Jehovah our God is One
Thanks Pegg,
Coincidently I was reading the study article for next week when I have noticed this thread
Therefore, I still think that we have different things talking about, let me simplify what I want to say by posting the paragraph from WT study edition which talks about this:
So I am not talking about the annointed/partakers, my question is about the number of the "this generation" the number of still alive, because by knowing how many left we can have a real pointer how close we are to the end, as the above paragraph explains.
Hope that I could clarify my point,
Thanks in advance
Ah, i see. So basically you want to know how many are still here who were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth.
I have no idea. I dont think anyone would know that number because this is a very new thought and it has not been the custom to record the details of who is anointed and when they were anointed.
But the best gauge for knowing when the end will come is by continuing to look to the signs and fulfilment of the prophecies. We are starting to see a change in attitude toward the Harlot...look at how the governments are beginning to impose itself on her influence and even how they are demanding justice for her victims....the change in circumstance for the harlot is already beginning to take shape. She is loosing her flocks and her money, churches are drying up financially and they are loosing the support of both politics and people.
So keep alert to the times we are living in... things will happen very quickly and we need to keep spiritually awake in order to see them.