How long would you say that life has existed on Earth?
Der Kryptid, On the 5th Day, or Yesterday, in God's time, God created and brought forth, from the water "every living creature that moveth". Gen 1:21 God's command brought life to our Planet, beginning some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time, as Science has discovered. Since the same thing happened on Adam's Earth, it's a revealation that where ever we find liquid water in Space, we will find Life, and they will look exactly like us.
BTW, the sons of God (prehistoric people) were present on Adam's Earth long BEFORE Eve was made from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22. These people were made on the 5th Day, from the Water and Eve was not made until the 6th Day. Each of God's Days or Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in man's time. God has but 6 Creative Days and 1 Festival DAy, the 7th Day, which has NO end. God Bless you.
In Love,