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Why I Converted


New Member
When I was younger I was forced to have in the belief in Jesus. I was handed all my material and given lectures by people whom I believe I trusted. Maybe that is what went awry, I was forced to believe and not given the choice.

Eventually I became a Altar Boy, to be honest I did not mind the duties and respected what the position I was honored with. I felt the sense of trust and respect by my elders in a sense. I guess I gained a sense of a little to much trust, little did I know at my age I was being fondled my priest and it kept on getting worse. I will leave out all the details but I did not feel right and felt very uncomfortable, I did not tell my parents as this went on for a pretty long time.

Eventually after growing older and moving, I gained the intellect on what was being done to me at the younger age was not normal

I thought to myself, Jesus and God did not like me and he let me down. I became mad and went into a depression a little bit. I started losing faith and started to give a shot to Luciferianism.

To be honest I have not been happier and actually gave me the courage to get my Masters degree in Physics and live a healthy life.


I am glad you have found a path that you are happy with. Many go through life and never find what they are looking for. Whatever helps you live a happier and healthier life is surely good.

Welcome, by the way! :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The fact that if Jesus loved us all as in fact we are all led to believe, why would that have happened to me.

Perhaps to lead you into an establishment that would suit you better? Or perhaps out of a corrupt establishment?


Well-Known Member
The fact that if Jesus loved us all as in fact we are all led to believe, why would that have happened to me.
Look at it like this. The bible teaches about the wicked and un-wicked. Some people walk in the way of the light and other people are completely blinded by it. Communion, do you know what that is? It is where you the eat flesh and blood in the form of bread and wine and caters the wicked to a life of sin. They are feeding their own selfish desires, supposedly through the body of a divine being, one that was a son of god and nailed to a cross for no real reason other than peoples own inability to understand god, and right from wrong. Feeding on things that resembles people or a person seems immoral in and of itself. If that isn't wicked then I don't know what is. Might as well break out a table and serve a plate of brains to someone.


non-existential luminary
The fact that if Jesus loved us all as in fact we are all led to believe, why would that have happened to me.
I hope i don't offend you...but there is plenty of excuses for anti-agnostic thought.
I am glad the left hand paths were able to help you.
welcome to the forums

free spirit

Well-Known Member
The fact that if Jesus loved us all as in fact we are all led to believe, why would that have happened to me.

It is incomprehesible how such men in a trusted godly position would do that. But there was no need for you to go from the frying pan into the fire, here is a better solution that will bring peace to your heart. The following is part of an articol that I wrote in my book "The Way God Told It"

In the course of our lives, we have all suffered, in various degrees, wrongs such as injustice, bullying, psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Depending on the severity of these wrongs and how we have dealt with them at that time is what decides how adversely these wrongs will affect our unfolding life. At times total strangers have been unkind to us. At times our co-workers, or our employers have treated us with unjust contempt. But many of these wrongs were perpetrated by those we loved and are, or have been, members of our family, or a trusted person to which our wellbeing had been entrusted, such as a teacher, priest, or foster parent, amongst others.
Some of these wrongs stay in our sub-conscious minds, incubating in the most secret chamber of our heart. Maybe it is because, at the time that these offences occurred, we were little, we were defenceless, we did not know what was being done to us, we did not have the courage for an open confrontation with the offender, or we lacked the opportunity to express our embarrassment, anger, and pain perhaps we did not know who to turn to, or we kept our silence for fear of that person.
These events that have scarred our souls and our youth have, as it were, a sting in their tails, because if those things are not brought out in the open and dealt with by our own wills, in our own time, they will eventually surface of their own accord, affecting our mental stability. It is difficult to talk about any kind of abuse, but especially sexual abuse because it brings shame and guilt, even if the victims have been totally horrified, passive, and foreign to these events. It is even worst if the little victim has promised, under duress, to keep it a secret. Our present happy family life can be wrecked by things that took place twenty, thirty or fifty years ago. These memories often are painful enough to lead us into depression, thereby shattering our confidence to the point that we may even think that life is not worth living any more. Those victims suffering from tormenting memories need to know that they can be healed by the grace of Christ if they consciously choose to act according to His grace.
Also the sinful man whose past offences have finally come to life in his conscience, and are now constantly tormenting him of the wrongs that he did, can also find peace in the grace of Christ. If he is truly repentant he can take steps to be forgiven. In fact, all those who put their trust in the teaching and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ need not despair, for whatever sin they may have committed can be healed by the merciful grace of Christ.
Firstly for those who regard themselves as the victims, to receive the grace and peace of Christ is very simple, immediate and palpable. For Jesus said that in order to receive from God we must give to men. Mark 11:25-26 has no ambiguity, for we read: “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” In Matthew 6:12 we read: “…and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (Read also Matthew 18:21-35.) Furthermore in Luke 11:4 we read: “And forgive us our sins. For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” Jesus’ words are clear, for He is plainly saying that as we ourself forgiven, we are also forgiven, making the act of forgiveness an exacting two-edged sword.
We define forgiveness as something we do to let the offender off from the consequences of the offence he has committed. For many people that definition can prove to be an insurmountable stumbling block as they reason to themselves, “I will never forgive him that! It was cruel, mean and she never said sorry, but even if they said sorry I cannot forgive what they did to me, not ever.” That thinking is the most common human response, for our heart harbours justifiable anger or revenge. What they are not realising is that their justifiable anger is preventing them from receiving the grace and peace that would be due to them if they just gracefully forgave that undeserving person. By maintaining the rage against the offender, unknowingly they punish themselves. Without a doubt they should meditate on what Jesus said and that is, “By the extent that we forgive, we will be forgiven in return.” We should also be aware that we are dealing with an inflexible spiritual power, put in place by our Lord, through which we can receive forgiveness and peace from God. For in the end, even the victims need to be forgiven by Him, because we all have sinned against the holiness of God. We should further consider that the offence that we have suffered has been hurting us for a long time through our memories, so in effect that person is hurting us still today. By letting that grudge go we will be releasing ourselves from its hurtful and tormenting power.
Unfortunately, very often, unbelievers and uninstructed believers alike, try to put the hurtful memory out of their mind by sheer will power, or are helped by drugs to do so, only to find that these memories will return at some later date stronger then before. Alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription drugs can only help our mind to push that hurt or guilt below the surface of its consciousness. It should be obvious then that our harmful memories cannot be cancelled from our minds, yet most of us neglect the forgiving power of our will, which can render these unsettling memories harmless by purposely flooding them with the Grace of God.
Those people who have faith in Jesus should also trust God to be the righteous judge. Therefore, if you have faith in God, let God be your avenger, by forgiving from your heart the offences and the offenders. If you will unreservedly do that, you will certainly receive the peace and grace to live a happy and fulfilling life in Christ. The alternative is not worth even contemplating..


