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Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

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Sorry, I totally disagree. The Apocrypha was never considered holy or scripture, by the JEWs of CHRIST's time nor before. The ONLY reason they were included at all has more to do with "catholic" prayers for the dead than anything else.

You must certainly have no grasp of history or the apocryphal books. Jesus Himself quoted the apocrypha. Do a linear study of it. Even the king James original had the 7 books that the 'bible association' removed. Catholic prayers for the dead are even evident in YOUR PROTESTant bible, read Job, where he offers up sacrifice for his dead children. The apocrypha was read in large by the Jewish community until around 126, when the Jewish religious leaders decided to "purify" Judaism ie take all non Hebrew text out of their scripture. But that's off point of this discussion. Orthodox Christians do not believe the book of Mormon for 1 reason. The doctrines of Mormonism contrast sharply to the doctrines of historical Christianity. The doctrine of "what man is, God once was. What God is, man shall become" goes against the grain of what Christianity is about. The notion that Christ and Satan were brothers isn't Biblical, not even by inference. That we are all literally the Spirit children of God and His secret wife is actually disproved biblically when we read that when we accept Christ as redeemer that we are ADOPTED heirs to His kingdom. These are the reasons that most Christians worth their salt don't even give the book of Mormon a chance. Personally I've read it, its nice, but I wouldn't stake my eternal assurance on it or any other extra biblical book.


Not your average Mormon
Orthodox Christians do not believe the book of Mormon for 1 reason. The doctrines of Mormonism contrast sharply to the doctrines of historical Christianity. The doctrine of "what man is, God once was. What God is, man shall become" goes against the grain of what Christianity is about. The notion that Christ and Satan were brothers isn't Biblical, not even by inference. That we are all literally the Spirit children of God and His secret wife is actually disproved biblically when we read that when we accept Christ as redeemer that we are ADOPTED heirs to His kingdom. These are the reasons that most Christians worth their salt don't even give the book of Mormon a chance. Personally I've read it, its nice, but I wouldn't stake my eternal assurance on it or any other extra biblical book.
You say that orthodox Christians don't accept the Book of Mormon for one reason and then go on to give several examples of doctrines not even alluded to in the Book of Mormon. It's not often that I see a Catholic so critical of non-biblical doctrines. Generally speaking, they are too busy defending themselves against the Evangelical crowd in trying to support their own non-biblical doctrines to be bothered casting stones at the Latter-day Saints. When so many of your own beliefs are founded upon holy tradition and have developed over the years, it's funny you would feel so safe in your pretty glass house.


Active Member
To all LDS believers who have been hurt by my remarks concerning the book of Mormon, I apologize. :yes:
Moreover, I did not post my remarks to the individual, I only posted my remarks concerning the book of Mormon. Since it has not been added to the 66 books of the bible, and since there are not any alludings of/to it in the 66 books of the bible, I therefore conclude, and or wholeheartedly believe it to be a false doctrine regardless how many times it quotes the word of God.[COLOR="blue"For me, it is not in my interest to discuss it in any way, shape, or form. If you just wish to discuss from the 66 books of the bible that are written, We can get into a peacful discussion, hopefully.:camp: [/COLOR] John

[COLOR="Blue"]P. S. As I stated in my earlier post, you cannot use the book of mormon to discuss scripture with me, so do not dare. If you make any quotes, let it come from within the 66 books already prescribed. And not sub quotes, saying the book of mormon says it is the same thing that is written in the pentateuch. I will discuss only chapter and verse with you shown to me that are out of the KJV.[/COLOR]
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Not your average Mormon
For me, it is not in my interest to discuss it in any way, shape, or form. If you just wish to discuss from the 66 books of the bible that are written, We can get into a peacful discussion, hopefully.
You say you have no interest in discussing the Book of Mormon and yet you continue to post on this thread. May I ask why?

P. S. As I stated in my earlier post, you cannot use the book of mormon to discuss scripture with me, so do not dare. If you make any quotes, let it come from within the 66 books already prescribed.
Excuse me, but when have we even attempted to do what you are insisting we not "dare" to do? I almost never allude to the Book of Mormon when debating other Christians and neither do most of the LDS on this forum. So you can stop insisting that we not do so.


To all LDS believers who have been hurt by my remarks concerning the book of Mormon, I apologize. :yes:
I haven't posted much in this thread (or on this forum lately for that matter), but I'll chime in a bit here.

