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Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God


Hello 2ndPillar,
I would agree with you 100% if I had gone from the catholic to the protestant church, but I didn't. I am not protestant. I am simply a christian who has been added to the Lord's church by none other than the Lord, Himself. It happened when I obeyed the gospel. I belong to the church which Jesus bled and died for, the one and only church, in which Jesus is the head. I don't have a Pope or some central headquarters where men are bleeding people of their money and teaching them lie after lie. I could care less who compiled the Bible. We have the preserved word of God, which is what He promised. That's what matters to me. The Roman Catholics have no idea what saints are. Christians are saints. If you are a christian, you are a saint. Saints are nothing more than saved people. That just goes to show you how little people know about the Bible and about saints. If they think the Pope can make a saint, they have another think coming. Paul was not a false prophet. He was chosen personally by Jesus, who just happens to be God, to spread His message to the Gentile world. You have a severe misunderstanding of what true Christianity is, and of who the great apostle Paul was. I hope you get straightened out. If I can help in any way, let me know. I'd be happy to share Jesus with you.


Active Member
What you have not shared with us is your thoughts on how a totally different book the Quran/Islam has over 1.6 billion followers and have also stood the test of time and is poised to overtake Christianity within the next few decades or sooner. Is their secret for such rapid growth achieved by praying 5 times a day?


I was asked this question in another thread. My answer below is not written to convince anyone of anything.

My belief that the Bible is the word of God comes from my belief in God, Himself. I was born into a catholic family and was educated in a parochial school. My Mother became a catholic when she married my Father, however, she really never bought into the catholic religion. (I never did either). She sent her kids to catholic school because she wanted us to get a good education. My Father did work for the church, which paid for our tuition. My Father never went to church, except maybe on Christmas or Easter. So there was really never any talk about church doctrine in the house. Most conversation about religion was centered on God. My Mom was a strong believer in God, and she was a good christian woman, always doing things for others. She talked about God a lot when I was a kid, about His wonderful creation, and the beauty she saw all around us. She had a lot of faith in God, but most of all, I remember that she had tremendous faith in the power of prayer. Regardless of any problems I may have ever encountered as a child, when I would go to her and tell her about them, the answer was always the same. She would always say, "Have you talked to God about it? Have you prayed?" My Mom never talked about the church at home, but she made sure she and her kids were there every Sunday. As I grew older, I stopped going to church, but I never lost my love for or my faith in God. It turned out that my Mother was right about prayer. I cannot begin to count the many times in my life that I have prayed to God for one thing or another, and He answered me. Not just answered me, but profoundly answered me. My answered prayers of a lifetime is proof enough for me that God exists. My belief in God has since translated into my belief in the Bible.

As I grew older, I began to be curious about the Bible. I had never seen one in our home as a child, and come to think of it, I didn't see one at school or church either. When I had the opportunity to study the Bible, I jumped at it. From the beginning, I was hooked, and had a great desire to learn more and more about it. The more I studied, the more I believed the words to be true. Eventually, I renounced the catholic religion, as did my Mother, and became a christian. I obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1977 and haven't looked back.

There are so many reasons I believe the Bible is God's word. Besides my faith, and my own experiences, one thing that has always impressed me is the fact that the Bible was written by about forty men, in three different languages, from different parts of the world, over a span of hundreds and hundreds of years, yet it is unified in theme. That amazes me. I've asked myself how that could be. It wasn't like they had the internet back then. The Bible has also stood the test of time, regardless of how many have tried to destroy it. Roman emperors, communists, atheists, politicians, psychologists and more have attacked and discredited it. Some have called it a myth. Yet it has influenced more people than any other book in history. It has transformed many lives throughout thousands of years. There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.



There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.

" ... numerous evidences of the Bible can be found in history, archeology, science .... if one has a desire to seek it." Well said and very true indeed. All too often we hear people saying Bible is a myth without bothering to verify what they are saying.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.

But if one wants to, this can be played out the other way as well. For example, why is the Bible (which one, btw?) supposedly as such, but the Bhagavad Gita supposedly not?

