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Why doesn't God cure amputees?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Forget Lizards... Starfish are gods chosen regenerators!

Perhaps beaten only by the Planarian. :cool:

Maybe God just doesn't love us enough?



Well-Known Member
Forget Lizards... Starfish are gods chosen regenerators!

Perhaps beaten only by the Planarian. :cool:

Maybe God just doesn't love us enough?


Gods curing amputees aside, lizards being able to grow new tails is quite a good self defense mechanism, I remember grabbing hold of them by their tails when I was a kid, and they would break them off to get away. I would feel bad for the lizard, until I saw the same lizard later on with a newly grown tail, not quite as good as the original, but functional neverthelesss.


religious people often claim a miracle when a person have been sick and sudenly becomes well again and it's of not very life thretning dissises that the person had either, but you can ask this question too if a person i healthy and he/she suddenly dies is that also a miracle of god??
if a person who has lost a arm or a leg and it would grow out again now that is a miracle or person who is dead and lives again that is a miracle not some small dissise that you know that the person would recover from..


Well-Known Member
Your problem is, and this is coming from a Jewish perspective, is that you keep assuming (1) that G-d made all these promises, (2) that Jesus is G-d, and (3)that this is even an important issue.
G-d never made promises to heal. We have doctors for that.
Jesus was never G-d, and even if he was, he wasn't a very good god. He died.
And Atheists really need to find better questions. These are getting rather old.


Well-Known Member
Your problem is, and this is coming from a Jewish perspective, is that you keep assuming (1) that G-d made all these promises, (2) that Jesus is G-d, and (3)that this is even an important issue.
G-d never made promises to heal. We have doctors for that.
Jesus was never G-d, and even if he was, he wasn't a very good god. He died.
And Atheists really need to find better questions. These are getting rather old.

Allanon would totally own Gandalf. I have no idea why people think otherwise. Clearly, if you remember Sword and Wish song... Its obvious.

And elfstones... Kinda seals the deal for me. Really. The sacred elfstones will turn up some day and then all mankind will know.

God, YHWH, Yeshwah, Jesus or what have you dosnt cure amputees because fictional characters only exist in your imagination. If you believe enough you may actually think he does regardless of the evidence... perhaps devoutly...

I agree the question is old and silly. I like to watch people stumble over themselves trying to answer. You did remarkably well though. So kudos. hehe.


Well-Known Member
As odd as this sounds to most. I do try to take a realistic approach to G-d. I do look at him as if we are marionettes that are just dancing around for his amusement. That Atheists and Theists believe the way they do so that he isn't suffering from boredom. I'm more than quite sure that he enjoys watching us tear down the arguments of the opposition, just so he can sit on his big comfy couch with a bowl of popcorn and a beer and laugh.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Hot off the presses! News!

Good for the little girl... bad for atheism. From today's (April 1st's) blog update for the Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign:

God Heals Amputee, First Ever to be Recorded by Doctors

April 1st: Well folks, it looks like we were wrong. There really is a God after all, or at least some ‘thing’ up there that heals and answers prayers. Young Angie O’Plasty was a documented amputee after a freak airplane accident that left her two legs less. Keyword being ‘was’ an amputee because yesterday morning she woke up to a very pleasant surprise, an itchy toe. Angie had miraculously discovered she had two full legs again.

“The night before we held a prayer service at our church and we all laid hands on Angie, we asked that God would show mercy on our child and heal her to finally prove that he really is a merciful and loving God” said Angie’s mother.

Full story here: God Heals Amputee, First Ever to be Recorded by Doctors | Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign - Official Website

Well, I guess we'll have to all stop and re-think things a bit.

... things like what day it is today. April Fools! ;)


Why would you need a rocket ship to go to heaven?

I was responding to you when you said DallasApple "God cures amputees by creating our brains big enough to develop thechnology to make prothesis. "

If you are claiming the people who developed prosthesis are God curing us of amputation, then my question was "Is god's promise that the righteous can go to heaven going to be answered by somebody developing a rocket ship?" How can we take a god at his word if he is going to take credit for other people's ideas?

I imagine a conversation going like this:
Amputee: Hey, God, why didn't you answer my prayer when I asked for my hand to be restored to me?
God: I did answer it - I helped that guy develop a prosthetic hand for you.
Amputee: How do I know it was you who told him how to do it? I talked to him and he said you never told him anything about prosthesis, he read it in a book and talked to lots of people but he said you never told him anything.
God: I was in disuse
Amputee: How do I know you aren't just trying to take credit for his idea?
God: You must have faith.
Amputee: Lame! You sat on your *** for hundreds of years while people like me wanted our hands back and then when someone else finally makes something to solve the issue you take credit for it!
God: Careful...you might go to hell for that kind of talk.
Amputee: I suppose you made hell by inspiring Steve Jobs to put CRM in iTunes music!


