Mad at you? NO! God loves you man. You are still mad at Him and thought that He is still mad at you.
I'm not sure, but didn't he at least get upset with his people enough to have their enemies kill a few of them?
This "he loves us" stuff is so New Testament. In the original Bible stories, before Christians added their part to it, doesn't God get angry, wrathful, vengeful and even says that he wishes he never had made man? That's the stuff we're arguing about. He sounds like an evil tyrant. He gives his people ridiculous rules to follow and then gets mad when they can't follow them. And that is loving?
Sure, God Jesus is all right, but is he real? He's is so different than his Father. Who is really in control? And the other God, the Holy Spirit, sounds pretty good too. But, to they have to take orders from the Father? What if he gets into one of his "moods" again and wants to go on a rampage and destroy the world again? Oh, wait a minute, he is. He's going to destroy the world isn't he? He's going to throw all the people that don't want to follow his Son into a lake of fire. What kind of God is this? Believe or die? That's loving?
Sorry, but it makes some of us question if this God is real or just imagined. So, out of all the different religions and things to believe, why this one? Why this version of Christianity? Why this interpretation of the Bible? If you could at all prove anything about it that would go a long way in making it sound real, but you really can't. It all comes down to that word, "faith". So many things don't make sense. So many things sound like man-made myths and legends.
I still believe the Jews and Christians borrowed ideas from other cultures. So even the supposed "Word of God" could be nothing more than a few men's best guess at who God is and what he wants. It is still changing. So why believe in where it is right now? Tomorrow, even the Christians, might tweak their beliefs a little. Like I've pointed out many times, what would you have believed 2100 years ago? Would you have become a Jew? How about 800 years ago? Would you have become a Catholic? If you were born in England when they broke away from the Roman Church, would you have become an Anglican? If you were in Los Angeles in the early 1900's, would you have become a Pentecostal?
It's all too arbitrary for me. And you have too many "Christians" that are doing virtually nothing. Right now, if it wasn't for talking to you, I would know about zero Christians in my every day life. They are invisible. If they are there, they are compromising their so-called beliefs so much that they have zero impact on the world. And the ones that are doing something, they could be Mormons, Catholics, JW's, or any other religion. They believe in their religion to the point they are living it and proving it. But, that doesn't help prove the Bible, because the only thing in common they have, is that they put into practice their own religions beliefs. So what is the truth? People can believe pretty much any religion, but if they practice it, they can be kind, loving and helpful people... like the good Samaritan.
So is it what you believe or how you live it? How you talk about it? How you try and prove how right your religion is? Or how you live it? Too many people don't live their religion, therefore their God and their religion doesn't appear to be real. So why should I bother. You and the other Christians can state why you believe, but it has very little impact. Christians aren't united. There is no one body of believers. A house divided has nothing to offer. You can pick and choose from so many variations of Christianity, why did you pick the one you're in? How is it more correct than the others? How do you know it is correct? How many times have you changed your mind? If you haven't, and someone else in another denominations hasn't, than still, which one of you is right? To me, there's enough ambiguity in the Bible to make both of you partly right and partly wrong. So where does that leave us? God is the author of confusion? It seems so.
Sorry for any typos, but I have to go mow the lawn now and don't have time to go back and edit. So JMC2, what is your story? Why do you think you're right?