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Why I am a good proof that there is a God


Jesus in me
7. I don't believe your claims.
8. can you demonstrate any objective evidence for you assertions?

I believe there is no objective evidence. I believe the concept of objective evidence is a myth. All evidence is relative to previous knowledge.


Jesus in me
All of that is better explained by delusion than the existence of a god for which there is zero verifiable evidence.

I believe I am not deluded. How would one determine if a person was? I usually view it as a person who denies valid evidence because it doe not agree with thier beliefs. You may actually qualify.


Scratching head, scratching knee
1. He does to Atheists as well, they just can't recognize the sword of God with them, it thunders in their soul calling them to recognize it, but they ignore it their whole lives.
Why is god incapable of saying anything that we can hear? Why is it that only people who already believe in him can hear him?

This kind of issue keeps coming up with your arguments. It seems your version of god has very limited abilities and is not able to do much with what little power he does have.
Given this, why do you think it is a god worth following?


Scratching head, scratching knee
I believe I am not deluded.
a deluded person would say that.

How would one determine if a person was?
If their extraordinary claims are not supported by evidence but they still insist they are real. They often accuse others of being blind or arrogant, etc.

I usually view it as a person who denies valid evidence because it doe not agree with thier beliefs. You may actually qualify.
What "valid evidence" have I denied?


Jesus in me
If you are deluded, you wouldn't know.
If you are a liar, you wouldn't tell us.

I believe I would get some insight if a person thought I were deluded. Of course they would have to have valid evidence.

I believe quite often people are caught lying by being inconsistent. That is why the police when questioning a person require the person to repeat his testimony to see if there is an inconsistency.


Scratching head, scratching knee
The biggest proof for God I know of is that he sees all things and encompasses all things, and this suffices as proof for him, because that's the nature of things, to exist in his vision.
The more you try to explain your "proof for god", the more unconvincing they sound.
Perhaps your god is somehow restricting your ability to present rational arguments?


Scratching head, scratching knee
I believe I would get some insight if a person thought I were deluded.
There are many people whose delusions are so profound and deep rooted that they never emerge from them. By your argument, simply telling them they are deluded should be enough to break the delusion.

Of course they would have to have valid evidence.
The evidence is
1. We know that people suffer the same kind of delusions that you have described.
2. There are better, natural explanations for all your claims.
This does not prove you are deluded but it does make it a reasonable explanation for your claims.

I believe quite often people are caught lying by being inconsistent. That is why the police when questioning a person require the person to repeat his testimony to see if there is an inconsistency.
As you are describing mostly intangible concepts it would be difficult to be caught out.
However, you claim that god heals your diseases so we can determine if you have suffered from a verifiable condition that has mysteriously cleared up - but I suspect that you aren't going to give me access to your medical records. And even this isn't clear cut because we know that the human body is capable of healing itself from many conditions. People get better all the time. It's no mystery. I myself (and millions of others) recovered fully from Covid with no medical intervention. Was that god?
And if it was, why does he save atheists, murderers, rapists, war criminals, etc but allow devout religionists, their children, babies, innocent and good people to die in great suffering? Why would you worship someone like that?


Scratching head, scratching knee
You run away from God and his guide as if running away from a Lion. Just stop it and secrets of life begin to open up for you.
You keep saying this, but I have prayed, taken part in religious rituals, meditated, even taken the shahada. Nothing. Not a flicker.
For these things to "work", you need to already have belief in the thing you are looking for. It ism were confirmation bias.

And then what about all the religious people who lose belief? People who were once devout and pious but now reject the concept of god. What happened there? Why did god take it away from them?


Scratching head, scratching knee
And I've demonstrated, you can take the horse to the water hole, can't make it drink if it doesn't want to.
What you have done is point at a patch of dry, rocky ground and said "There is the water hole!" We cannot drink because there is no water. What you can see is a mirage generated by your own thirst.


Scratching head, scratching knee
Moses (a) was accused of speaking unclearly, Mohammad (s) when he use to teach, those with a disease in their heart would say to those with knowledge "What did he just say", as if he speaks nothing or nonsense.
And people are still arguing about what holy scripture actually means. So they are demonstrably unclear.
Even you claim that much of the Quran is wrong or misinterpreted by almost every Muslim.

This is how people respond when clear reminders are given to them.
What "clear reminders"? You haven't show any. You just keep repeating nonsense.

They have no response and take their disbelief as proof it's not proven.
Everything you have said (that has ben intelligible) has been dismantles through evidence and rational argument.
It is you who has no response and take your belief as evidence for your belief.


Scratching head, scratching knee
I know you repeat this, but, I'm pretty sure I know what it means.


Scratching head, scratching knee
Not only he is not fiction, it's deceivers who are hiding facts like ancient tech and cities destroyed. The Messengers are truth.
So there is also a global conspiracy to hide ancient technologies and secret underground cities, but the really smart cookies like yourself are the only ones who realise.

Why am I not the least bit surprised at this.
Are your bedroom walls covered in pictures and Post-Its with bits of red string between them?


Scratching head, scratching knee
There are plenty of evidence. Don't label it conspiracy.
There is plenty of evidence that shadowy forces are suppressing knowledge of ancient tech and destroyed cities?
Excellent! Please present it.

(Note: if you merely claim that the evidence is clear but I am too blind to see it, I shall kill a kitten every hour until you apologise)


Scratching head, scratching knee
If God is real then he should be clear to see am I right?
Given the claims made by and about god, yes.
However, he is demonstrably not clear to see. Therefore by your argument, god does not exist.
(Note: I do not think that simply because something is not clearly apparent it therefore does not exist, but you seem to, so your god must be examined by your own standards)


Scratching head, scratching knee
I believe that is always a possibility which is why it is always good to know who is who. Jesus said you can tell because the devil always seeks to kill steal and destroy and he was a lair from the beginning. I believe that would go for his minions as well.

On the other hand I believe God is always God is always good. He loved us enough to die for us. He is forgiving and merciful and just. He is omniscient and omnipresent and I believe he doesn't allow anyone to take His place.

So when I called upon God I believe I got God because He would not allow a demon to misrepresent Him.
God has done his fair share of killing and destroying, so your argument here fails.


Scratching head, scratching knee
I believe I have a tendency to accept things as presented until there is proof they are not true.
I am your biological father.

So, until there is proof that I am not, you need to call me dad.


Scratching head, scratching knee
No it's not! The notion of there being an Egyptian triangle depicted in our genetic code is based on the research work of Vladimir shCherbak and Maxim Makulov,; they published the details of how an Egyptian triangle is depicted in our genetic code in the scientific peer reviewed journal of Icarus.

Chris Davis' Science Blog.
Sounds a lot like apophenia.

I seriously doubt that babble would pass muster to get published in a peer reviewed scientific journal.
Scientific journals are not "peer reviewed".