That is a little odd. You Satan is used to describe one who opposes God and man and then say there is no reason think of him as an oppose of either. If God is benevolent than what opposes can't help but be malevolent. Do you mean the Bible book that concerns Enoch or the extra biblical book of Enoch?
There is a watermelon brain and a pea brain? That doesn't make much sense as it's not the size of the brain alone that constitutes intelligence, but the folding's and the ratio.
It has certainly been claimed to be the most influential factor. It certainly is A factor. Let's say it was 100% folding that makes no difference as the level of folding would be a product of evolution as well. It is biological and evolution produces inequalities in biology. This is so intuitive on every level it just appalls me that it is resisted so often by non-theists.
The sperm well for instance has a larger brain than our own. Yet I doubt you would survive long in the water without some sort of breathing apparatus, it's not your environment. Not to mention that evolution in the case of natural selection is on the genes passed on upon a population, within an environment.
We were not discussing survivability or environmental adaptation but the capacity for moral sophistication and apprehension. Something must be getting lost in the translation. Evolution produces inequalities on every level. Inequalities produce differences in capacity. Differences in capacity are the basis of racism.
If you are talking about humans being able to compare morality then you are looking at society, and if you want to equate it to some form of evolution, in that case you are looking at artificial selection (but even that is a stretch at best). There is nothing natural about it. Natural selection will dictate that an organism within an environment is considered most successful when it passes along its genes. The environment though is constantly changing, so what is successful now, doesn't mean it will be successful later. Humans have been successful for a short period of time in evolutionary history, countless organisms before us have gone extinct and we have even lost some of our fellow Genus members. There is no foundation to claim superiority by evolution when how well you are suited for an environment relies on the environment remaining stagnant which it won't.
Both society and morals are functions of evolution of would be if no God existed. There is no artificial selection everything is a result of biology. What thought is produced outside the brain. What brain would not be effected by evolution. I think your wanting to strictly confine evolution to biology without admitting the biology it produces it what produces everything else. That is why I have grown weary discussing the theory. It shrinks and expands to perform as is desired. There is not one function of biology it does not affect. Constantly in debates Dawkins and others of his ilk claim evolution is responsible for morality as log as it is neutral or good morality. The moment some malevolent moral is mentioned then evolution shrinks to just outside that capacity. It is like a whack-amole theory.
Would you claim Ebola is superior to humans? When it strikes it has a mortality rate of 90%.
In lethality possibly, in morality no. We have not been discussing lethality but moral inequality produced by biology which is a function of evolution.
A perfect being cannot create something that is not perfect. It is against it's very nature. The idea of perfect means without flaw, that denotes action. You are perfect is a judgment of your actions as well as your existence. Now if you want to argue that the definitions of perfection are different then fine that works.
He did not create an evil Satan. Satan used to be the angel in change of praise and worship. He created Satan with the ability to choose wrongly. Once chosen it had the effects involved with the fall. If you note most things that are non-optimal they exist because God allows them not because he created them. God did not create divorce, we did, he allows it because were imperfect not because he is. BTW how would the imperfect know what the perfect meant. How do you or I know what is perfect?
However if you are going along with the claim that God is the source of morality then it would stand even if our morality is twisted from Gods original source (which again brings perfection into question), it still stems from God and we would be judging God using the same merit that God gave us. As well if it is indeed a source from God it would be ingrained with our very being that our nature alone would be able to determine for us what is right or wrong.
God creates a universe which is perfect. However he allows us the capacity to act on and against that quality. What results is imperfection. He set up a system where good morals produce good things and bad morals receive that which their nature insures, wrath. We do the wrong thing and then curse God for the wrath that is incorporated in nature or originates directly from God. That make no sense. Your attempting to confuse wrath or the non-optimal with mistakes or imperfections. Aquinas and others find no reason a perfect being and evil may not co-exist. Why do you?
Now the argument of morality that is objective, to me doesn't hold much water. Moralities have changed throughout the history of mankind. To say that truth is a singular objective, I suppose is possible, but if I were to say 1+1=2 is true that does not mean that 3-1=2 is also not true.
I asked you a question I did not make a claim. I said if you believe that even one thing is actually wrong then God must exist. I do not care if no one believed it but you. I mean if anything actually is wrong. If torturing a child without justification is actually objectively wrong then God must exist. If he does no then no actually right or wrong exists and morality is an illusion.