I doubt that anyone at all has been hurt by your remarks concerning the Book of Mormon. We've heard all of your arguments many times before, and most of those times they have been presented much better than you have. We're comfortable with the answers we have to the items you have brought up.

If anyone has been offended it is from your attitude, not your message.
You say that orthodox Christians don't accept the Book of Mormon for one reason and then go on to give several examples of doctrines not even alluded to in the Book of Mormon. It's not often that I see a Catholic so critical of non-biblical doctrines. Generally speaking, they are too busy defending themselves against the Evangelical crowd in trying to support their own non-biblical doctrines to be bothered casting stones at the Latter-day Saints. When so many of your own beliefs are founded upon holy tradition and have developed over the years, it's funny you would feel so safe in your pretty glass house.

My pretty glass house has holy scripture to back it up dear. And if you had read in context you would understand what I said. I said that DOCTRINES of the lds kept orthodox Christians from reading the bom I never said that those things were taught in the book. You somehow got wires crossed... Never once did I attack you, nor belittle your beliefs. Although I can understand that you are probably defensive when on this post considering some hateful things I've read from people, a particular Protestant at that. I have a very dear friend that is Mormon, we discuss all the time. It was from her that I learned of the queen of heaven in the lds faith. As a catholic, I have Mary as queen of heaven. I'm not Mormon bashing, just trying to answer a question. The same can be said of Catholics. Most Protestants refuse to accept Catholic theology because we believe in a Pope, purgatory, and Saints as intercessors. While there IS biblical reasoning behind all these doctrines most non Catholics had rather ignore or reintrepret rather than study true Catholic teachings. I have studied Mormonism and find it a beautiful religion. Like I said, I find the book of Mormon to be a beautiful work, I wasn't trying to cast stones, I was merely tossing ideas, if I hit you with 1, it wasn't because I was throwing it at you, but because you stepped in front of it. I'm sorry if I sounded rude before that was NOT my intention. And btw, a real Catholic, won't waste much time defending the faith to Protestants since they are born of Catholicism. The original rarely has to defend itself when historical data proves the case.lol


Not your average Mormon
My pretty glass house has holy scripture to back it up dear.
I don't believe a lot of your doctrines can be substantiated by scripture, but by holy tradition. Holy tradition at least makes some sense to me. It certainly beats what the Protestants have to go on.

I have a very dear friend that is Mormon, we discuss all the time. It was from her that I learned of the queen of heaven in the lds faith. As a catholic, I have Mary as queen of heaven.
Actually, I have been LDS all my life (60 years) and have never once heard any member of my Church mention a "queen of heaven." We do believe that we have a Mother in Heaven, not just a Father in Heaven. That is probably what you're thinking of.

I'm not Mormon bashing, just trying to answer a question. The same can be said of Catholics. Most Protestants refuse to accept Catholic theology because we believe in a Pope, purgatory, and Saints as intercessors. While there IS biblical reasoning behind all these doctrines most non Catholics had rather ignore or reintrepret rather than study true Catholic teachings. I have studied Mormonism and find it a beautiful religion. Like I said, I find the book of Mormon to be a beautiful work, I wasn't trying to cast stones, I was merely tossing ideas, if I hit you with 1, it wasn't because I was throwing it at you, but because you stepped in front of it. I'm sorry if I sounded rude before that was NOT my intention. And btw, a real Catholic, won't waste much time defending the faith to Protestants since they are born of Catholicism. The original rarely has to defend itself when historical data proves the case.lol
Apology accepted. I'm just getting tired of the mud-slinging. And by the way, as I have said many times on this forum, if I were to ever leave the LDS faith for another Christian Church, it would be Catholicism (not that that's likely ;) ). I have many Catholic friends. When I was just about 12 years old, my one Catholic friend and I used to sit and talk about our religious beliefs a lot.


Question Everything
[/color]P. S. As I stated in my earlier post, you cannot use the book of mormon to discuss scripture with me, so do not dare. If you make any quotes, let it come from within the 66 books already prescribed. And not sub quotes, saying the book of mormon says it is the same thing that is written in the pentateuch. I will discuss only chapter and verse with you shown to me that are out of the KJV.

blu, you have a lot of some kind of devotion... why does the LDS faith bother you so much? out of all the other religions out there (and there are a lot) why does our little 13 mil threaten you so?

in any event...
Edited to contain only scripts from the Bible:

I guess the NT is an "accursed book" because it was added onto the OT after everyone was clearly told by Moses:

2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
(Old Testament | Deuteronomy4:2)

Anything more than the Torah must be accursed!!!!!

