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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Wow. Okay then. Some people will believe anything, I guess. You clearly see much more there that is not actually there. But hey, if you need to delude yourself this much to make yourself believe the Bible is true, then have fun with that.

Do you believe Nostradamus prophecies too?

That was not an argument. That was an intellectual punt made necessary by choosing an argument that can't be made. If there was something that merited countering here I could do so. However this appears to be the result of "the Hubris of the defeated", a parting salvo from a sinking ship needs no reply.

Nostradamus is not worthy of comment.

In the absence of anything in need of countering I will leave this half fought and feeble challenge to Ezekiel here.


Veteran Member
That was not an argument. That was an intellectual punt made necessary by choosing an argument that can't be made. If there was something that merited countering here I could do so. However this appears to be the result of "the Hubris of the defeated", a parting salvo from a sinking ship needs no reply.

Nostradamus is not worthy of comment.

In the absence of anything in need of countering I will leave this half fought and feeble challenge to Ezekiel here.
LOL Go ahead and claim victory if you want.

The "details" of your story are not startlingly accurate in any way. It's quite obvious to me that you act as a follower of something like Nostradramus prophecy where you're looking at a story long after its been written and attempting to make it fit into an actual historical event, warping the actual facts in the process. (Not to mention that the story could have actually been written after the fact anyway. I guess that never occurred to you.Though probably not in this case as the story isn't actually very accurate, but it's still possible.) What's startling to me is that you believe this stuff.

I predict that in 50 years, nations will be at war with one another, using airplanes, guns, bombs and drones to kill each other. A president will be recorded sharing the news of war with the people of his nation. A man named John will eat a sandwich and then go into battle, beseiging a nation with weapons. That nation will lose, and then rebuild itself, only to fight another war 20 years later. Let me know how my prophecy pans out. ;)

By the way, here's Tyre:
Google Maps

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
What grounds the concept of "fair" if God does not exist? Many of the objections to God are only objections if he exists in the first place.
The question was for Monotheist 101 whose religion is Islam. He does believe in God. He believes it is the same God that Jews and Christians believe in. And, he believes he is obeying and following the true God in the way that God wants to be followed. But, it is contrary to what most Christians believe. For you, as a Christian what do you say? "Oh well, we tried to tell him the truth." If Christians are right, the problem is for Monotheist 101. Why didn't God make it clear what the real truth was? Why did God allow him to be deceived? So it is not a question of does God exist. It is a question of God allowing a sincere believer to follow the wrong religion that had the wrong definition of God.


LOL Go ahead and claim victory if you want.
There was no victory only concession. You argument was the equivalent of France's military history.

The "details" of your story are not startlingly accurate in any way.
Technically: Your claim can't even theoretically be true. Startling is a relative statement made about a value I assigned to something. Even if false and even if unimpressive it may or may not be startling to me and you have no access to that either way.

Factually: there are over a dozen improbable details in this one prophecy that came true as facts of history. When you can do likewise once for every 200 hundred times the Bible does so, then you may submit it for review. Until then by what standard is 2000 plus predictions that came true not impressive.

It's quite obvious to me that you act as a follower of something like Nostradamus prophecy
This is absurd there is no qualitative comparison between Nostradamus and the Bible. It is not even worth the effort to contrast.

(Not to mention that the story could have actually been written after the fact anyway. I guess that never occurred to you. Though probably not in this case as the story isn't actually very accurate, but it's still possible.)
Now this is the one decent argument possible. If you had made this one instead of revising or denying history, complicating the obvious, and trivializing the momentous you might have developed a contention with some teeth.

What's startling to me is that you believe this stuff.
History is not something I feel compelled to deny for convenience. The fact that this prophecy and history are identical is as sound a fact as countless other well established accepted historical claims. I do not think a single claim in that prophecy even has a historical countercliam possible. Nu-uh is not a rebuttal. Not that the core of your claims were historical, they were mostly the assigning of meaning and intent to a narrative in opposition to thousands of years of exegesis and hermeneutics based on arbitrary preference.

I predict that in 50 years, nations will be at war with one another, using airplanes, guns, bombs and drones to kill each other. A president will be recorded sharing the news of war with the people of his nation. A man named John will eat a sandwich and then go into battle, beseiging a nation with weapons. That nation will lose, and then rebuild itself, only to fight another war 20 years later. Let me know how my prophecy pans out.
Come on, is this the kind of reasoning you use to reject evidence of a concept where our souls are potentially at stake. With everything we have or ever will have potentially on the line I certainly would think the issue deserving of more relevant and effective scholarship that this. In what way is this comparable to Ezekiel?

Who Are "They"?
  • 3 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.
YHWH is at the head of the efforts, and it is He who will "cause many nations" to come up. The use of Adonai (which means sovereign or controller) places YHWH at the head of the nations.
  • 4 And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
We see again the same pairing: they and I. The nations will scrape Tyre off, and destroy the walls, and break down the towers. ANY nations are eligible for this action.
  • 5 It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD: and it shall become a spoil to the nations.
Once again, the I/nations pairing is made.
  • 6 And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
  • 7 For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people.
Adonai YHWH now is said to bring on a specific attacker -- Nebuchadnezzar. In our view, this brings on the first of the nations against Tyre. And now note how the pairing changes:
  • 8 He shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against thee, and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee.
Note that now the pairing I/they is not used, but it is now he -- Nebuchadnezzar, as all would agree -- who is "in charge" of the scene.
  • 9 And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers.
The "he" continues, and the subsuming "his" (with reference to the axes).
  • 10 By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.
In one more case Nebuchadnezzar's forces are personified under himself; the horses are "his" and the horsemen, wheels and chariots are subsumed under the heading of when "he" enters.
  • 11 With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground.
And yet again: HIS horses, HE shall slay. But now note the change in the next verses:
  • 12 And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses: and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water.
We return to "they" for the first time since v. 4. And:
  • 13 And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard.
We return also to "I": Adonai YHWH. And it continues:
  • 14 And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.

You said nations. Ezekiel gave a specific unusual nameamong others and the specific city and what each would accomplish. Pay close attention to the switches between they and "He or Nebuchadnezzar". With one possibility (I think) they are perfectly consistent with history. What "he" will do "he" did, what it takes "them" to do "they" did.

You mentioned besieged (which is even debatably applicable to today’s wars). Ezekiel said what each would specifically besiege and whether it would work or not. As well as the rubble being used in a manner that made throwing into the sea worth the effort, the fact a mighty and virtually impregnable fortress would be leveled and used for drying nets, the details of where and why Nebuchadnezzar would attack next, the fact the Phoenicians would never build "their" city back, etc......None of this level of detail is provided in your pseudo prophecy that will more than likely never come true if though it was designed specifically to be easily fulfilled and is a single ambiguous prophecy compared to the Bible's 2000 plus detailed prophecies. This is not even a challenge. There is no “victory” when one person appears on the battle field to see the other slink over the horizon yelling parting ineffective taunts, only dissatisfaction of a battle ill-conceived and impotently "not" fought.
Besides the purposeful and irrelevant ambiguous nature of your "prophecy" I can pretty much guaranty it will not happen with those details intact.

