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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Your analogies aren't anything like what God did to Adam. He knew Adam would fail.

Of course. He set the whole thing up so he could find an excuse to have himself tortured to death 6000 years later. The funny part is how afraid he is in that sequence. Just like in the tower of babel, god is afraid of man and that seems to be his big motivation.

Sure god set him up and then cast him out to die but I don't recall any laws having been established at that point. All you can really say is god is an evil host.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

“hairless gorilla”? NO! Man was created in the image and the likeness of God to rule “over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” including the gorillas –read Gen 1:26. If you think that you came from one of them gorillas then you’ve really improved a lot. Your communication skills alone are far better than most human and you should thank the man who trained you or Ruled over you.

Well, if you insist that "likeness" includes physical look then I don't see how you can escape my conclusion. Maybe we are not identical to hairless gorillas or chimps, but we are surely closer to them than to a spider or an amoeba. A short visit at your local zoo should confirm this observation.

So, I can weaken my conclusion a bit, if you prefer. If we are in His likeness, then He is more like an ape than like an arachnid. After all, we are still apes. The fact that apes can rule over other apes does not affect their taxonomy, usually.

But if you think that "likeness" involves intellect or morality, then it is not clear why He hates sin so much and we don't, allegedely.


- viole
God is not an evil being.There are reasons why evil in the world exist.These reasons can be found in the holy scriptures.An Atheist or Agnostic will never agree with you when you explain these things to them because they have already made up their minds on the matter.It will be an endless discussion.For those who actually believe in God, this matter can be discussed openly and without bias.

God did not create evil.Evil came about because of the actions of those who disobeyed Gods commands.Evil is the opposite of good.Adam and Eve disobeyed, so their actions brought about Evil.It was Satan the Devil that tricked Eve into thinking that this was ok, and that She would be like God, if she ate from the forbidden fruit.So when this happened, not only did they commit sin, but also Gods universal sovereignty to rule was challenged.Satan the Devil told Eve that She would be like God and he made it seem as if they did not need God.

When this occurred God could have easily destroyed them all but that would not prove anything.Instead God wisely chose to let them all live and let it run its course.God allowed man to carry on and live under his own rule.God cast man out of the Garden of Eden and let man live in the world.Instead of perfect humans,now,Adam and Eve,because of their sins,were to have children with inherited sin.Imperfect humans.Because of Adam and Eves actions man now has inherited sin and is dying.Now there are diseases and all the other bad things that come with being imperfect.

This is why there is all this bad stuff in the world.Not because God caused it but because of Adam and Eves choice to disobey God.Because man has inherited sin and dies not,Satan the Devil is called a murderer.He murdered the entire human race by tricking Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.Satan has the means to cause death.

John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

So,for 6,000 years now, we have seen how man has done under his own rule.Man has been killing man,involved in wars from the beginning.Destroying the earth by polluting it.Everything man does is corrupt.Nothing man does is good.All of this is because mans natural inclinations are always bad leading to more and more sin.Man thinks that they can bring about peace on earth and save the earth.This is an impossible task by way of human means.Only God can bring about peace on earth and He will when the end of this wicked system of things is put to an end once and for all.

When this occurs,all will know who God is, and that He truly does exist.His universal Sovereignty will be made known to all who reside on this earth.God will be glorified and He will rule as King forever.


.For those who actually believe in God, this matter can be discussed openly and without bias.


Admitted bias nice

An Atheist or Agnostic will never agree

Correct most of us see the mythology you do not.

God did not create evil.


he has created nothing.

last time I checked mythology only creates illusions in peoples heads.

It was Satan the Devil that tricked Eve

I can only ask, hoping one day a theist will come along that actually knows his bible :facepalm:

Not because God caused it but because of Adam and Eves choice to disobey God

By logic, god caused it :facepalm:

Satan has the means to cause death

So do I :facepalm:
When God stated, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness," God did not mean literally what He looked like,physically.God was speaking figuratively,not literally.God was speaking of His attributes.Gods attributes are Love,Wisdom,Justice and Power.God is a spirit form.Spirits are invisible and cannot be seen by human eyes.So,mankind could not be made in the image, or likeness of God, physically, or literally.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

Didn’t Noah save the animals?