Please note that I am not denigrating the Bible in any way, but simply that increased objectivity can shed some light on this, and we should be careful about elevating our religious beliefs to the point whereas we begin to look at them as slam-dunk facts.


Admiral Obvious
There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.

" ... numerous evidences of the Bible can be found in history, archeology, science .... if one has a desire to seek it." Well said and very true indeed. All too often we hear people saying Bible is a myth without bothering to verify what they are saying.
One can find as many "evidences" on the internet that the Bible is not the word of god.

I guess it depends on your level of commitment to ratification...


The Stranger
"Take for example Jesus peace be upon him teaching vs Paul teaching. They are completely the opposite."

Q: How so?

Ps.If not here then in a private message if you want.

Personally when Jesus taught people how to pray, and the verse contains the Lord's prayer - as instruction - it does not start out "Dear Jesus". Jesus stated that "everything that i do, you can do, and more also". That is quite different from if HE believed Paul's line and said - "I'm the only begotten Son of God, so pray to Me and i may pass it on. And - all those things that i do? i could do them standing on my head, holding my breath, while levitating 12 feet off the ground."

Jesus was cognizant of reincarnation, and didn't slap down references to it. Matt 16 where Jesus asks "Who do people say that I, The Son of Man, Am?" And the disciples said people thought him to be Moses, Elijah, etc. This is a clear reference to reincarnation. Matt 17 on the Mt of Transfiguration where Jesus, Moses, and Elijah have a "glow in the dark" reunion thing (not being disrespectful, just attempting to be light there) On the way down the disciples want to build a temple for each of the 3 on the mount, but as always, when people tried to worship Jesus (like Paul espouses by the way) he turns that worship away. Then the disciples ask why the scribes say that before the Messiah comes that Elijah would come. They didn't understand that.

Jesus said that Elijah did come "and the disciples understood Hiim to mean John the Baptist." Now i don't know about you, but right there? Main man with people having that understanding and his not correcting them? Going with what Jesus allowed to pass.

Jesus referred to himself as "Son of Man" not son of God. In those days the concept of the Son of Man was a multi-reincarnated person who through lives reached the point where his clear and paramount goal was to serve Divine Will.

In those times also, there were 3 Messiah concepts - none similar to the eventual christian dogma of salvation. The 3 concepts amounted to a super Moses, Levi, or David. Super Moses would be the Messiah as lawgiver. Super Levi as Messiah the Priest, Super David would be Messiah as Secular King of the nation. Smiting the stuffing out of Jew oppressing foreigners or something no doubt. The Samaratins were believers in one variant which differed from the Sanhedrin and priestly caste. i assume they preferred the Levitic Messiah concept.

Asked what Jesus was there for he said "i came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." Obviously spiritual life, not biological life. This is a HUGE cry from the salvation story that Paul made up, and has implications of divergence btwn Paul and Jesus as extreme as Jesus (and the early church) seeming to support reincarnation and Paul's "ONE shot and eternal stagnation" somewhat Hellenic theory.

The other info, from the gentle reader you requested is likely more erudite and articulate. But i think this gives indications that there are at the very least a possibility of differences in teachings.


The Stranger
So we have competing books, beliefs, dogmas, rites and rituals and no more that one set can be true (to be perfectly clear, one set or none). Everyone else gets to go to hell.
LOL - you remind me of the infamous Chemistry professor out of some Arizona University - famous for one question finals and difficult to satisfy.

One year his question was "Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? Explain your logic." Exothermic in case anyone here is unaware is a heat producing reaction, endothermic essentially cooling. One student - the only one given an A, basically said;

If we accept religious statements which state that all non-believers will go to hell, and there are mutually exclusive religions stating this, then unavoidably: all people will end up going to hell. The question then becomes whether hell is expanding as fast as the number of souls entering hell. If hell is expanding faster than the number of souls taking up that space, Hell will be endothermic. If the souls enter Hell faster than it can expand this will induce an exothermic reaction.

