merits.Is Gods standard : actual moral perfection, or is it : legal moral perfection?
Back it up there. God saved everyone from every sin without distinction. It is only because a person turns down his pardon he is not saved.If God will not save those who are not perfect because they are actually guilty then why would he save those who are technically guilty (when both groups committed the same sins and neither groups are actually perfect).
Since this issue it probably the foundational necessity for Christianity to have any merit, you unfamiliarity with it is confusing. The rest of the bible is mere commentary compared with this. This is Christianity.
No, there are two ways to heaven. One is to perfectly obey every law in every detail in every circumstance. None of us have. Christ did because that is the other way to heaven. His death is our perfection. We fail he succeeded. His success is credited to our account through our faith in Christ' death. That is where those hundreds of verse about putting on righteousness, putting on Christ, participating in his death. Paul said he was chief among sinners, do you think it was his record he had faith in or Christ's? There is another vague third category composing the unevangelised but I do not include them because I do not understand the doctrines. They are a bizarre and special case which the bible does not make clear.Are you saying you are not talking about actual moral perfection when you said moral perfection is Gods standard, but instead, it is less than actual perfection? (e.g. legal perfection, instead of actual perfection)?
Because that was the entire reason Christ died. To take my place and give me his record in exchange. My sin is either taken care of on the cross and I will bear the alienation it demands. This is Christianity. How is there anyone who claims to be one without accepting this? What is it you substitute for the only mechanism with comprehensive hope?Why can someone be actually guilty (or technically guilty) of sin and still be saved if you maintain Gods standard is perfection? Isnt legal perfection someone who, in this case is in, reality, imperfect ? (i.e. that is they have already sinned and are therefore sinners?.
Heaven is not a reward. There are two judgments. The first separates those in the book of life (which occurs when we are born again) with those who are not. The former goes to a second judgment. The latter go to eternal estrangement from God. The second judgment looks at works. All ungodly works are burned up. Whatever is left determines rewards in heaven but not heaven it's self. These are the treasures mention in scripture. No one earns heaven. It is infinite and I have nothing to merit infinity.Could you also define what you mean by salvation (since that is the reward that one must be perfect to gain in your theory. Thanks.
When I ask how you can be a Christian and not get this most central doctrine on which all things hang. That is not a moral judgment. You may be better than me in every category. It is the result of doctrinal contradiction and the confusion it causes me. If not born again by pure grace I would have no reason to hope in any aspect of Christianity. Without grace the bible is hollow philosophy and history. Grace and merit are mutually exclusive.