By the way, here's Tyre:
Since that relatively modern settlement was never prophesied to be destroyed I do not see the applicability. I gave what was predicted to be destroyed, why it and it alone was the focus of the prophecy, and why assumptions that it applies to any city in the area or named Tyre are ridiculous. What power do facts, logic, and Biblical scholarship have against preference? Apparently nothing.


The question was for Monotheist 101 whose religion is Islam. He does believe in God. He believes it is the same God that Jews and Christians believe in. And, he believes he is obeying and following the true God in the way that God wants to be followed. But, it is contrary to what most Christians believe. For you, as a Christian what do you say? "Oh well, we tried to tell him the truth." If Christians are right, the problem is for Monotheist 101. Why didn't God make it clear what the real truth was? Why did God allow him to be deceived? So it is not a question of does God exist. It is a question of God allowing a sincere believer to follow the wrong religion that had the wrong definition of God.
Very well, this explanation of context does change things a bit. I would also add that in Islam's 400 plus year later revision of contemporary crucifixion accounts, the Quran has Allah creating the false Christian religion and then condemning people for believing the lie Allah led us to believe. Allah in the Quran led mankind at the time to think Jesus was crucified, killed, and resurrected and then condemns belief in this concept "he made it appear" to them to have occurred. I love Shabir Ali but even he couldn't get out of this one and no other Muslim apologist is in his league.

My apologies for missing the context but I see so many of these logical self-contradictions coming from the non-theist side as a challenge to faith I respond on auto pilot I guess.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Allah in the Quran led mankind at the time to think Jesus was crucified, killed, and resurrected and then condemns belief in this concept "he made it appear" to them to have occurred. I love Shabir Ali but even he couldn't get out of this one and no other Muslim apologist is in his league.
You know I hate to admit it, but you do know a lot of stuff. Could you say a bit more about what Shabir Ali said?

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Very well, this explanation of context does change things a bit. I would also add that in Islam's 400 plus year later revision of contemporary crucifixion accounts, the Quran has Allah creating the false Christian religion and then condemning people for believing the lie Allah led us to believe. Allah in the Quran led mankind at the time to think Jesus was crucified, killed, and resurrected and then condemns belief in this concept "he made it appear" to them to have occurred. I love Shabir Ali but even he couldn't get out of this one and no other Muslim apologist is in his league.

My apologies for missing the context but I see so many of these logical self-contradictions coming from the non-theist side as a challenge to faith I respond on auto pilot I guess.

You are mistaken when you think Islam has 400 years on Christianity, Islam (submission) is the religion practiced and preached by Abraham, Moses, Jesus way before Muhammad. I think when languages and cultures change, it is only logical that God will change to Yahweh and Yahweh will change to Allah.

You are also mistaken in believing that God put on a show, If Jesus true message had survived, there would have been no need for Muhammad or the Quran. The problem is that Jesus was the Promised messiah prophecised for the Jews who was supposed to fulfill some prophecies (ask an honest learned Rabbi about it), they did not accept him or his message, instead they crucified him (or they think they did) before he could fulfill most of those prophecies and his message was heavily influenced and tampered with.

Muslims generally hold the belief that Jesus was not crucified on the cross, he was raised to heaven, He will be sent down again before the end of time, He will unite the Christians and Muslims and defeat the Anti-Christ (the false messiah, the Jews will take to be the Promised One) and the armies of Gog and Magog.
This does seem like an excerpt out of a fantasy novel, but I choose to believe it. I also believe in The Jinn, Magick , Astral Projection etc.. you have the right to disagree :)

I have personally experienced so much unwanted supernatural phenomena in the past few years and found my answers in the Quran that I would be a fool not to believe, either that or I am crazy and should be in a mental institute, but wait a second everything else in my life seems normal....


You are mistaken when you think Islam has 400 years on Christianity, Islam (submission) is the religion practiced and preached by Abraham, Moses, Jesus way before Muhammad. I think when languages and cultures change, it is only logical that God will change to Yahweh and Yahweh will change to Allah.
That may be your understanding but it isn't mine nor most of NT scholars. It is not even theologically reconcilable. Jesus said he was the way the truth and the life and NO ONE proceeds to the father except through him. He also said if anyone does not believe that he is the Christ then that person "or religion" is the anti-Christ, and that if anyone preaches a different message than him and his disciples that that person should be ignored and God will punish them severely. When two mutually exclusive claims to absolute truth are made then it is impossible both are true. One may be true or both may be false. Islam and Christianity’s messages are mutually exclusive and can't possibly both be true. However none of this was the point behind my 400 years claim. The point was that several contemporary disciples and apostles all recorded Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and was "resurrected". There exists no contemporary claims that contend this and it is recorded as witnessed by many people. 500 years later a very questionable man in another nation invents a new religion and claims that the contemporary reports of the Apostles were wrong. Unless I am born into Islam and brainwashed at a young age why would I ever believe this 6th century Arabian knows what happened 400-500 years earlier in Israel better than several people existed at the time and were witnesses to events. You must adopt that by pure faith (given virtually no evidence nor sufficient reason) or not at all.

You are also mistaken in believing that God put on a show, If Jesus true message had survived, there would have been no need for Muhammad or the Quran. The problem is that Jesus was the Promised messiah prophesied for the Jews who was supposed to fulfill some prophecies (ask an honest learned Rabbi about it), they did not accept him or his message, instead they crucified him (or they think they did) before he could fulfill most of those prophecies and his message was heavily influenced and tampered with.
If you wish we can get into what Islam claims about corruption in the Bible and how they would know that even if true but unless you can prove it, merely asserting these things has no explanatory power and scope. Many Jews have accepted Christ as savior; however Jewish people have a vested interest in Jesus not being the messiah. It was at their instigation that he was killed, that is a very powerful reason to try and maintain the idea that he was not the messiah and they are not an unbiased source by any means nor the sole arbiters of NT truth even if unbiased. History and the textual integrity of the NT speaks for itself. Critics have been trying to undo the NT for 2000 years and have failed miserably. The most powerful empires in human history have tried to wipe out the entire Christian culture and became converted instead. I see little threat to the NT from Islam.
Muslims generally hold the belief that Jesus was not crucified on the cross, he was raised to heaven, He will be sent down again before the end of time, He will unite the Christians and Muslims and defeat the Anti-Christ (the false messiah, the Jews will take to be the Promised One) and the armies of Gog and Magog.
This does seem like an excerpt out of a fantasy novel, but I choose to believe it. I also believe in The Jinn, Magick , Astral Projection etc.. you have the right to disagree
You most certainly have the right to believe that on faith, and it is refreshing to hear a Muslim admit it is by pure faith and not history of the Bible that is the only validation for that. Of course I do not believe that for about a thousand reasons but even if a Muslim I would regard the "trick" Allah played, by setting up circumstances in such a way that the false (according to Islam) view that Christ died on the cross was unavoidable looking at the facts. I have noticed that every time the Bible is countered it always leads into these self-destructive arguments, self-contradiction, and denials of history. Why not just adopt the view that removes the countless areas where you are forced to explain away self-evident facts by extreme measures. Believing Christ was the messiah and died and was resurrected makes all the pieces fit and nothing must be explained away. If you hold that Christ did not die on the cross for our sins then:

1. You must get rid of a great many specific prophecies.
2. Re-interpret half the OT progressive revelation.
3. Make the covenants made between God and man into something they never were.
4. Contradict hundreds of clear verses in the NT and the OT.
5. You must make the "Romans" who were professionals at killing by crucifixion and whose lives depended on their getting it right into careless idiots.
6. Explain why Allah fooled everyone into believing the Gospels and then condemned them for it.
7. Keep a crucidied man alive in a tomb without care for days. etc....