This is not the point. The point is: did this destruction helped removing sin?

And why did He go through this complicated scheme instead of causing aneurysms or sudden heart attack to all people (except Noah family, of course) letting, thereby, the poor innocent animals and plants in peace? I don't think that things like salads, potatoes or tomatoes were particularly impressed to be submerged by a mountain of water, either. Did Noah save them too?

That simple sudden death trick would also have had the advantage of avoiding the ordeal that furture apologists would have to sustain in order to defent such absurdities. Absurdities like all marsupials jumping their way back to Australia and tomatoes and potatoes magically resprouting, for some reason, only in America to be found there several centuries later.


- viole
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
When God stated, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness," God did not mean literally what He looked like,physically.God was speaking figuratively,not literally.God was speaking of His attributes.Gods attributes are Love,Wisdom,Justice and Power.God is a spirit form.Spirits are invisible and cannot be seen by human eyes.So,mankind could not be made in the image, or likeness of God, physically, or literally.

Seems to contradict this:

So,for 6,000 years now, we have seen how man has done under his own rule.Man has been killing man,involved in wars from the beginning.Destroying the earth by polluting it.Everything man does is corrupt.Nothing man does is good.All of this is because mans natural inclinations are always bad leading to more and more sin.Man thinks that they can bring about peace on earth and save the earth.This is an impossible task by way of human means.Only God can bring about peace on earth and He will when the end of this wicked system of things is put to an end once and for all.

So, what do you mean with "in His likeness?".


- viole
Seems to contradict this:

So, what do you mean with "in His likeness?".


- viole
By no means is it a contradiction.Man was created perfect in the beginning.When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, mankind inherited death because of the actions of Adam and Eve,so,mankind was no longer perfect.Hence, what you see today.Imperfection.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
By no means is it a contradiction.Man was created perfect in the beginning.When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, mankind inherited death because of the actions of Adam and Eve,so,mankind was no longer perfect.Hence, what you see today.Imperfection.

Do you think that something perfect can become imperfect? Isn't that oxymoronic?


- viole
Do you think that something perfect can become imperfect? Isn't that oxymoronic?


- viole
Well,if you truly believe in Gods Word and have prayed,read and studied,no,it is not hard to believe.Not all have come to understand Gods Word.Its not something that everyone can do.It comes about by way of Grace.Only God can allow this to come about.It is a gift from God.People who truly have good hearts and wish to do good, and learn, are those who God chooses.There are also those who God forgives and allows them to know truth.Those who have hardened hearts and want to argue about everything will never really fully understand the Word of God.Its good to ask many questions though.That means the person asking is hungry for knowledge.There is much knowledge in the holy scriptures, but those who do not know only go by what they think, and have read, in certain parts of the holy scriptures.They never really go in depth and try to understand.They try to use human wisdom to try to understand godly wisdom.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Well,if you truly believe in Gods Word and have prayed,read and studied,no,it is not hard to believe.Not all have come to understand Gods Word.Its not something that everyone can do.It comes about by way of Grace.Only God can allow this to come about.It is a gift from God.People who truly have good hearts and wish to do good, and learn, are those who God chooses.There are also those who God forgives and allows them to know truth.Those who have hardened hearts and want to argue about everything will never really fully understand the Word of God.Its good to ask many questions though.That means the person asking is hungry for knowledge.There is much knowledge in the holy scriptures but those who do not know only go by what they think and have read in certain parts of the holy scriptures.They never really go in depth and try to understand.They see on scriptures and try to use human wisdom to try to understand godly wisdom.

Well, then enthrall me with your acumen that can only come from understanding Scriptures, receiving grace or whatever ;).

