NOAH'S ARK AND INSTANT FOSSILIZATION: There are many, many reasons why this is absolutely scientifically false. I'll name just one: We never find fossils of homo saipian buried at the same level as a Triceratops. This is because of plate tectonic movement, glacial movement and the processes by which things are buried by windblown dust and particles, and the decomposition of plant an animal matter that, over time, buries what is on the ground. We never find an artifact belonging to the Cambrian era at the level we expect to see the Jurassic era. We never find an artifact belonging to the Jurassic era at the same level as the Neogene era. We never find something belonging to the Neogene era at the same level as the Cambrian era. If hypothesis that massive fossilization happened instantaneously at the time of the biblical flood, then all of these remains would exist on the same layer and at the same depth; or would otherwise be "all mixed up". If such an enigma were actually discovered, it would cause us to question everything we believe to be true about Evolution, Plate Tectonics, Geophysics, Volcanism, Climate Change and the entirely of all of our accumulated knowledge about natural sciences. That is why such a find has never occurred; and highly unlikely to ever occur. (This is why Creationism is regarded as an attack on science in its entirety). The fossil layers, alone, refute the hypothesis of a singular mass extinction/flood event.
TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS: Darwin lamented about the lack of transitional fossils 155 years ago. Since Darwin, 155 years of progress has been made discoveries have been found. We now have hundreds of transitional fossiles; Australopithecus; aka "Lucy", Tiktaalik, and many more listed on Wikipedia under the title "Transitional Fossils".
CROSS-CONFIRMATION: The theory of Evolution is not a stand alone theory; it is well documented and supported by a vast array of scientific disciplines, many of them hardly even related: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Plate Tectonics, Geophysics, Geology, Paleontology, Volcanism, Comparative Morphology, Taxonomy, Embryology, Ecology, Botony, Molecular Biology: All which elegantly point to the conclusion that we evolved from single celled life forms to the complex life forms we are today, and that we all share a common ancestry.
Futile attempts to take down the theory of Evolution is akin to trying to tear down Hoover Dam with a claw hammer.