It is no wonder people doing as the Quran insists, using the Bible to judge the Quran found out very quickly the Bible as written condemns the Quran and there for “has to be corrupted”.
How was a 7th century Arabian supposed to know which Biblical verses were corrupted in order to judge the Quran by the Bible?

I looked into astral projection many years ago and always felt like I was doing something wrong, but only later learned of the spiritual risk I was taking back then. Does the Quran allow for this practice?

I have personally experienced so much unwanted supernatural phenomena in the past few years and found my answers in the Quran that I would be a fool not to believe, either that or I am crazy and should be in a mental institute, but wait a second everything else in my life seems normal....
I been fascinated by spiritual warfare and interaction for many years and have researched demonic possession in some detail. What experiences are you referring to? I have had a few, but they have been of profound peace and contentment except for one. I started to explain that one exception but I would rather not discuss it.


You know I hate to admit it, but you do know a lot of stuff. Could you say a bit more about what Shabir Ali said?
If I could remember a tenth of what I read I would be tough to handle. I have to read more than anyone else because I seem to retain so little of it. I have watched every debate I can find and have transcripts of many. I am a little obsessed with the subject. I always thought that since we only have time to study so much, what subject is more worthy of it than theology? That being said, I can't remember Shabir's specific words. He had two questions where he just fell apart on, from William Craig. One was his explanation of why most NT scholars on either side agree that Christ died by crucifixion. He said something like; that since this is two thousand years later and Christ couldn't still be alive then by default they assume he died on the cross. If you think this an incoherent response, I agree, and it is not typical of Shabir. I will attempt to review his response to the claim that Allah allowed or fostered the Christian belief by his own actions and then condemned it and try and provide it soon but can't for the life remember what he specifically said. I only remember it was ridiculous. I always thought this point and particularly potent one but it rarely comes up in debate. Since Shabir did not have an answer and Deedat passed away I do not think a Muslim apologist exists that could even theoretically counter it effectively but hope to hear it attempted in the future. Anyway thanks for the sentiments, I wish in this case I could live up to them but intend to do so soon.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Hello, cottage. This argument has been off the ground since the time of the Greeks. This argument is ancient and has survived much better criticisms that we could manage. It always baffles me when someone simply dismisses an argument I use, when that argument has and is deemed relevant by the greatest scholars on both sides in human history. You may argue it is ultimately incorrect, but dismissal is invalid and silly.

I’ve been debating the classic proofs for nearly sixteen years, so I am fully aware of their history. But I’m rather disappointed by the way you resort to arguments from authority. A thing isn’t the case because someone said it is. No matter how highly regarded or eminently qualified, the advocate’s argument it isn’t immune to analysis and nor is it beyond challenge. Only on the forums, it seems, do we see such claims (for eample) as ‘Irrefutable proof for…’ and similar over-confident assertions. In academia statements are much more guarded, especially so, since, generally, the more extravagant the pronouncement the easier will be the refutation.
The proper way we object to an argument is by showing what is wrong with it, and that is exactly what I’ve been doing. For your information not one of the classic ‘proofs’ have escaped the most severe criticism, often by theologians themselves and theist philosophers. Any argument or proposition is relevant if the premises are valid, but that should not be taken to mean that it is sound. And you will know that regardless of the esteem in which scholars are held there can be no full and final proof to a supernatural deity - unless our faculties were altered in some way to permit absurdities. And there is a world of a difference between ‘dismissal’ and rejection.

Again cause and effect are not dependent on natural law. They have no exception in natural law but are not products of it.

Cause and effect is a natural law! It is a contingent principle, a feature that is of and in the World. And it is all very well to say causation is derived from God, but in which case it is simple to show that he cannot function without it! For if he can function without it then how to explain the continuity of the world? But if he cannot function without it then he is dependent upon a contingent principle and cannot be necessary. And it is the case, according to the causal argument, that he cannot operate without it, which means God is not the Supreme Being!

You seem to keep confusing what is dependent on what. I never made an argument that has anything to do with God based on a world being contingent. I have commented on modal being but have stated I do not like the argument and do not use it. Matter is derivative, the only likely candidate for a deriver is God at this time. You seem to say I suggested the "world" is contingent and necessary. I do not get that.

Yes, and that is the essence of the classic Cosmological Argument, which you are proposing: something exists (the world) that answers to a non-worldly source. The world is contingent (no contradiction), and therefore something necessary must have caused it to come into being (argument from sufficient reason). But cause itself is contingent (no contradiction), and therefore a necessary being is contingent upon a contingent principle (contradiction).

I will give you a chance to back out of this one. Morality is the issue that screams God the loudest and clearest. It is a slam dunk. Proceed at your own peril (just kidding). First please review the Latin concepts of Mallum in se and mallum prohibitum (spelling ???) to understand what context the discussion will be in if you decide to pursue it.

Far from backing out, the moral question is one I certainly wish to discuss with you. But please don’t presume to give me a reading list; my argument is with you and not your sources.

You are overcomplicating things and obscuring my simple point to the point it gets buried underneath layer of articulate but useless qualifications. I will restate it in simplicity and you may simply tell me what is wrong with it.
1. There is no known exception to the principle that everything that begins to exist has a cause.

Indeed – and I should hope not! For without that principle we could not survive a single day, but that is a fact within the experiential world. We know from experience that the world sustains itself, with cause and effect as an unending cyclical process where things wither and die before developing again from the old constituents. That fundamentally is the science of the matter. But your argument wants to go beyond experience with an assumption that cause is otherworldly and a necessary and objective principle in order to posit a creator in accordance with an already held belief-as-faith. But not only is it impossible to go outside worldly experience but there is no logical impediment in the denial of causation as a necessary principle. So neither experience nor logic can take us beyond the actual world, a statement with which you have to agree.

2. Cause and effec
t have no dependence known on natural law. It is a safe assumption.

No it isn’t. By definition causation is a natural law, since we know it occurs in nature; and there is nothing at all to say it occurs external to nature.

3. The universe began to exist.

I challenge that assertion with a proposition! The world is self-existent, ie it is self-sustaining and is uncaused. Now where is the contradiction? Reminder: it is for you to demonstrate the contrary, for while it would be logically absurd to pretend to demonstrate the eternity of a thing (God included), the assertion that a thing has come into existence must be proved.

4. Natural law did not exist to create it's self and therefore the only two options known are mind and abstract concepts.

