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Why don't some people like being Apes?

what makes us smarter? computers?, scientific knowledge? all that is built on what the ancients knew.

if we were told to build some ancient structures we would plan using modern equipment, BUT if we were told only to use simple wood, rope and metal tools we would strugle to match the ancients skills.

and apparently batteries from ~200BC - 250AD were dug up (link) which predate the 'modern' galvanic cell by more than a millenium.

so were we smarter or did we just have a further starting point?

You know something? Oh shucks...just forget it!

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Because they had the technology, if the religious crazies of today had the same, they would do the same. I hope you realize that.

Of course.

How is how much people "live on" relevant?

I believe that the rich countries using more then their fair share is wrong. Our life style is based on the exploitation of the poor around the world. Mr Campball was bringing up bad things about our ancestors.( He was talking about my great- great- great-great ect... Mother don't talk about my mother;) ) I believe It is relevant to bring up issues that we still have today.

We americans are poor in European standard

Our standard of living is higher then some European counties ( I.E. greece and Portugal ) and lower then others ( Norway )

and our culture is rather backwards in most standards

This is true of our basic educational system and Health care. In other ways I can not agree. Race relations is better in America then lets say France.

No, they cause Climate change because of massive pollution, We as a nation is hugely responsible because of poor education .

I do agree that we have many religious folks who hate science. This makes it hard to fight things like global Warming . Our greed for eating large amounts of meat and driving gas burning cars with out creating public transit like Europe also is very problematic but even Europe is not helping enough in this area, I would not give a pass to any developed nation.

Incorrect, We as a PEOPLE are smarter and the ancients as a PEOPLE where stupid in a technological standpoint, else we are equal we still havereligious ignorance and violence and hatred, just as back "then".

I do not believe that technology is the only way to judge how smart people are. I will take the intelligence of King Ashoka over George Bush any day of the week. All I said is that we underestimate the Intelligence of the Ancients in our modern world.
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Actually, just to be picky, the ratio of combattants and victims vs. deaths was much lower (per capita) in the 20th century than had been in previous centuries. Fewer barbaric raids occur than in past and reduced hand to hand combat means fewer fallen soldiers per capita.

Of course that doesn't negate the point of your post. Just being a picky jerk.

1st thing you are never a jerk. I always have respect for your posts even when they are aimed at me.

I did hear about this study ( If we are posting about the same research ) on NPR. I had problems with some of the study because it used many western impacted cultures in it's data. These societies tend to be much more violent because of the nature of the impact of colonialism had on "primitive" cultures.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I know that a loving caring god didn't use two naked teen agers, an apple and a snake in a garden...six thousand years ago to determine the eternal fate of mankind. I fail to see how anybody else believes it. And don't even get me started on virgin birth and resurrection.

What's that have to do with anything?

Those are only as stupid as a man described as being made of steel yet being able to fly and being the epitome of goodness, or a man dressing up as a flying rodent after learning martial arts and scaring criminals. Or a kid being bitten by a radioactive spider and gaining its powers, and uses it to fight crime, yet try to live a social life. Or that mutation can cause someone to shoot lasers out of his eyes, or heal rapidly to the point of near invincibility, or be telepathic and/or telekinetic.

Besides, Adam and Eve's ages were never stated, the fruit was not an apple, because apples don't grow in that part of the world; it's been speculated that it was a fig.

These are STORIES! If you don't believe them literally, treat them as such. The story of Adam and Eve NEVER, EVER, EVER said that God was all-loving.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
If there are many around like you we can wait a couple of hundred years and the 400 year long mistreatment of Blacks in the south will just be a falsehood, a myth, an old wives tale and the Ku Klux Klan will have never existed.

You really believe that the rulers of ancient Egypt were so tolerant of their slaves that they allowed them to come in and dine with them after a long, hot day of labor in the desert. Get Real!

Here's a little something right out of the bible about the ancients:

So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor. And they built for Pharaoh storage cities, Pithom and Raamses . . . And the Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously; and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them. Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah, and the other was named Puah; and he said, "When you are helping the Hebrew women to give birth and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall put him to death; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live." (NASB) Exodus 1:11

I thought you didn't trust the Bible as a historical reference. ^_^

There's actually very little archaeological evidence, as far as I know, that the Exodus story ever took place.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I'll go with that if I'm allowed one caveat. I don't want to hear some half educated bible thumper talking to his invisible man in the sky every time I go to a ribbon cutting, a sports event or a NASCAR race. Let them keep it to theirself.

Well, we can't always get what we want.

I don't want to see that preacher guy preach at the college I go to. But I let him because of freedom of speech, and I have no right to tell him he can't. Therefore, I tolerate it.

How can we expect tolerance to come about if we can't even tolerate certain harmless acts, such as public prayer?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Incorrect, We as a PEOPLE are smarter and the ancients as a PEOPLE where stupid in a technological standpoint, else we are equal we still havereligious ignorance and violence and hatred, just as back "then".

Knowing a bunch of facts is not an indication of intelligence level.

They were just as capable of understanding technology that we have, had they discovered it themselves.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I do not believe that technology is the only way to judge how smart people are. I will take the intelligence of King Ashoka over Gorge Bush any day of the week. All I said is that we underestimate the Intelligence of the Ancients in our modern world.

