Well, science is not in the business of proving. But the evidence is quite overwhelming. Even a simple visual should make it obvious. do not need a biology degree to see that. Remove the clothes, add hair everywhere, including the face, and you will realize you are in the planet of apes, too. Actually, that is what the special effect people of that movie did, successfully. It would not have been possible, if your God opted for a completely different creature that really separated it from the rest.
why didn’t He btw? I mean, suppose you are God. i know, it is Friday, You have been spending the entire week creating the whole universe and everything in it. You are so tired that You even decide to create a day of rest for the almighty, which must indicate infinite exhaustion.
but I have to ask: why didn’t you wait until Monday, to create the pinnacle of everything else? You know, when you are fit again. I mean, to create The very thing you created the entire rest for. You have no boss with deadlines and stuff, so, why? You could have rested a million years, and nobody would have noticed.
Why did you do it while you were so obviously tired to find nothing better than reusing the design of apes?
- viole
Evidence is proof. Proof is evidence. Science loves evidence. Science is very much into the business of proof. Don’t need a degree to know that, just knowledge of simple vocabulary.
If I were God, I’d never be tired. The 7th day is for worshipping myself, not resting.