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Why I don't believe in "God"


I am not an Atheist let me start off by saying. I believe in an afterlife, I don't believe in God anymore at all. I was always on and off about the existence of God, not closed minded at all....I even prayed from time to time. Here is my story:

I have always had a hard life since birth basically. This isn't a sob story, this is just some info on my past. Last week something devastating happened to me, it was the final straw. I won't get into details but it was/is very traumatic for me. I cried longer/harder than I have in my life and it was the first time I really really wanted to die. I am a strong person and I have dealt with a lot, but this was the ONLY thing I had left in my life.

After about a full day/night of sobbing in bed, I woke up and got desperate. I started to pray. I prayed like I have never prayed before. I prayed for a miracle and that God would help me and not let this nightmare be true (nobody died so I wasn't asking for someone to come back to life or anything impossible). I began to read up on religions.. yes me, someone who was always against bible belts. I began to meditate, pray NON stop..I literally prayed probably hundreds of times within one week alone. Long heart felt prayers. Not just asking him to help me and nothing more. I promised I would change my ways, I would become more spiritual..I would pray every single day of my life, I would do anything...if he please just helped me. For the first time I felt close to "God".

Inside I felt like I had changed, I began to believe "God" would actually help me. I felt positive, I felt spiritual and connected to "God". I prayed to him, I wrote to him, I talked to him and told him everything. I even apologized for every sin I have ever committed. I was fully prepared to be a spiritual person, and to change my ways. I felt things were going good and God was going to give me a chance. Today I took a huge blow.

God did NOT do a damn thing to help me. God officially let my misery come true. After everything I have been through, he took the one thing I had away from me. After my prayers, after I felt how much I had changed, after everything was going well. I was fooled. I tricked myself into believing there was a "God" helping me. That I was actually talking to someone who cared about me and was going to help me if I prayed hard enough, repented my sins and changed my ways. I believed that "God" was there. He was NEVER there.

Now I feel broken, I feel dead inside. I have lost every single thing that meant something to me in my life. The odd thing is, I am not only talking about what happened to me. I lost "God" too. I felt like he was a friend for the first time, I felt like I could get help from him. I turned to this invisible being and I did every single thing I could to get help from him. There is no God. I am so beyond sick of people making excuses saying "God works in mysterious ways". I am also sick of people saying "If it wasn't in God's will, it won't happen." That is an EXCUSE. That is something you say when your prayers don't come true, and when they consequently do...it's all "praise God".

I don't care what you all believe I am not in any way trying to convince you to believe what I do. But now I am positive there is NO God. This was the final straw. I am done trying to convince myself that something exists when I have absolutely nothing in my life to show me he does. No God would be this cruel. There are coincidences in life and there is luck.
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Hostis humani generis
:hug: Sorry to hear you've suffered.
Then again, we all have. Some more than others.

Things may seem bad in the short term, but keep your chin up. I'm not going to preach to you or anything like that. If you ever need an ear, I'm around. I don't know what it is that has happened, though. How old are you?

Yet, keep your chin up. :) It's the first day. Things may change. I don't know what it is though, except you have called it your misery. I wish I could help you more.

And welcome here. I'm sorry you had to come here with sadness in your heart. :hug:


Thank you guys for your comments. The reason I didn't get into details is because it's a long complicated story and it doesn't have a good end. I wish it did. Everything I believed in is gone.

I am 21 female by the way.


Hostis humani generis
Thank you guys for your comments. The reason I didn't get into details is because it's a long complicated story and it doesn't have a good end. I wish it did. Everything I believed in is gone.

I am 21 female by the way.
Thanks for sharing with us. :)
I'm 21, male. :)

I can understand if it's long and complicated. I'm guessing it has something to do with a relationship - either a romantic interest/friendship or the death of someone close to you. :hug: I hope I'm wrong though.

Some things never seem to have a good end, sadly. Today I limp because some butt-monkeys decided to attack me with an iron pole when I was 14. :shrug: People can be evil.

If anything, it's got worse, because I've got kids - picking them up = bad for the back. :)


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
It is not that a God doesn't exist, it is rather that this God is not what you are expecting. God is the Consciousness of our Universe, not a Deity that interacts with us on a personal level. Much like the Elements and Principles also of the Universe. We are all somewhat alone in this respect, if anything we have our Higher-Self to rely on for intuition and guidance.
The brainwashing of Abrahamic (Sethian) religions are the cause for immense suffering and hatred in our World.


Hostis humani generis
I'm sorry for your loss B. God doesn't exist but if he did he's one sadistic moron.

May some good fortune smile on you soon!
What about if God's not involved with the world though - for example, Deism? :D

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I am not an Atheist let me start off by saying. I believe in an afterlife, I don't believe in God anymore at all. I was always on and off about the existence of God, not closed minded at all....I even prayed from time to time. Here is my story:

I have always had a hard life since birth basically. This isn't a sob story, this is just some info on my past. Last week something devastating happened to me, it was the final straw. I won't get into details but it was/is very traumatic for me. I cried longer/harder than I have in my life and it was the first time I really really wanted to die. I am a strong person and I have dealt with a lot, but this was the ONLY thing I had left in my life.