Can you not see that by your saying ‘did not create itself’ you are finding for a conclusion that you’ve already given in advance? Your premise is to assume that cause is necessary for X and then you conclude that X is impossible without it!! In other words your conclusion is simply your opening premise repeated.
Abstract concepts are mind-dependent, and God is dependent upon mind, as is the world as we perceive it, and we can conceive of the world (including causation) and God to be non-existent with no contradiction.

5. Abstract concepts are non-causal.

Ahem! But of course they’re causal! You are maintaining that X is brought about by Y, and that is an abstract argument!

6. Therefore a mind with certain characteristics is the only known candidate at this time.

I can’t fault any broad argument to mind, but I notice the subtle term: ‘with certain characteristics’. So let’s have your ontological argument, for that is the implied requirement, and I’ll give you my response to it?

7. The God concept that existed in primitive ignorant men 4000 years ago matches perfectly with the above.

It isn’t an argument (P) to say that V believed W over X number of years therefore P is credible or true.

8. It is a reasonable basis for faith especially when combined with thousands of lines of reasoning and evidence. It is not proof but is a valid argument.

You already know that speculative arguments cannot be evidence for a supernatural being, and to argue from authority is reasoning fallaciously. The validity and soundness of a proposition or theory is not demonstrated by an appeal to authority, or from an argument ad populum, but must stand or fall by its truth or evidence. And I’m not seeing that at all here.

Where is the problem? Can you state it without needing to first obscure well known principles with philisophical rhetoric? It seems to be a modern phenomena to think ourselves into imbecility if a simple and reasonable arguemnt produces a result that is inconvenient.

What appears to be inconvenient (and continually ignored) is the very simply and logically necessary truth that a thing cannot be both contingent and necessary.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe I made any argument concerning knowledge itself. Let me give another example. An atheist and a Christian may both know murder is objectively wrong. Only a Christians can explain or ground it sufficiently.

Then please explain it so I can give you my response?

I agree that God is speculative and have said so many times. My point was that it is based on more lines of evidence and data than dark matter, multiverses, oscillating universes etc... Yet they are all accepted as valid theories and God met at the gate with a shotgun. Either throw out all speculation, throw out speculative theories at a certain evidence threshold, or allow them all. Scholars should not pick what truth is allowed based on theological preference. If multiverses are valid then God is.

Your last sentence shows that you are conflating physical phenomena with metaphysics. The former, as any theory or hypothesis, is open to being displaced by competing or further developed theories. Metaphysical speculations concerning entities can never be falsified; so they are not about what is true or factual.

First get one and then that may be relevant. Not only is there no comparable evidence for an eternal universe it is a logical absurdity. These double standards are truly off the chart.
It seems to me that the double standards consist in confusing metaphysical beliefs with science. But see my paragraph below prefixed with an asterisk.

I was not positing God by all means available. I was using a specific argument, the core of which is causation so of course it always comes up. I have no idea why all of a sudden a principle with no exception is a unreliable basis for conclusion. Actually I do I just can never fail to be shocked by the lengths willingly undertaken to combat faith. You are again denying the derivative nature of causation. There is not one fact that is logically absurd concerning God. He contradicts nothing known. Eternal universes however contradict scientific laws and philosophy. It makes us cross what can't be crossed, it violates entropy, conservation of matter and energy, etc.....

*To say ‘he contradicts nothing known’ is itself a contradiction, for you’re contriving to allow a confection of the natural and the supernatural. The concept of God contradicts everything that is known: for there is no known exception to the contrary of things existing outside of time, having power and knowledge without end, an ability to create other worlds - or, yes, even of things existing from eternity! It does not follow that from things to which there is no known exception Q, one can infer the existence of no known instances P.

It is so absurd it has survived every challenge for 3000 years and is considered valid in today’s scholarly debates. You may disagree with it but dismissing it says more about you than it. Of course it comes up, it is an integral part of the one argument I have given. If you want others that have no causal dependence then I can supply more than you can respond to. There is no problem here.

Well I’m challenging it! But you’re not giving me a proper argument that I can respond to here. (And I don’t think the personal remark is helpful.) Also I’m truly astounded to read that you believe the First Cause or Kalam argument has ‘survived every challenge.’ I can assure it has not: the Roman Catholic Church dropped it, Kant and Hume’s objections still stand, and the Teleological Argument has risen to prominence in its wake. In fact I can’t think of a single metaphysical argument that is beyond challenge.
May I have the other arguments that you say are without causal dependence? Most arguments to God can be dealt with under three main sections, so please don’t worry about the quantity. I will respond.

Matter is non-moral. Atoms do not care if other atoms are destroyed or disassembled. Morality has no basis in nature. Ethics might though they lose all "right and wrong" relevance in evolution but morality is not moral on nature alone. Heck nature can't create nature. Natural law can't create natural law. If you weave a web that serves to dismiss the supernatural then you are left with gaping holes in reality which nature can't fill. This preference based argumentation dressed in philosophical language not logic.

Just give me your argument to morality from religion and I’ll give you my analysis.

I have and no one I have ever heard has said that no argument is allowed to exist that shines negatively on God. You must pick a God and a revelation to do so but it potentially could be easily countered by reality if God did not exist. You have attempted to dismiss principles that have no exception, posit any other explanation for events that can only have supernatural (non-natural) explanations, invented self-contradictory universes with no evidence and then assert that faith is biased against argumentation. I do not get it.

It is wholly incorrect to say I have ‘dismissed’ any empirical principles. In fact it is only through experience that we can reason by means of cause and effect. As our discussion progresses you will come to see that I don’t dismiss anything. I do however most certainly reject propositions that involve a contradiction, and I will always present a clear argument to that end.
I’m sorry but I can’t quite make sense of your paragraph beginning ‘You have’ and ending ‘against argumentation’. Perhaps you could put it in different words for me?

Again if the Bible alone was used to produce a model of reality it would be identical to this one. In what world is that not valid? You seem to use the most energetic intellectual gymnastics in order to stretch a lack of proof (which I agree with) into a lack of validity that nothing justifies. It is a valid argument and the most brilliant scholars for over 2000 years have recognized that fact. Alone it probably is not enough to justify faith, add in a thousand other lines of reasoning and it is vastly more than sufficient.

Any argument is valid if the premises are true, but what I’ve demonstrated is that the Cosmological Proof or any of the other causal arguments, cannot stand on their own without an ontological explanation, and they take it as a truth that features of experience are necessarily true, which they self-evidently are not. That is hardly a case of ‘intellectual gymnastics’, but very straightforward logic. For to say a thing both is and is not implies a contradiction, and that is not a question of it being merely invalid but demonstrably unsound.


Well-Known Member
If we return to the question asked by the originator of this thread ‘Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?’ then I think the answer must be: Yes he is! (If he exists, that is.)

The logical inconsistency in the triad made up of omnipotence, benevolence and evil is too well known for me to drag it out again here in full. But in essence evil exists and so there is no benevolent God. For if God is the omnipotent creator, then the world is as he created it and he and no other is responsible for the way it exists and the form that it takes.

