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Why I think a lot of the Bible is False

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I don't need a dictionary to know a word's root, and I go by roots, not by modern connotations. (I try to anyway; I come up short frequently) In this case, genus, and cide: genus, and death. And I consider all life to belong to different "genus-es", so when we cause an extinction of a form of life, it's genocide.
You obviously use only whatever supports you weak arguments.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
The Bible teaches us to believe in one god, the one mentioned in the Bible. This is one of the Ten Commandments. The Bible also teaches us that God is perfect and is a loving God. If this were true, how come he would damn someone who does not believe in him. You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person and good people should not be damned. To me such a god is far from loving and perfect.
The Bible also tells us that: But Cain answered the Lord, "My punishment is too great to bear! Since You are banishing me today from the soil, and I must hide myself from Your presence and become a restless wanderer on the earth, whoever finds me will kill me."
15Then the Lord replied to him, "In that case, whoever kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over." And He placed a mark on Cain so that whoever found him would not kill him. Then Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
If the Adam and Eve were the first to humans and Cain and Able were their children. This would mean that once Able was dead that the total population would be 3 people, Adam, Eve, and Cain. If that were true then who did Cain have to worry about killing him.
There are many other reasons why I feel most of the Bible is BS, but I just don't have time to write it all. The message of the Bible is good; be a good person, but just about everything else just seems rediculous.

The question is, who's standard of goodness do you follow, your own,the guy down the street.
Everybody has their own standard which they rest their lives upon, yet it's all relative and not absolute.
Justice demands following set standards and waivering from these causes impending judgment and penalities, that is in the civil and universal laws,... physiological laws when violated cause death ,in which we are all on a fast track to as we speak. But when you make your own standards ,you become your own judge, jury and executioner and justice is never fully met because you would not and could not inflict the proper consequences of these infractions upon yourself

There must be an ultimate, un bias law maker that does not waiver or discriminate from one set law on the basis of race ,colour, sex, intellect, circumstance, knowledge and places that common law in all mankind.

Man by definition cannot be a good ( morally perfect) person on his own merit, the hypocrisy is astounding in such a statement, one need only retrace their steps in the past week, their though life,words, actions ,attitudes, behaviors to truly see their depravity, but that takes honest soul searching and humility

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
You mean narrow minded arguments...oh no...thats your perogative. Sandy ease up a bit will ya. We are all swimming around in a fish bowl.
When someone uses their own definitions in order to make a claim I will call that into question, especcially when they use an incorrect definition as a perjurative to misalign God's judgement and call it genocide. I will also call into questions one's Biblical pronouncements when they decide that only that part of the bible they happen to enjoy is the only valid part of it. So, on these types of issues I will not "lighten up." After all why should all of us in the "fish bowl" have to swim in the other fishies' poo?
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When someone use their own definitions in order to make a claim I will call that into question, especcially when they use an incorrect definition as a perjurative to misalign God's judgement and call it genocide. I will also call into questions one's Biblical pronouncements when they decide that only that part of the bible they happen to enjoy is the only valid part of it. So, on these types of issues I will not "lighten up." After all why should all of us in the "fish bowl" have to swim in the other fishies' poo?

Why do you feel that you must fight God's battles? Isn't God capable of fighting his own battles??


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Your Junior History teacher had a nice story there, but in view of a lack of a definition of "better", it sounds more like wishful thinking.

I would also say the same about "all the religions have a piece of the truth". In my limited imagination, I see each religion being a big giant puzzle. Taking a piece here, a piece there from different puzzles, and how they would fit to make a puzzle -- that would be in need of a miracle. Sure, the typical answer here would be that "God works in mysterious ways". But to be frank, what works in mysterious ways is the inventive human imagination.

Believe me, I couldn't agree more. I stated what I believed using simple terms; in reality, there are no words in English as far as I know to truly convey what I believe.

"Mankind works in mysterious ways." -Nightwish, Planet Hell.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You obviously use only whatever supports you weak arguments.

I won't pretend to be good at supporting my arguments, weak or strong; I did terribly in school when it came to that; in my Senior year, I had a project where we had to do a mock-trial to learn about the court system, and every one of my arguments, no matter how passionately I believed them, were backed up by very weak supports. I flunked that project, and barely passed.