After about a full day/night of sobbing in bed, I woke up and got desperate. I started to pray. I prayed like I have never prayed before. I prayed for a miracle and that God would help me and not let this nightmare be true (nobody died so I wasn't asking for someone to come back to life or anything impossible). I began to read up on religions.. yes me, someone who was always against bible belts. I began to meditate, pray NON stop..I literally prayed probably hundreds of times within one week alone. Long heart felt prayers. Not just asking him to help me and nothing more. I promised I would change my ways, I would become more spiritual..I would pray every single day of my life, I would do anything...if he please just helped me. For the first time I felt close to "God".

Inside I felt like I had changed, I began to believe "God" would actually help me. I felt positive, I felt spiritual and connected to "God". I prayed to him, I wrote to him, I talked to him and told him everything. I even apologized for every sin I have ever committed. I was fully prepared to be a spiritual person, and to change my ways. I felt things were going good and God was going to give me a chance. Today I took a huge blow.

God did NOT do a damn thing to help me. God officially let my misery come true. After everything I have been through, he took the one thing I had away from me. After my prayers, after I felt how much I had changed, after everything was going well. I was fooled. I tricked myself into believing there was a "God" helping me. That I was actually talking to someone who cared about me and was going to help me if I prayed hard enough, repented my sins and changed my ways. I believed that "God" was there. He was NEVER there.

Now I feel broken, I feel dead inside. I have lost every single thing that meant something to me in my life. The odd thing is, I am not only talking about what happened to me. I lost "God" too. I felt like he was a friend for the first time, I felt like I could get help from him. I turned to this invisible being and I did every single thing I could to get help from him. There is no God. I am so beyond sick of people making excuses saying "God works in mysterious ways". I am also sick of people saying "If it wasn't in God's will, it won't happen." That is an EXCUSE. That is something you say when your prayers don't come true, and when they consequently do...it's all "praise God".

I don't care what you all believe I am not in any way trying to convince you to believe what I do. But now I am positive there is NO God. This was the final straw. I am done trying to convince myself that something exists when I have absolutely nothing in my life to show me he does. No God would be this cruel. There are coincidences in life and there is luck.

I'm sorry to read this,somehow you have to dig deep find some inner strength,if you have anyone to talk to about it that can help,there are no miracle cures for what you are feeling(although i don't know what it is) but tommorow is the first day of the rest of your life,sorry for the cliche,but if you need an ear there are many herewho will listen,good luck


Treasure Hunter
Don't be so sad. I haven't believed in god since I was 12-ish. I never really prayed prior to then either though, I just accepted god as existing because all the grown ups said he did. You shouldn't feel sad that he's gone, because he was really never there in the first place. Maybe you should be happy because now you don't have to try to suck up to god anymore. :D

Seriously though, horrible things happen to everyone. I'm not claiming to understand what you're going through, because I don't know what has happened to you, but in many cases, you just have to accept that the horrible thing did happen, and there's no changing it. You could be sad about it forever, but it won't make it any better. You just have to accept that this is the way the world is. People die, horrible things happen, and that's just how it goes. It sucks, but, unfortunately, that's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
First I'd like to say welcome. I am sorry you have had such a traumatic let down. You've come to the right place though. There is a super bunch of people here that really will listen to you and try to help if you want them too. Like some others in their posts, I haven't believed in a god that intervenes. You did make an interesting comment though. You said you don't believe in God but you still believe in an after life. What do you believe now? Can it bring you any comfort? I know in my case when I realized there wasn't any one to intervene for me, I had to redefine what I believed and then come to terms with it. That was my road to healing and in the end I became stronger. I will be here too, if you need me.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Welcome to the Forum!

"God" is a concept that is empty until it is filled through experience of symbols associated with it.

In a way, it acts as a mirror: it reflects your relationship with existence. And you've had some bad experiences.

If God ontologically exists, It must be so entwined with everything, that Good and Bad, Beautiful and Ugly must become lost in the mix.


First I'd like to say welcome. I am sorry you have had such a traumatic let down. You've come to the right place though. There is a super bunch of people here that really will listen to you and try to help if you want them too. Like some others in their posts, I haven't believed in a god that intervenes. You did make an interesting comment though. You said you don't believe in God but you still believe in an after life. What do you believe now? Can it bring you any comfort? I know in my case when I realized there wasn't any one to intervene for me, I had to redefine what I believed and then come to terms with it. That was my road to healing and in the end I became stronger. I will be here too, if you need me.

Thank you. Thanks for all the replies as well. I thought for sure some hardcore Christian would come in and banish me to hell or something.