Theologians have offered all sorts of apologetics, collectively known as theodicy, some of which are fantastically convoluted and bordering on the absurd. And none of them unseat the contradiction but seek to go round it. The problem exists because theists cannot accept that their God is less than all-powerful or falls short of being benevolent. And yet when either of those attributes is dropped God immediately becomes logically possible, and may even be real. This shows, I think, that god-belief is more about human vanity. After all, there’s no point in all that emotional investment if God is not the god you want him to be!

But without omnipotence we can disregard any objection that if God is beneficent then evil is impossible, for God need not be omnipotent in order to create evil in the world. Of course if God isn’t omnipotent then the world’s creation might have been an accident or an act of gross ineptitude. So on that account might God be a wholly benevolent being but a hopelessly inept creator? But I don’t believe that could be offered in mitigation, since it is still the case that he created evil where before it didn’t exist, and so he must have had the potential. But a wholly benevolent being cannot be potentially evil, and so on those terms he cannot be a benevolent God. And anyway, I wonder how many theists would want to worship such a being?

However, in my view the problem is the supposed ‘benevolence.’ That is where the contradiction lies. An inept creator seems rather farcical, while an omnipotent entity that is unconstrained by human-type emotions isn’t going to do much for people’s faith or their belief systems.

There is no logical reason why a creator must be benevolent, but a creator of worlds must at least have power sufficient for that purpose. After all, the world does exist and it contains evil.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
That may be your understanding but it isn't mine nor most of NT scholars.

About your disbelief in an Arab..600 years later..

41.44. And if We had sent this as a Qur'an in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have said: "Why are not its Verses explained in detail (in our language)? What! (A Book) not in Arabic and (the Messenger) an Arab?" Say: "It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there is heaviness (deafness) in their ears, and it (the Qur'an) is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a place far away (so they neither listen nor understand)

You should try to test the Quran for authenticity, I have done it with your books..they arent the words of God..they are human beings perceptions of what happend..(more comparable to the Hadith, Books about traditions of Muhammad).

The Quran in its original arabic, is a miracle..it is half prose and half poetry..no one in the arab world has been able to consistently rhyme with the same two same syllables, a small poem let alone an entire book which simultaneously relates stories and historical accounts.. The beauty of the Quran in its arabic is..that the poetry/way it is written is like an equation that balances itself, If anyone added a single letter to it, it would unbalance the equation thus losing it beauty or "miracle".

It might be really hard for you to accept but personally it would make more sense, If I regard Jesus as a Human..If i was to take him to be divine, it opens up a whole set of questions for me? Why isnt mary Divine?..she gave birth to God(Jesus)..Does God(Father) have these animal instincts and needs to have sex? If he did what will be the real reason he needs to reproduce? Why pass on his genes?..Is he going to die?

Unlike Jesus (of whats left of his teachings), Muhammad didnt preach that the only way to Heaven was through him..he preached that the only way to Heaven was through the father...Honestly I dont think Jesus would have preached a message any different than that of Muhammad..Christianity IMO got derailed from the start..from the belief of Abraham..in One true God..instead you say..he is One, but theres 3...available to us in 3 distinct persons? The God I have learnt of is distinct from his creation..he will never become part of it, or manifest himself in any form.. By taking Jesus to be God..IMO you step out of monotheism and lean towards polytheism..

God states in the Qur’aan for those who make Him like His creation or vice versa:

42.11 “There is nothing similar to Him.”

He also states for those who attributed to Him a son:

19.92 “But it is not suitable for Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Beneficent -Allah) that He should beget a child.”

He further states for those who believe that He created the world from Himself:

36.82“If He wishes anything to exist, He merely commands it: ‘Be’, and it is.”

For the polytheists He states:

23.91 “There was no other god along with Him, for if there were each would have taken away what he created and tried to overcome the other.”

He asks the atheists:

52.35 “Did nothing create them or did they create themselves?”

And in reference to Jesus and his mother, Mary, He confirmed their humanity by saying simply:

5.75 “They both used to eat food.”

About your questions regarding spirituality...I have had a naturally active 3rd eye (pineal gland) since I was 15..and the sleep paralysis that comes with that.. I have exorcised a demon..If you want to find out more of my understanding on the subject drop me a PM..there are both Good and Bad Jinn, like there are Good and Bad Humans...the direct descendants of lucifer are the "devils/demons", You have Muslim Jinn, Christian Jinn, Atheist Jinn. Although I think you are fooled when you think you are experiencing good things..or communicating with heavenly bodies via astral projection..they will play you on your beliefs..anything to make you lose faith in God and have faith in them...what was this bad feeling you had..please PM..I am very interested in your story..atlast something or someone I can relate to :)

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I’ve been debating the classic proofs for nearly sixteen years, so I am fully aware of their history. But I’m rather disappointed by the way you resort to arguments from authority.
Hold the phone a second. Please post a single statement I have ever made that says "Because Dr X says Y is true then Y must be true" That being said there is much merit in giving the quality of scholarship behind a concept or claim. In thousands of courtrooms for thousands of years expert testimony is vital and valid. Why only with God are obvious and perfectly logical methods suddenly no longer allowed? If I said there is a planet behind Pluto because a drunk in an alley told me so would you consider it valid or reliable, if instead I said the Voyager probe sent data and Max Plank said it was accurate, would that not make any difference? I know it would in every single other aspect of your life, why not here. Of course authority does not equal truth but it certainly does affect credibility of a claim.

