When it comes to some church teachings, it is clear that those teachings contradict what the church hierarchy actually believes.
For example, while its a common church teaching that the soul is something separate from the body, the actual belief of the church is this:
NewCatholicEncyclopedia (1967), Vol. XIII, pp. 449, 450.
“There is no dichotomy [division] of body and soul in the O[ld] T[estament]. The Israelite saw things concretely, in their totality, and thus he considered men as persons and not as composites. The term nepeš [ne′phesh], though translated by our word soul, never means soul as distinct from the body or the individual person. . . . The term [psy·khe′] is the N[ew] T[estament] word corresponding with nepeš. It can mean the principle of life, life itself, or the living being.”
Is it time the church fessed up and started teaching what they actually believe? And does it bother christians that they are not being taught what the bible really means?