Well-Known Member
The fact that if Jesus loved us all as in fact we are all led to believe, why would that have happened to me?

For the simple reason that we were also given free will, and therefore it's up to YOU to determine what to believe and what to follow!

And I would suggest there are far more constructive religions out there than what you've chosen: it's just a matter of looking around, finding them, and investigating them so you can come to an informed, non-prejudiced ("non-prejudged") conclusion!

Peace, :)



non-existential luminary
I am stunned.
low and behold, how the mighty Baha'is prejiduce against the noble left hand path rides the waves of religionist madness.
religions are as constructive as their adherents are


It is incomprehesible how such men in a trusted godly position would do that. But there was no need for you to go from the frying pan into the fire, here is a better solution that will bring peace to your heart. The following is part of an articol that I wrote in my book "The Way God Told It"

In the course of our lives, we have all suffered, in various degrees, wrongs such as injustice, bullying, psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Depending on the severity of these wrongs and how we have dealt with them at that time is what decides how adversely these wrongs will affect our unfolding life. At times total strangers have been unkind to us. At times our co-workers, or our employers have treated us with unjust contempt. But many of these wrongs were perpetrated by those we loved and are, or have been, members of our family, or a trusted person to which our wellbeing had been entrusted, such as a teacher, priest, or foster parent, amongst others.
Some of these wrongs stay in our sub-conscious minds, incubating in the most secret chamber of our heart. Maybe it is because, at the time that these offences occurred, we were little, we were defenceless, we did not know what was being done to us, we did not have the courage for an open confrontation with the offender, or we lacked the opportunity to express our embarrassment, anger, and pain perhaps we did not know who to turn to, or we kept our silence for fear of that person.
These events that have scarred our souls and our youth have, as it were, a sting in their tails, because if those things are not brought out in the open and dealt with by our own wills, in our own time, they will eventually surface of their own accord, affecting our mental stability. It is difficult to talk about any kind of abuse, but especially sexual abuse because it brings shame and guilt, even if the victims have been totally horrified, passive, and foreign to these events. It is even worst if the little victim has promised, under duress, to keep it a secret. Our present happy family life can be wrecked by things that took place twenty, thirty or fifty years ago. These memories often are painful enough to lead us into depression, thereby shattering our confidence to the point that we may even think that life is not worth living any more. Those victims suffering from tormenting memories need to know that they can be healed by the grace of Christ if they consciously choose to act according to His grace.
Also the sinful man whose past offences have finally come to life in his conscience, and are now constantly tormenting him of the wrongs that he did, can also find peace in the grace of Christ. If he is truly repentant he can take steps to be forgiven. In fact, all those who put their trust in the teaching and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ need not despair, for whatever sin they may have committed can be healed by the merciful grace of Christ.
Firstly for those who regard themselves as the victims, to receive the grace and peace of Christ is very simple, immediate and palpable. For Jesus said that in order to receive from God we must give to men. Mark 11:25-26 has no ambiguity, for we read: “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” In Matthew 6:12 we read: “…and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (Read also Matthew 18:21-35.) Furthermore in Luke 11:4 we read: “And forgive us our sins. For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” Jesus’ words are clear, for He is plainly saying that as we ourself forgiven, we are also forgiven, making the act of forgiveness an exacting two-edged sword.
We define forgiveness as something we do to let the offender off from the consequences of the offence he has committed. For many people that definition can prove to be an insurmountable stumbling block as they reason to themselves, “I will never forgive him that! It was cruel, mean and she never said sorry, but even if they said sorry I cannot forgive what they did to me, not ever.” That thinking is the most common human response, for our heart harbours justifiable anger or revenge. What they are not realising is that their justifiable anger is preventing them from receiving the grace and peace that would be due to them if they just gracefully forgave that undeserving person. By maintaining the rage against the offender, unknowingly they punish themselves. Without a doubt they should meditate on what Jesus said and that is, “By the extent that we forgive, we will be forgiven in return.” We should also be aware that we are dealing with an inflexible spiritual power, put in place by our Lord, through which we can receive forgiveness and peace from God. For in the end, even the victims need to be forgiven by Him, because we all have sinned against the holiness of God. We should further consider that the offence that we have suffered has been hurting us for a long time through our memories, so in effect that person is hurting us still today. By letting that grudge go we will be releasing ourselves from its hurtful and tormenting power.
Unfortunately, very often, unbelievers and uninstructed believers alike, try to put the hurtful memory out of their mind by sheer will power, or are helped by drugs to do so, only to find that these memories will return at some later date stronger then before. Alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription drugs can only help our mind to push that hurt or guilt below the surface of its consciousness. It should be obvious then that our harmful memories cannot be cancelled from our minds, yet most of us neglect the forgiving power of our will, which can render these unsettling memories harmless by purposely flooding them with the Grace of God.
Those people who have faith in Jesus should also trust God to be the righteous judge. Therefore, if you have faith in God, let God be your avenger, by forgiving from your heart the offences and the offenders. If you will unreservedly do that, you will certainly receive the peace and grace to live a happy and fulfilling life in Christ. The alternative is not worth even contemplating..