Can something perfect turn autonomously into being not perfect?


- viole
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Well, then enthrall me with your acumen that can only come from understanding Scriptures, receiving grace or whatever ;).

Can something perfect turn autonomously into being not perfect?


- viole
God created mankind perfect according to the holy scriptures.God stated that if they ate from the forbidden fruit, in that day they would surely die.So, by Adam and Eve doing so,they caused their offspring to inherit death, by disobeying God.This action is what caused the downfall of humanity.Man was perfect and now they are not.
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
God created mankind perfect according to the holy scriptures.God stated that if they ate from the forbidden fruit, in that day they would surely die.So, by Adam and Eve doing so,they inherited sin, by disobeying God.This action is what caused the downfall of humanity.Man was perfect and now they are not.

How can someone who did such a stupid mistake be called perfect?

And why shouldn't I be able to understand godly wisdom? I really wonder what in "in His likeness" means. He does not look like an ape and we do not understand Him. So, what's left?

Would God have eaten from the forbidden tree? If no, then He was more perfect, wasn't He? But you cannot be more perfect of anything. It is meaningless. Either you are perfect or you are not.


- viole
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Premium Member
By no means is it a contradiction.Man was created perfect in the beginning.When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, mankind inherited death because of the actions of Adam and Eve,so,mankind was no longer perfect.Hence, what you see today.Imperfection.

Something perfect doesn't turn imperfect or it wasn't perfect to begin with.
How can someone who did such a stupid mistake be called perfect?

And why shouldn't I be able to understand godly wisdom? I really wonder what in "in His likeness" means. He does not look like an ape and we do not understand Him. So, what's left?

Would God have eaten from the forbidden tree? If no, then He was more perfect, wasn't He? But you cannot be more perfect of anything. It is meaningless. Either you are perfect or you are not.


- viole
Well stupid or not,it was a mistake.But,it was by his own will.God did not create man as a robot.God created man with free will.Man had a choice.God set the standards and man chose to obey and serve God.There were consequences for disobeying God.If man was created like a robot,then there would be no need for laws and rules.Man was created as a perfect being with free will.Perfect doe not mean that man would do everything correct just because he is perfect.Perfect in this sense means that man was without sin.This means he was created to live without death.When man committed sin,this meant that man was no longer perfect and inherited death.

The reason you cannot understand godly wisdom is because you are not God.

I explained what in His likeness means.You do not seem to comprehend what Gods attributes are since you so not have an accurate knowledge of the truth in the holy scriptures.
Something perfect doesn't turn imperfect or it wasn't perfect to begin with.
Your interpretation of perfect is not the same as is meant in the holy scriptures.Perfect in the sense as spoken of about Adam and Eve means without sin.Without death.


When God stated, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness," God did not mean literally what He looked like,physically.God was speaking figuratively,not literally.God was speaking of His attributes.Gods attributes are Love,Wisdom,Justice and Power.God is a spirit form.Spirits are invisible and cannot be seen by human eyes.So,mankind could not be made in the image, or likeness of God, physically, or literally.

No god has ever said a word with credibility, or written one.

had you done your homework, you would know this could be when Judaism worshipped a family of gods and they all believed they looked juts like us.

We have paintings from before monotheism around 800 BC that shows Yahweh in human form with his wife


The reason you cannot understand godly wisdom is because you are not God.


The reason people cannot understand scripture is BECAUSE ONLY MAN WROTE IT.

And they wrote different versions and described gods in different ways, then added gods and evolved the definition, solely at mans hands


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
God created mankind perfect according to the holy scriptures.God stated that if they ate from the forbidden fruit, in that day they would surely die.So, by Adam and Eve doing so,they inherited sin, by disobeying God.This action is what caused the downfall of humanity.Man was perfect and now they are not.

So... while they were perfect, they disobeyed God?

You think that disobedience toward God is in accordance with perfection?