As a Freshman in the University i asked _____ ______ for a date, and she replied that this would happen "when Hell freezes over", and since we have not since had any dates, i can only conclude that hell is exothermic".

Something like that.


There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.

" ... numerous evidences of the Bible can be found in history, archeology, science .... if one has a desire to seek it." Well said and very true indeed. All too often we hear people saying Bible is a myth without bothering to verify what they are saying.
A myth, no, that gives it too much credit. An historical novel is more the proper term.


Active Member
I was asked this question in another thread. My answer below is not written to convince anyone of anything.

My belief that the Bible is the word of God comes from my belief in God, Himself. I was born into a catholic family and was educated in a parochial school. My Mother became a catholic when she married my Father, however, she really never bought into the catholic religion. (I never did either). She sent her kids to catholic school because she wanted us to get a good education. My Father did work for the church, which paid for our tuition. My Father never went to church, except maybe on Christmas or Easter. So there was really never any talk about church doctrine in the house. Most conversation about religion was centered on God. My Mom was a strong believer in God, and she was a good christian woman, always doing things for others. She talked about God a lot when I was a kid, about His wonderful creation, and the beauty she saw all around us. She had a lot of faith in God, but most of all, I remember that she had tremendous faith in the power of prayer. Regardless of any problems I may have ever encountered as a child, when I would go to her and tell her about them, the answer was always the same. She would always say, "Have you talked to God about it? Have you prayed?" My Mom never talked about the church at home, but she made sure she and her kids were there every Sunday. As I grew older, I stopped going to church, but I never lost my love for or my faith in God. It turned out that my Mother was right about prayer. I cannot begin to count the many times in my life that I have prayed to God for one thing or another, and He answered me. Not just answered me, but profoundly answered me. My answered prayers of a lifetime is proof enough for me that God exists. My belief in God has since translated into my belief in the Bible.

As I grew older, I began to be curious about the Bible. I had never seen one in our home as a child, and come to think of it, I didn't see one at school or church either. When I had the opportunity to study the Bible, I jumped at it. From the beginning, I was hooked, and had a great desire to learn more and more about it. The more I studied, the more I believed the words to be true. Eventually, I renounced the catholic religion, as did my Mother, and became a christian. I obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1977 and haven't looked back.

There are so many reasons I believe the Bible is God's word. Besides my faith, and my own experiences, one thing that has always impressed me is the fact that the Bible was written by about forty men, in three different languages, from different parts of the world, over a span of hundreds and hundreds of years, yet it is unified in theme. That amazes me. I've asked myself how that could be. It wasn't like they had the internet back then. The Bible has also stood the test of time, regardless of how many have tried to destroy it. Roman emperors, communists, atheists, politicians, psychologists and more have attacked and discredited it. Some have called it a myth. Yet it has influenced more people than any other book in history. It has transformed many lives throughout thousands of years. There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.


Katie, I also was brought up in the Catholic Church, but I learned and followed the Churches doctrine.

In my late thirties Jesus started personally teaching me. After about a year of Jesus teaching me he told me to get more into the Word.

I at the time thought of Jesus as the Word. So I said to Jesus: “But I am into you.” Jesus then told me: “Also the written Word.”

I know the Christian Bible is God’s written Word, because Jesus told me it is God’s written Word.


What you have not shared with us is your thoughts on how a totally different book the Quran/Islam has over 1.6 billion followers and have also stood the test of time and is poised to overtake Christianity within the next few decades or sooner. Is their secret for such rapid growth achieved by praying 5 times a day?

Numbers are meaningless. There were only 8 found righteous when God destroyed everything with a flood.

What is really important is that Jesus promised that the gates of hades would never prevail against His church. I trust in HIs promise.

Jesus didn't want us to pray repetitiously. He wanted us to talk to Him as a friend, speaking words from the heart, not some rote speech from memory. Christians don't count the number of times they pray per day. For some, it's hundreds. For every new situation that arises, we ask God to guide us, to show us the right way. Prayer is an attitude. We must be in constant communication with our heavenly Father. This is what He wants from us. We must pray ALWAYS!