Perhaps it is my fault for not stressing the point, but an element of my premise was that this bringing to belief to the faithless would be widespread. If God were to heal an amputee and this were documented, everyone could potentially know about it. Granted, it would not bring everybody to belief, but it would still undermine the principles of faith that I have stated by causing many to believe without them having had to demonstrate faith.

The two perfectly valid examples you cite (burning bush to Moses would simply be another example of God revealing himself to someone faithful) distinguish themselves from this premise in two ways
1- They were not miracles so much as interventions, and so were not demonstrative in purpose. Both the examples relate to stopping people from destroying the church. This is, in my view, a completely different category than what I would consider limb regeneration to be in.
2 - They were both small scale affairs. P/Saul was alone [I think] and Alma was with a small group. This makes it a rather personal encounter which indicates to me these events would have a specific and individual purpose.

The basic problem with your premise is the idea that healing someone with a severed limb would be somehow different from healing someone from blindness. Both would equally "prove" gods existence and there is multiple stories in the scriptures of Jesus healing blind people.

As far as the idea the faithful are "blessed" with the ability to be visited by god or only the faithful can "see" god is more aligned with the idea of God being invented by people with a vested interest in his existence than with a god getting word out about his existence or guiding "his people."

God appearing to Moses by himself is so meaningless because there is no other witness. Wasn't there some sort of thing somewhere in some sort of mormon book saying "in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" ? Why doesn't this apply to Moses or Joseph Smith?

"God told me I am supposed to tell you guys what he wants you to do, so listen to me"

"Oh yeah? When did god appear to you."

"When I was by myself."

"Oh really?"


"No one around to verify your extraordinary story that you are the one person chosen by god in the world to tell us what he want us to do."

"That's right!"

"Seriously?" :)


I think the key word is believe. If you believe you can..... But who could actually believe totally that they could move a mountain--just an example.
What about "Ye shall be as Gods." A lot of what Jesus said was to come about after we/humans followed him by living right. To make it short, I think that eventually we will be able to do "miracles " by the use of DNA to grow limbs and cure just about anything. Misunderstandings have come about because of translations and changes made etc. but the day will come when all those things will become a reality.

If it is impossible for people to believe "enough" to move a mountain then the promise is really just an empty taunt, isn't it? "If you can just jump 6 feet in the air I will give you eternal life!" NOT POSSIBLE. "Well then, you just lost out on eternal life because you aren't a good enough jumper!"

I'm sure there will be a day when we will be able to grow back limbs - but not because of god, because people decided to just figure it out on their own. Does that take faith? Sure! Does it take faith in GOD? Absolutely NOT!!!


He can Jesus cured Malchus's ear after Peter cut it off. Anyway all the other healings you healing you hear about nowadays are probably fake.

Good point, except it's not known if he made the ear GROW BACK or if he just stopped the bleeding. But in any case, if Jesus can heal a Roman soldier (probably a pagan) why can't he heal a faithful christian? Where is the story of that happening? Nowhere. Why? Because it's so easy to see it would be a lie even religious people think it would violate the "you believe and I show you nothing" game god is supposedly playing with his faithful followers.


God's purpose is for all people to regain perfection again, but since mankind has rejected the rule of God for the rule of Satan, the restoration of all things will not take place until God's Kingdom is in full power, John 12:31, 2Cor 4:3,4, 1John 5:19, Rev 12:9. Isaiah prophesied about the conditions under The Messianic Rule of Christ, Isa 35:5,6.
When Jesus was was on earth he demonstrated the power that God gave him, to heal any sort of illness, even to bring people back from the dead, Luke 6:17-19, John 11:43,44.
Since all Bible prophecys prove that we are living in the last days of this system of things, it will not be very much longer before Jesus will put the Messianic Kingdom in operation, 2Tim 3:1-5, 2Pet 3:3,4, Matt 24:3-15, Luke 21:10,11,28,31.
All those who want to receive the benefits of the kingdom MUST learn about God and His son, and exactly what He requires of each of us, John 17:3.

So are you saying God has no power over people on this planet because we are under a different management for the moment? Why are people praying to god to help them then?

Maybe that's the answer - amputees need to be asking Satan to cure them, not god! :)