I'll take King Ashoka over ANY of the American Presidents. :yes: (That is, AFTER his conversion to Buddhism. :angel2:)


Yes. that's right. It's called natural selection. the primate family has branched and still the apes survive. It's proves our advanced adaptability.

I've always felt that humans are animals. Ignore the negative connotation of 'animal' and look at the bare of it. Sure, we have many differences, but our similarities far exceed. I don't like the idea of being superior to them either, but we are. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
The only thing we have superior to other animals is our larger brains. Otherwise, we are quite ordinary if not weak in most every other areas compared to many other species.

Drop an average person off in the frozen northlands by themselves and they would be dead in a week. There are many species that live in that kind of environment. We are not as superior as we think to other animals.


Well-Known Member
If there are many around like you we can wait a couple of hundred years and the 400 year long mistreatment of Blacks in the south will just be a falsehood, a myth, an old wives tale and the Ku Klux Klan will have never existed.

You really believe that the rulers of ancient Egypt were so tolerant of their slaves that they allowed them to come in and dine with them after a long, hot day of labor in the desert. Get Real!

Here's a little something right out of the bible about the ancients:

So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor. And they built for Pharaoh storage cities, Pithom and Raamses . . . And the Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously; and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them. Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah, and the other was named Puah; and he said, "When you are helping the Hebrew women to give birth and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall put him to death; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live." (NASB) Exodus 1:11
I thought you didn't believe this tripe? Why quote the bible to make your point. There are plenty of archeologists that don't even believe the hebrews were ever slaves in Egpyt.:slap:

edit: Reading further, I now realize lots have already said this.
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Yes. that's right. It's called natural selection. the primate family has branched and still the apes survive. It's proves our advanced adaptability.

I've always felt that humans are animals. Ignore the negative connotation of 'animal' and look at the bare of it. Sure, we have many differences, but our similarities far exceed. I don't like the idea of being superior to them either, but we are. Thoughts?

Yeah...somehow folks miss the all telling similarities. Every mammal on earth has a mouth through which to ingest nutrition, a brain, a heart, lungs, a digestive system, a rectum through which to excrete waste and the nearby sexual organs which when coupled with these locations prove that the subtle effects of gravity over millions of years is evident. The flow of both liquids and solids from top to bottom, from front to back. It all enters at the top and comes out at the bottom. Since we're created in god's image I wonder if he/she/it has to eat and crap every day? Nothing more frustrating than a case of the runs a couple of hours before a wedding...or funeral...especially if you are the best man or a pallbearer ;)
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Since we're created in god's image I wonder if he/she/it has to eat and crap every day? Nothing more frustrating than a case of the runs a couple of hours before a wedding...or funeral...especially if you are the best man or a pallbearer ;)

Actually some traditions account for God's excrement...

Qliphoth, kliffoth, klippot or kellipot (Heb. קליפות qelippot, meaning "peels", "shells" or matter,[1] singular: קליפה qelippah and sometimes קליפות the primeval "husks" of impurity) refer to the representation of evil forces in the mystical teachings of Judaism (such as in the Kabbalah.)[2] The word Qlipoth derives from the Hebrew word "qelipoth". The Qliphoth are shells around the Sephirot. They are similar to the Kanchukas in Kashmir Shivaism.

Qliphoth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually some traditions account for God's excrement...

I had no idea. 'Course I was watching a program on Discovery, A&E, NatGeo or one of those channels which described in detail the fact that some ancients dug up the remains of their family members or loved ones each year on the anniversary of their death and had a formal get-to-gether and dinner with the remains being the guest of honor. Is there no end to it?


It is what it is
Yeah...somehow folks miss the all telling similarities. Every mammal on earth has a mouth through which to ingest nutrition, a brain, a heart, lungs, a digestive system, a rectum through which to excrete waste and the nearby sexual organs which when coupled with these locations prove that the subtle effects of gravity over millions of years is evident. The flow of both liquids and solids from top to bottom, from front to back. It all enters at the top and comes out at the bottom. Since we're created in god's image I wonder if he/she/it has to eat and crap every day? Nothing more frustrating than a case of the runs a couple of hours before a wedding...or funeral...especially if you are the best man or a pallbearer ;)

Oh the thought of it... God with the same digestive track as us, but no gravity around as he floats around in heaven. And I thought acid reflux was bad.

Note to self: Take "set hand-stand record" off my list of things to do before I die.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It is always better to be created human and distinct from apes than it is to be evolved human because being created human gives our poo flinging and other apelike behaviors more respectability.


Done here.
There's actually very little archaeological evidence, as far as I know, that the Exodus story ever took place.
"Very little" as in "none."

There was, no doubt, travel and migration between Egypt and Palestine, but there's no evidence of the Exodus as such.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
"Very little" as in "none."

There was, no doubt, travel and migration between Egypt and Palestine, but there's no evidence of the Exodus as such.


although there are things like carbon copies of some of the pslams found on Ankhenaten's city (Armana) walls....

but this is on the fringe of accepted history....