(The Rev scripture was written before much of the NT was added... you would be removing quite a bit of your current script with your logic - just FYI)

If the bible were so complete... why are there 38,000 different beliefs?

The Bible is obviously incomplete -

Lost Books. The so-called lost books of the Bible are those documents that are mentioned in the Bible in such a way that it is evident they were considered authentic and valuable, but that are not found in the Bible today. Sometimes called missing scripture, they consist of at least the following:
book of the Wars of the Lord (Num. 21:14);
book of Jasher (Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18);
book of the acts of Solomon (1 Kgs. 11:41);
book of Samuel the seer (1 Chr. 29:29); book of Gad the seer (1 Chr. 29:29);
book of Nathan the prophet (1 Chr. 29:29; 2 Chr. 9:29);
prophecy of Ahijah (2 Chr. 9:29);
visions of Iddo the seer (2 Chr. 9:29; 12:15; 13:22);
book of Shemaiah (2 Chr. 12:15);
book of Jehu (2 Chr. 20:34);
sayings of the seers (2 Chr. 33:19);
an epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, earlier than our present 1 Corinthians (1 Cor. 5:9);
possibly an earlier epistle to the Ephesians (Eph. 3:3);
an epistle to the Church at Laodicea (Col. 4:16);
and some prophecies of Enoch, known to Jude (Jude 1:14).

To these rather clear references to inspired writings other than our current Bible may be added another list that has allusions to writings that may or may not be contained within our present text, but may perhaps be known by a different title; for example, the book of the covenant (Ex. 24:7), which may or may not be included in the current book of Exodus; the manner of the kingdom, written by Samuel (1 Sam. 10:25); the rest of the acts of Uzziah written by Isaiah (2 Chr. 26:22).

The foregoing items attest to the fact that our present Bible does not contain all of the word of the Lord that he gave to his people in former times, and remind us that the Bible, in its present form, is rather incomplete.
(Bible Dictionary | LLost Books:Entry)

Look up the above scripts - books written by prophets and seers about miracles, containing visions - that are missing from the Bible...

the Bible is obviously incomplete.
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That is your opinion of what has been said, you are wrong!
How can I be wrong? I asked you, "So when was the Bible Finished? And which one is the right one?"
You replied, "LOL! KJV. and a Hebrew English and a Greek/english interlinear."

So you believe that ONLY the King James version of the Bible and the Greek/Enlish Interlinear are
correct. So IF only those two are correct that means that ALL OTHERS are INCORRECT. Because of this
I said:
"So none of those other Bibles that are closer to the original documents are true?" Which is a
CORRECT assumption based on your previous statement.

Again, that is your interpretation of what has been said, wrong gain!!

As proved above my conclusions were correct based on your statments.

Exactly, wrong again!!! strike 3 your out!!!
Same as above.

You will have to go back and get that one, and I'll be the ones who decides if my argument
was thought through.
It's possible I was incorrect in my statement here. You said, "Yes, just like the Mormon fairy tale,
no way of proving it. But I believe in what is written do you? (1Thes 5:21) Prove all things; hold
fast that which is good."

I was under the assumption that you were refering to what Christ did when stating 'just like' since
this is to vague I'll leave it alone.

Starting over again, Strike one!
I'm starting over or you are?
If you had been reading correctly, you would have known which one.
Well we've been talking about the Book of Mormon, the Bible, Mormon, Moroni, Joseph Smith, which one
should I have looked up?

But no comment?
Nope because I agree with it. I didn't learn anything new when i read it. What was I supposed to get
from it?
Sounds like bible thumping to me!
Nope, just posting what I was supposed to read so everyone can see.
Which church of the devil is it you are speaking of,
There is only one Church of the Devil. It is any group, organization, person, business, church, etc
that does not follow Christ.
Time has come for you to get off the fence and face your fears.
What fears am I supposed to face?
No, but then he went on to say many many things that are not even alluded to in the bible of
the one true God.
Actually I'm pretty sure all LDS beliefs can be found alluded to in the Bible. They won't be spelled
out exactly but alluded to. Of course if we them posted the allusions then you would claim that
since they are not spelled out they don't count.
That fable if you would build it and try to float it, it would sink, if you tried to take all
that fable and make of it a plane, it would not fly.
It depends what type of material you used. Even a cement airplane can fly. Go Mythbusters!
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Truly it is an accursed book based on what god has said: "do no add to this book."
This passage in Revelation is refering specifically to the book of Revalation. We have proved it
mutliple times over. why do you still repeat this over and over?