My beliefs are odd to many people because they contradict many religions. For example I believe in an afterlife and reincarnation. I believe you can chose to live as many times as you want, or not. And the reasoning for my beliefs are based on personal experiences that have happened to me and my family. It is a natural belief for me that I don't have to question, I just know for some reason.

With "God" it was never like that. I never had any kind of proof to believe he was real. Not factual proof.... just some type of blatant experience that would convince me he was in fact there. Not a sign, nothing. Right now nothing is bringing me comfort. I go through phases of crying and then typing out my feelings like now. When I type I focus on something other than the issue.

This is the first time I felt this out of control. I feel like nothing around me I can fix and there is nothing I can do about it. This scares me because that feeling of being out of control in the past triggered me to develop anorexia. A few years ago I had it... and it was because I felt miserable and nothing in my life could be controlled no matter what I did, nothing changed. So I focused on losing weight instead of my problems...and then I just couldn't stop.

But anyways, this experience just confirmed to me that "God" is as real as the tooth fairy. What you think it "magic" is really your parents sneaking under your pillow and stuffing a dollar under it. Hell at least the tooth fairy gave me cash.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
But anyways, this experience just confirmed to me that "God" is as real as the tooth fairy. What you think it "magic" is really your parents sneaking under your pillow and stuffing a dollar under it. Hell at least the tooth fairy gave me cash.

I think God is a deeper myth than the tooth-fairy, though. The symbolism behind it hits to the very heart of the human experience and those who suffer from its loss (I've been there myself) truly and deeply suffer--more so than the tooth fairy or Santa Clause, I think. (Depending on the person, of course.)


Treasure Hunter
I was so sad when my parents told me Santa wasn't real. I cried. I didn't figure it out on my own, because my older sister found out and then told me and I said, "NO!! Don't say that!" But then my parents told me that she was right, and he didn't really exist. That's why if I have children, I'll never lie to them about Santa, because it will only make them sad later.


Well-Known Member
My beliefs are odd to many people because they contradict many religions. For example I believe in an afterlife and reincarnation. I believe you can chose to live as many times as you want, or not. And the reasoning for my beliefs are based on personal experiences that have happened to me and my family. It is a natural belief for me that I don't have to question, I just know for some reason.

I have those beliefs too! I know what you mean by just knowing and they are far stronger than a belief in a God.

With "God" it was never like that. I never had any kind of proof to believe he was real. Not factual proof.... just some type of blatant experience that would convince me he was in fact there. Not a sign, nothing. Right now nothing is bringing me comfort. I go through phases of crying and then typing out my feelings like now. When I type I focus on something other than the issue.

I'm sorry you haven't found any comfort yet. When we lose something that means so much to us, it does take time. Sometimes life seems to take what we want so much, but it also gives us something better in the future too. I went through a pretty hard time when I was 18 and I thought I would never be the same. I found out later that the thing that happened was actually the best thing that could have happened in the long run. So it sometimes really does take time to see the silver lining in things. Having said that though, there isn't always a silver lining, but time does help. Hopefully you will start to feel more hopeful again soon.

This is the first time I felt this out of control. I feel like nothing around me I can fix and there is nothing I can do about it. This scares me because that feeling of being out of control in the past triggered me to develop anorexia. A few years ago I had it... and it was because I felt miserable and nothing in my life could be controlled no matter what I did, nothing changed. So I focused on losing weight instead of my problems...and then I just couldn't stop.

This can be a problem. I once did a paper on anorexia for a course I took. What I learned was that many young people have eating disorders for that very reason. Number one of course was to alter the way they looked, but number two reason was because it gave them a sense of control. They didn't feel they had control over any other aspect of their lives, but they did over eating. And, that was how they brought some control and stability back into their lives. Unfortunately, it does get out of control and becomes a real problem because the body can get to the place where it rejects food even if you want to start eating again. I hope you don't have this happen again.

But anyways, this experience just confirmed to me that "God" is as real as the tooth fairy. What you think it "magic" is really your parents sneaking under your pillow and stuffing a dollar under it. Hell at least the tooth fairy gave me cash.
Don't give up. You lived without the tooth fairy and you can live without a belief in God. It's actually rather freeing in the long run. You get to decide what you believe based on your knowledge, not what someone has told you. :yes:


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!

I'm really sorry for your loss. I guess I can't quite figure out why you're convinced that God doesn't exist, but I hope things eventually work out for you and that you'll find some happiness. I'm also kind of curious as to how you see an afterlife as happening. Could you maybe explain that?

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Its only a Label
Friend blah782,
Once again, welcome!
It took you so long to realise that *There is No God*
Personally as have never met him, he has no place in any scheme of things besides GOD is a concept developed by human minds.
Take care.
Love & rgds


Depends Upon My Mood..
I didnt even read it,..It was too long.. :sorry1:

But Im sorry you are sad..I dont know..sometimes we are all sad..