The proper way we object to an argument is by showing what is wrong with it, and that is exactly what I’ve been doing. For your information not one of the classic ‘proofs’ have escaped the most severe criticism, often by theologians themselves and theist philosophers.
What agreement are you referring to anyway? I am always the one who gets frustrated from the misunderstanding and the misuse of the fallacy card usually in the wrong pace for the wrong reason. I almost never "call" fallacy, but instead explain why something is fallacious instead, so I am not sure what it is you are referring to.
Cause and effect is a natural law! It is a contingent principle, a feature that is of and in the World.
It is quite useless to point out that something that exists is in the natural world. We, or I should say, science does not have access to anything else. What is the alternative to a cause for the universe? Whatever is made up is less evidenced than cause and effect. You may have a qualitative point but not a validity point. There is no known reason why cause and effect would not have applied to the creation. That might leave what we know less than proof (and I never asserted it was proof) but certainly not without merit. This also is a double standard. Science has posited all kinds of ridiculous theory about "Before" the universe claims and even though they are based on far less than cause and effect they are considered valid for consideration. Why is science so consistently hypocritical? Believing something does not pop into existence without a cause is an infinitely worse idea than that something caused the universe to begin to exist and the arguments used by the non-theist side all get worse from there. We may debate the strength of cause and effect, but what is certain is it is the best theory by far today. Even the great scholars on your side know this. I will not list any names since you dismiss doing so but they have insisted "they never claimed anything so ridiculous as that something came from nothing uncaused".
Yes, and that is the essence of the classic Cosmological Argument, which you are proposing: something exists (the world) that answers to a non-worldly source. The world is contingent (no contradiction), and therefore something necessary must have caused it to come into being (argument from sufficient reason). But cause itself is contingent (no contradiction), and therefore a necessary being is contingent upon a contingent principle (contradiction).
No you are going too far. You may rightly assert I can't know for sure that cause and effect operated in the creation of the universe but you may not honestly then assert you know it did not. That is hypocritical. The claim that cause and effect was valid in the creation process is consistent with all known reality and there is reason at all to think it is a product of nature (in fact it seems to impose its self on nature). There is no reason whatever to insist it did not apply to the creation. You may only assert that it is not certain it did apply. That's it, and I am being generous. I think in fact good arguments exist to think it exists independent of nature. Nature does not create natural laws but have avoided contending so just yet.
Far from backing out, the moral question is one I certainly wish to discuss with you. But please don’t presume to give me a reading list; my argument is with you and not your sources.
Why is my opinion better than the scholarly wisdom of one of Earth's greatest administrative empires? I agree that it does not make it right but the sum total of knowledge of the Roman empire carries more weight than my word alone would to a secular person I would think. In no debate I have ever seen (and that is hundreds) have scholars and sources not been an integral part. If you debate me you are in effect debating many other scholars as that in large part is where I developed much of me understanding from. When they need a bridge built do they call you or an engineer? When they need a text examined is it me or a textual scholar they call? When medical testimony is needed in court do they call a doctor or a plumber? I will of course give mostly my own words but I do not agree to exclude scholarship. I lack the arrogance and faith to declare or find sufficient, only my own knowledge and ability.
Indeed – and I should hope not! For without that principle we could not survive a single day, but that is a fact within the experiential world. We know from experience that the world sustains itself, with cause and effect as an unending cyclical process where things wither and die before developing again from the old constituents. That fundamentally is the science of the matter. But your argument wants to go beyond experience with an assumption that cause is otherworldly and a necessary and objective principle in order to posit a creator in accordance with an already held belief-as-faith. But not only is it impossible to go outside worldly experience but there is no logical impediment in the denial of causation as a necessary principle. So neither experience nor logic can take us beyond the actual world, a statement with which you have to agree.
Science assumes natural law operates the same everywhere in most cases. They build fabulous theories and petition for grant money by the millions on that rational assumption. Why can they do this and yet the philosopher and the theologian not be allowed to? Inference is part of every discipline on earth. If any single subject should not be allowed to infer it would be science yet science does it more than any other and then faults theology for doing exactly what that field entails. I roundly reject these invalidity claims based on nothing beyond there is no proof. I said it was the best we have currently, there is no reason to think it wrong, but as proof is unavailable it is the next best method. Science does it constantly and I demand a single standard. Do we or do we not believe that reality was not created 5 minutes ago with the appearance of age based on inference not proof?
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No it isn’t. By definition causation is a natural law, since we know it occurs in nature; and there is nothing at all to say it occurs external to nature.
Then what in nature dictates it's existence. There is no reason to think nature (which can't generate rationality much less law) created any law within it. How did a photon decide how fast it's maximum speed was? How did matter turn on its gravitational properties. If nature can't do x then whatever is doing X is by definition beyond nature or supernatural. A law is not dependent on its application. Murder would still be wrong given God if no one believed it or ever committed it. If God does not exist then even the rape of a child is at best a social taboo or inconvenient for survival not actually wrong. So you must either declare God exists and moral law is not natural or concede that any immoral action is only against a societal preference.
I challenge that assertion with a proposition! The world is self-existent, ie it is self-sustaining and is uncaused. Now where is the contradiction? Reminder: it is for you to demonstrate the contrary, for while it would be logically absurd to pretend to demonstrate the eternity of a thing (God included), the assertion that a thing has come into existence must be proved.
You must first prove or at least attempt to show that is true. Nothing that begins to exist has ever been observed to do so without a cause and here you simply assert that it has. Not to mention it defies logical principles. If the "world" and I must assume you mean universe (no one believes the Earth is eternal) were infinite then it's past events are infinite. It is logically and physically impossible to traverse an infinite expanse of anything. How could an infinite amount of past events have occured in order to arrive at this one? How could a past number of seconds have ticked off to arrive at this one. Another would be, and this one and the others would all be true even if the oscillating universes or multiverse fantasies were true. Entropy means that give time matter and energy disperse evenly. We should have experienced heat death an infinite time ago. However very localized pockets of matter and energy all indicate a very young universe. So what you propose fly’s in the face of all kinds of science including current cosmology, mine is perfectly consistent with them all. Yours assumes an unintentional universe invented cause and effect. Mine assumes a mind created it. Yours also assumes a process which has no known exception cease to exist at some point. Mine assumes it did not. You also assert some kind of infinite causal regression which is of all these things the least likely to be true. In fact it is impossible.
Can you not see that by your saying ‘did not create itself’ you are finding for a conclusion that you’ve already given in advance? Your premise is to assume that cause is necessary for X and then you conclude that X is impossible without it!! In other words your conclusion is simply your opening premise repeated.
Abstract concepts are mind-dependent, and God is dependent upon mind, as is the world as we perceive it, and we can conceive of the world (including causation) and God to be non-existent with no contradiction.
I think you are arbitrarily dismissing or ignoring the dominant modern cosmology and the impossibility of its opposite. The over whelming amount of data all adds up to a finite universe that began to exist. You either have it coming from nothing, it always existing which is way worse, or it creating its self. None of which have the slightest reason to believe are true. I on the other hand have a 4000 year old concept that matches exactly the conclusions of philosophy and what facts we have from science. That is convergent independent confirmation. You keep ignoring the principle in question ONLY THINGS THAT BEGIN TO EXIST NEED A CAUSE. God as a concept was eternal before anyone knew of a need of such an idea. I did not invent something new I applied something very old and it fit perfectly. If you argument hinges on the eternality of the universe or God needing a cause then there is no argument.
Ahem! But of course they’re causal! You are maintaining that X is brought about by Y, and that is an abstract argument!
If I push my coffee of the table I have created an effect and there is nothing abstract about it. There is nothing abstract about God creating the universe either. We just do not know the methods he used. So what we do not know why Galaxies hang together. Is dark matter abstract? BTW if you are a materialist and you are close then before the universe there were not even abstract concepts. In your view everything is derivative of something that can't derive. Nothing has no creative potential, not even an abstract concept.