No offence, but these are exactly the type of ineffectual platitudes that offer none of what is needed after such a traumatic experience. You fail to realize that someone in such a position is not likely to view any form of christian dogma favorably at all. One feels angry at being brainwashed and betrayed by a faith that has ultimately failed them! I say seek justice!
I am stunned.
low and behold, how the mighty Baha'is prejiduce against the noble left hand path rides the waves of religionist madness.
religions are as constructive as their adherents are

This is embarrassing every time... :facepalm:

Where are the rest of the liberal/UU/Unitarian Baha'is out there?

All paths are paths to the transcendent mystery; none are excluded. Baha'u'llah's true religion was that of tolerance and freedom, not dogmatic thinking and fundamentalism.

:chalice: Allah'u'Abha! :bahai2:

free spirit

Well-Known Member
No offence, but these are exactly the type of ineffectual platitudes that offer none of what is needed after such a traumatic experience. You fail to realize that someone in such a position is not likely to view any form of christian dogma favorably at all. One feels angry at being brainwashed and betrayed by a faith that has ultimately failed them! I say seek justice!

It is not a Christian dogma but it is a formula to heal the mind, also Justice is good but it alone will not neutralise the painfull memories, only forgiveness will bring him total peace.


A lot of people read bible and don't pay attention to it.

A lot of people are tired of a book that has been used to justify all sorts of heinous acts throughout the centuries. My opinion of that book is mostly the same as that of Benjamin Franklin.
I have probably read the Bible more than most people who call themselves christian, and I paid probably more attention than most of the christians who do actually read it.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
A lot of people are tired of a book that has been used to justify all sorts of heinous acts throughout the centuries. My opinion of that book is mostly the same as that of Benjamin Franklin.
I have probably read the Bible more than most people who call themselves christian, and I paid probably more attention than most of the christians who do actually read it.
We can all read the scriptures but only to some it has been given to understand the scriptures. Do you know the difference?
As we read in Luke 24:45, "Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures."


New Member
You stupid mother *******, cant believe you all believed that story I made up. But seriously those priests got to stop touching those altar boys those sick *****.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
So you are making fun of people for trusting your word. Do you realize what it says about your self-image?


New Member
The truth is that if a god existed that was loving, caring and all knowing things like that wouldn't happen. Now this doesn't meen God doesn't exist. It only meens that if a god does exist he doesn't give a crap about you.

And if this was some sort of "test" well you not only failed it but he was a jerk to give it to you in the first place.

I disagree though with you saying that you want to worship satan now. So you didn't like apples so now you are going oranges.

Why not just stay away from both? Understand that neither exists and that you don't have to live your life worshipping "Gods".

Going from worshipping a God to then worshipping the devil is a dumb and immature thing to do. Also, if you believe in that whole system it is a very bad idea. If you believe that you will go to hell if you don't follow god why would you not whole heartedly worship him? Why would you start worshipping another god or the devil knowing what will happen to you in the end?

Personally I don't think you do believe and are only trying to create drama within your life and those around you. I imagine you go around telling people constantly that you worship the devil just to argue.

What happened to you was wrong yes...but go about it the right way. Become and outspoken atheist and help bring down that church and any churches like it. Make it harder for priests like that to ruin other childrens lives. Worshipping the devil isn't going to do anything for you.