Even if it was refering to the whole Bible the Book of Mormon is not adding to the Bible. It is it's
own book. That would mean that it is not subject to the statement in Revelation.

Problem is that you and all Mormons were brought up in a cave
Actually I was brought up in a couple houses in Idaho. I have gone camping in caves though.
with seeing nothing but shadows on the wall, and we christians were freed from the cave of
darkness by Christ and brought out into the light of life, and we can see through your J. Smiths
ploy to subjugate a congregation to himself.
You have yet to prove this.
As it is written in the gospel of the one true God, "any gospel that we have not preached to
you let it be accursed." Aren't you a bit concerned at seeking for the truth.
Yes I am which is why I am LDS. It is Christ's gospel. That makes it the same one.
Your problem is that you use the book of Mormon to validate the bible, and that is a no
I don't I use the Book of Mormon to validate my interpretation of the Bible. Not to validate the
Bible itself. Besides where does it say that using the Book of Mormon to validate the Bible is a no
It is the bible and the bible only that contains the truth.
Where does it say this?
Not any other book on earth contains truth as the truth of the bible.

1 Thes 5:21
21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Prove it.
I'll admit, Smith really made a lot of use copying information from the bible and
intergrating it into his fable.

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Prove it.
If I was born in a cave, I would believe in it too.
Why would you have had to live in a cave? I believe in it and I have never lived in a cave.
Rev 22:18-19

Your conclusion based on this scripture has been proven wrong. Find something else.
You have 24 months and 13 days before the rapture. if you have not repented and given
yourself over to god and beg for His mercy, you will be left behind.
I actually don't believe in the rapture. I don't think anybody will be flying up in the sky.
There are none so blind as they that will not see
P.S. I might add, that my telling you that I know the date of the rapture, and the date of
the end of the world, seems just as impossible to believe for you as is your Book of Mormon does for
That would be an illogical conclusion since you don't know how impossible you knowing the date of
the rapture is. You would have to know that in order to make a proper comparison.
Well, I guess I cannot. BUt I do say that if anyone can believe that story that J. Smith
wrote, must also have been brought up in acave somewhere else on earth, just not the same cave. Cave
dwellers will flock together, like birds of a feather.
Cave dwellers flock together? I've never heard this. Could you provide some archeological evidence.
Problem is, You are into the story and have accepted it, and i dare say that you would, even
if you could, say anything to go against it.
Why? If I thought it was wrong I would not be part of it. Why would I want to join with something
that is not true? I don't get power, or money, or anything like that from it. The only thing I get
is closeness to the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
I am on the outside of it, and I can look into and see the flaws, for me it is quite obvious
that it is not of God Himself.
And we are on the outside of your beliefs so we could say the same about you. It isn't that
convicing of an argument.

I have no fear of being ostracized from the pack or have any fear of the elders, I fear only
Same with me.

Luke 14:26

26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren,
and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

I guess it is easier to spot things from a first and fresh point of view without having the
fear of being intimidated.
I believe so.
The word believe is synonymous with faith.
Eh. It's similar.
Main thing is to be concerned with the fact of your own salvation, and do not worry about the rest of the world until you know where you stand with God. Lord tells us often to be sure of our self and how do we know we are saved, well we have to search the bible for the answers. And believe it, it is not by speaking in tongues. I could look up some answers, but the best I heard so far is to cry out to God for mercy and plead with him to be sure that he has chosen you. You can never even tell if the guy in the pew next to you is a tare or not. God has described ppl as Gold, silver, and precious stones, then the tares are hay, wood, and stubble.
Yep. You can't save anyone. So we should each be concerned with our own standing with God.
You really have to commune with the Lord, and the church cannot save you, it is God who draws us.
True the Church cannot save anyone. However, it iso nly through the Church that the proper ordinances can be administered.
No baptisim in water or the paying of tithes, or the sinners prayer, just the grace of god.
True in a way. No matter what we do we cannot be saved. Only through Christ can we be saved. However Christ will only save us if we show our dedication to Him. And that is done by obeying his commandments and follwoing his example like being baptized, paying tithes, etc.

What is the sinners prayer?


This thread outlived its usefulness LONG ago.

But it's so much fun.
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