I can’t fault any broad argument to mind, but I notice the subtle term: ‘with certain characteristics’. So let’s have your ontological argument, for that is the implied requirement, and I’ll give you my response to it?
I am not sure I get the question. 1. Independent of time. 2. Personal. I will add others as soon as the context is clear.
It isn’t an argument (P) to say that V believed W over X number of years therefore P is credible or true.
It did not say it was true because it was old. Fallacy dependence is the very worst aspect of a week argument. They are crutches (though I will give you credit for explaining the false claim). My point was that it being old and independent of the questions it answers gives it a high reliability factor. What are the chances that bronze age men would guess or lie the exact unique characteristics needed for what 4000 years later would be learned are needed for the cause of the universe? The most reasonable conclusion is that it is a valid argument in favor of God. The science based non theist has only two settings (though he violates them at every chance on his own claims): 1. Proof 2. Worthless. That is invalid scholarship. Historical and theological claims are evaluated by a analog probability method, not a digital proof or false method. It would not be so bad if the standard was consistently used but it isn't. God is a cumulative case and cosmology is a single argument from thousands.
You already know that speculative arguments cannot be evidence for a supernatural being, and to argue from authority is reasoning fallaciously. The validity and soundness of a proposition or theory is not demonstrated by an appeal to authority, or from an argument ad populum, but must stand or fall by its truth or evidence. And I’m not seeing that at all here.
You are turning into a fallacy machine gun. I do not think I have ever said since so and so said X then X is true, and it certainly did not happen in what you are responding to. The red above is a perfect example of what I mentioned in the last paragraph. If God did Z and I find speculative arguments for Z then they are indeed evidence for God. What you did was redifine evidence as equal to proof and then evidence proof's test and declare that it failed. In fact evidence is a subjective thing in many cases so your argument could not be made even if true. Regardless before nature existed God is the only reasonable concept available. Not proof but evidence of ambiguous weight for the supernatural or transcendent. At best you have a quality disagreement.
What appears to be inconvenient (and continually ignored) is the very simply and logically necessary truth that a thing cannot be both contingent and necessary.
The concept of God is not contingent so this is not a problem. I do notice that you are applying terms and concepts that have only a natural application (for you that is all there is) to God when you think it helps but deny my doing so even though my view allows it.



About your disbelief in an Arab..600 years later..
41.44. And if We had sent this as a Qur'an in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have said: "Why are not its Verses explained in detail (in our language)? What! (A Book) not in Arabic and (the Messenger) an Arab?" Say: "It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there is heaviness (deafness) in their ears, and it (the Qur'an) is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a place far away (so they neither listen nor understand)
You should try to test the Quran for authenticity, I have done it with your books. They aren’t the words of God. They are human beings perceptions of what happened..(more comparable to the Hadith, Books about traditions of Muhammad).
First what was this in response to? This is the equivalent of me saying "Oh yeah the Quran is stupid, take that" However lets see what else is wrong here.
1. The first part seems to be some excuse, that the Quran must have been given in Arabic or the Arabians would have cried about it. Why is that important or even true? I never said, I will not believe in God unless he wrote the Bible in English. There are Christians in every nation on Earth because God's message was not made by man and could be understood in every language. This sounds like something made up to get out of an accusation by someone and it is ineffective. It is not technically true it is in Arabic. There are well over a hundred non Arabic words invented by other cultures in the Quran. However I do not remember saying anything about the Quran's language so what is the purpose here.
2. It is not the Quran that was supposed to be used to judge the Bible. It was in fact the Bible that was to be judge on the Quran. It fails miserably and they knew that as early as 700AD and then the campaign to smear the Bible was undertaken as a desperate necessity. I have heard most of Islam's top apologists say to the answer how can faith be held in the Quran if the Bible condemns it and was said to be the judge of it. They all said "well whatever agrees with the Quran is ok to judge by and whatever does not is corrupted". That is the most absurd self-serving nonsense possible.
3. My evaluations of the Quran go way back and it's problems have no reasonable answers (besides that a violent, 7th century, Arabian man invented it) so there is no need to find further unanswerable faults with it. The fact that in general where it is practiced, ignorance, violence, oppression, and poverty reign supreme, and where Christianity is allowed free practice the most advanced countries in human history have sprung up is evidence enough. I will give Islam credit for keeping alive Greek knowledge when the Catholics plunged Europe into the dark ages but that was the exception not the rule.
The Quran in its original Arabic, is a miracle. It is half prose and half poetry. No one in the Arab world has been able to consistently rhyme with the same two same syllables, a small poem let alone an entire book which simultaneously relates stories and historical accounts.. The beauty of the Quran in its Arabic is..that the poetry/way it is written is like an equation that balances itself, If anyone added a single letter to it, it would unbalance the equation thus losing it beauty or "miracle".
What in the world about that book can be considered even a candidate as a miracle? I have heard literary critics say it is a literary train wreck, textual scholars say it is arranged for memorization not retention and resulted in a disjointed haphazard context, I have even seen that strange claim about producing something like it be done over and over and over again. I even did it once in response to a request and the person never could show mine was any worse than the Qurans verse in any way. There is nothing beautiful about Arabic though I do personally like the script but not the spoken language. The NT for example uses one of if not the most sophisticated and descriptive languages in history. Koine Greek. I make no claim it is a language of "beauty" but it is what God needs an extremely capable written language and along with the Latin dominated the civilized world and rabidly spread the teachings way beyond it's local area of revelation. It is exactly what I would expect of a practicle God.

It might be really hard for you to accept but personally it would make more sense, If I regard Jesus as a Human..If i was to take him to be divine, it opens up a whole set of questions for me? Why isn’t Mary Divine?..she gave birth to God(Jesus)..Does God(Father) have these animal instincts and needs to have sex? If he did what will be the real reason he needs to reproduce? Why pass on his genes?..Is he going to die?
I think I might be in a different category than you think. I lean towards the trinity but "officially" have no need to know if it is true or not. If Jesus was only human given divine authority for a time of God in essence I must do the exact same thing (be born again on the basis of what he did). Falling short of claiming the trinity is fact it is very clear Jesus existed before the Earth and that through him all things were created. You may deny him being God but a mere rasul is a title history will not abide an honest researcher. Continued below:


Unlike Jesus (of what’s left of his teachings), Muhammad didn’t preach that the only way to Heaven was through him..he preached that the only way to Heaven was through the father...Honestly I dont think Jesus would have preached a message any different than that of Muhammad..Christianity IMO got derailed from the start..from the belief of Abraham..in One true God..instead you say..he is One, but theres 3...available to us in 3 distinct persons? The God I have learnt of is distinct from his creation..he will never become part of it, or manifest himself in any form.. By taking Jesus to be God..IMO you step out of monotheism and lean towards polytheism..
If you merely claim that the Bible is corrupt that is not an argument. It matters little what we think Christ would or should do or teach. It only matters what he did. I think outside of about 5% at worst total error for the whole Bible we have a reliable record of what he taught. I think it is only here that our contention can be decided. Everything springs for your claims of corruption and my defense of the Biblical integrity. What facts do claim to know concerning Bible corruption?
God states in the Qur’aan for those who make Him like His creation or vice versa:
42.11 “There is nothing similar to Him.”
He also states for those who attributed to Him a son:
19.92 “But it is not suitable for Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Beneficent -Allah) that He should beget a child.”
He further states for those who believe that He created the world from Himself:
36.82“If He wishes anything to exist, He merely commands it: ‘Be’, and it is.”
For the polytheists He states:
23.91 “There was no other god along with Him, for if there were each would have taken away what he created and tried to overcome the other.”
He asks the atheists:
52.35 “Did nothing create them or did they create themselves?”
And in reference to Jesus and his mother, Mary, He confirmed their humanity by saying simply:
5.75 “They both used to eat food.”
You and I both believe the modern Bible and modern Quran are mutually exclusive. I do not need to prove a thing beyond that to explain what I claim. You must additionally show the modern Bible is NO reflection of Christ's message and then that the Quran is such. It is here that the issue must be decided and assertions without evidence will not do. Please present such evidence and let's concentrate on that as without it there is no reason to contend further.
About your questions regarding spirituality...I have had a naturally active 3rd eye (pineal gland) since I was 15..and the sleep paralysis that comes with that.. I have exorcised a demon..If you want to find out more of my understanding on the subject drop me a PM..there are both Good and Bad Jinn, like there are Good and Bad Humans...the direct descendants of lucifer are the "devils/demons", You have Muslim Jinn, Christian Jinn, Atheist Jinn. Although I think you are fooled when you think you are experiencing good things..or communicating with heavenly bodies via astral projection..they will play you on your beliefs..anything to make you lose faith in God and have faith in them...what was this bad feeling you had..please PM..I am very interested in your story..atlast something or someone I can relate to
Boy you really misunderstood what I said. I said 20 years ago I looked into astral projection, it did not work but I always felt guilty for messing with it even though I was no Christian. Now I think it evil and have never got near it since I was born again. The good things I said I have experienced are unmistakably linked to God. The dozen or so times I have been directly in God's presence is indescribable but exactly what the Bible indicates and I got to that point by following Biblical principles exclusively and strictly. Several times I have had others be effected by the events. I am normally more intellectual based than spiritual but I went through a period over a few years where people said they felt God when near me. I am probably wrong but have drifted into a far more intellectual relationship now a days with faith. I have never healed anyone nor exercised anything but I am honest in what I have experienced. I am less so but still very interested in spiritual events on both sides. If you claim al these extreme events happened you know you have a burden of proof here. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. BTW why did Muhammad do little of these miracle type actions even when directly asked, as they said the former (biblical prophets di them in abundance) yet he did virtually none.

I want to debate several specific issues here if you agree:
1. The negative evidence the Bible is significantly inaccurate versus the Quran in the same way.
2. The positive evidence that the each is the word of God.
3. Your spiritual claims and if you wish mine.

If you agree you may begin here or in another thread if you wish. I must caution you I do not like Islam or the Quran though I like many Muslims and both are reflected in my statements but they are all evidence based and not personal.


Do you 'know' or believe?
After I briefly became an Atheist I found this issue to be a major issue; the concept of the omnibenevolent, omniscient, omnipotent god that allowed such suffering seemed directly contradictory. It was not until I recognised my assumptions that I was able to reconcile the existence of God with the existence of suffering. Let us assume for a moment god needs be all powerful and all knowing (though these two characteristics are not necessary for all concepts of god): There is no need for an omnipotent, omniscient entity to be omni-benevolent.

That does not necessarily mean that such a god is 'evil' just that it is not absolutely, perfectly 'good.' At least by any mundane comprehension of the terms (and to use a different definition for the terms when applied to the divine is fine, yet it fails to account for the validity of the mundane definitions)

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
First what was this in response to? This is the equivalent of me saying "Oh yeah the Quran is stupid, take that"

I didnt want to qoute everything..save space..save the trees :) that doesnt apply..so Ill save my time :)...it was in reply to a few of your posts..

Just about to take a nap for a bit...would love to explain my POV, but from your posts It seems like you have an engrained hatred for Islam?(Your biased when you say that Islam is only found in places of poverty...What about your christian missionaries in Africa?, please dont make assumptions without looking into the reality of your faith, not what you want it to be, why is it that according to you Islam is found in places of poverty? who do you think is truly in need of God and going to open his Heart to God more..places of poverty or places where people are content with material possessions driven solely by their egos?) I believe that I would not do myself any justice if I were to ask you to explain your insight on christianity, while holding on to these emotions( honestly I dont hate anyone. if the Quran asked me to hate anyone.I would chuck it in the bin, I am not muslim because I was born into it.)..It would be as if I was asking you to explain while already have made up my mind..which in reality would mean..Im wasting my time and yours and am on this forum just to stroke my ego..

I am willing to have the debate you presented..but on the condition that you put your hatred for Muhammad..Islam..the Quran on one side..so that your emotions dont cloud your judgement..You went far enough to call Muhammad an evil man(I love Jesus as much as I love Muhammad) based on what? The Quran? The Quran is the only authentic source of Islam..I do not agree with many of the Hadith..I take good from something based on my logic not based on the source..The Quran is not evil..thus Mohammads revelation was not evil...If I saw evil in the Quran..trust me I would be the first to turn around and run..It agrees with my view completley...I have reached this conclusion after I went through an Agnostic phase..but the need to search for the truth/God( there is no higher purpose in my eyes) led me to pick up several world religions and make my own personal decision ( I had no emotional attachment/baggage/hatred/dislike for any of those when I looked into them..If I did the reality would be that I was not looking for truth..but rather looking for anything that will confirm my preformed opinions..and that to me is being dishonest with myself).

I can type pages and pages of my understanding thus far of the occult (It is difficult to gain insight, without actually practicing it, which like you I believe is evil)..I have gathered information from any source the agrees with my experiences and logic..to me it is a puzzle that fits together quite well, My obsession with theosophy, the occult, spirituality led me to Islam.

The difference between you and I is..I havent gone to Christian scholars and based my opinion on their perception of Christianity..like you have based yours on Muslims apologists perception of Islam..have you tried reading the Quran yourself? from an unbiased point of view? I see no evil in it honestly, I see refrences to evil..provided I stay unbiased and dont take things out of context...Someone elses understanding of God or religion is not what I base my faith on..I base it on my first hand knowledge knowing that I gave everyone a fair chance..I dont care about what people think Islam is..or the worlds perception of it..or even Islamic scholars perception of it..I care whether the Quran is the word of God..if it is which in my mind there is no doubt..then I feel no need to take insight from Humanbeings perception of God/religion or stories of Men (hadith and NT)..not that I will refuse good if it agrees with my logic...

I hate no one..The Quran teaches me to control my ego..that is most important for me..more than winning a debate online..If you agree to my terms and wish to have an open minded discussion without referring to any muslim apoligists opinions..honestly I dont care..what I care about is my perception..Then I wouldnt mind debating with you..I would quite enjoy it actually :) here or a new thread either is cool with me..after I get my sleep tho..

Peace and God Bless

P.S The Islam that the Quran teaches is the purest form of Monotheism IMO found in any faith..and that is what Im after..not whether Muslim countries are poor or dirty....:facepalm:
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
After I briefly became an Atheist I found this issue to be a major issue; the concept of the omnibenevolent, omniscient, omnipotent god that allowed such suffering seemed directly contradictory. It was not until I recognised my assumptions that I was able to reconcile the existence of God with the existence of suffering. Let us assume for a moment god needs be all powerful and all knowing (though these two characteristics are not necessary for all concepts of god): There is no need for an omnipotent, omniscient entity to be omni-benevolent.

That does not necessarily mean that such a god is 'evil' just that it is not absolutely, perfectly 'good.' At least by any mundane comprehension of the terms (and to use a different definition for the terms when applied to the divine is fine, yet it fails to account for the validity of the mundane definitions)

I didnt quite get your point..can u explain further why you consider the existence of this Human condition/emotion of suffering to reconcile your assumption of the existence of God..intresting..I was buddhist for a while(didnt label myself but tried practicing it and still do to an extent)..until I realized what an extreme side of the spectrum I was opting for..IMo anything is harmful when done with out balance or in extreme..even something good.
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