FYI, I'm currently planning to take classes that will help with my logical thinking and supportive reasoning, so in the next year, I should be able to provide better support for my arguments.

Nevertheless, I hold my belief that genocide extends beyond humankind.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You mean narrow minded arguments...oh no...thats your perogative. Sandy ease up a bit will ya. We are all swimming around in a fish bowl.

To tell the truth, the argument I have is rather weak and can't really be supported. But it's really an opinion.

I'm not offended by Sandy's statement.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I'm fighting the mischaracterization of God on this site since God has not signed up here yet. Perhaps you could leave the sarcasm to the professionals.

In other words, you claim to know everything that goes on in God's mind, and you defend him based on that.

Since when has anyone been able to know what God's thinking?
I'm fighting the mischaracterization of God on this site since God has not signed up here yet. Perhaps you could leave the sarcasm to the professionals.

It wasn't sarcasm at all, but a very legitimate question. Your refusal to answer and your mischaracterization of my post borders on hypocrisy.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
In other words, you claim to know everything that goes on in God's mind, and you defend him based on that.

Since when has anyone been able to know what God's thinking?
No, I claim to have a very good understanding of the character and characteristics of the God of the Bible based on over 15 years of study and having gone completely through the Bible 17 times.

I very seriously doubt that anyone knows more about the character of the God of the Bible that goes beyond what is presented in the Bible. There is a deeper understanding that is gained from a closer walk with God.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I believe that is because you are trying to describe a non-existant situation.

Well, I can't change what you believe, can I? :angel2:

Maybe what my teacher was describing wasn't meant to be reality, but theory. (It has been over 4 years, so it's certainly possible that I have over the years misunderstood what he was trying to say) In theory, children learn from their parents' mistakes and subsequently correct them. Is that reality? Well, with 6 billion individuals (give or take) on this planet, I guess anything in these terms could be considered reality for certain families.

As for truth being found in all religions, that's my belief from my experience from reading the Torah, the Gospel, Tao Te Ching, (early chapters of) the Qur'an, some teachings of Buddha, and even some modern philosophy that could be attributed to religion. One of my favorite such philosophies is a quote from Bruce Lee: "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

And just so we're clear, I never, ever, EVER, once said that you had to believe that all religions hold a piece of the truth, or that children perfect upon their parents' mistakes; those are my beliefs.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Well, I can't change what you believe, can I? :angel2:
Of course you can. Try using the correct definition of words and learning one complete system before trying to assimilate multiple incomplete understandings into a mishmash of partial and unrelated "isms."

Maybe what my teacher was describing wasn't meant to be reality, but theory. (It has been over 4 years, so it's certainly possible that I have over the years misunderstood what he was trying to say) In theory, children learn from their parents' mistakes and subsequently correct them. Is that reality? Well, with 6 billion individuals (give or take) on this planet, I guess anything in these terms could be considered reality for certain families.

As for truth being found in all religions, that's my belief from my experience from reading the Torah, the Gospel, Tao Te Ching, (early chapters of) the Qur'an, some teachings of Buddha, and even some modern philosophy that could be attributed to religion. One of my favorite such philosophies is a quote from Bruce Lee: "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

And just so we're clear, I never, ever, EVER, once said that you had to believe that all religions hold a piece of the truth, or that children perfect upon their parents' mistakes; those are my beliefs.
I'm only adressing, from my perpective, a Biblical view. I've stated that you have a narrow, incomplete, and misguided understanding of a larger Biblical perspective.

The correct definition of words is also the best way of transmitting ideas from one person to another.
I answered the part of the question that was least absurd and pertainant.

No you didn't answer at all. What you did is to dismiss my questions with a cheap, insulting shot. In case your memory is failing you, here it is again:

1. Why do you feel that you must fight God's battles? 2. Isn't God capable of fighting his own battles??

And in view of your disdainful reply: 3. why do you think that God has not signed up on this forum? 4. How do you know this?

5. Who appointed you to fight God's mischaracterization?
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I claim to have a very good understanding of the character and characteristics of the man in the book based on over 15 years of study and having gone completely through the book 17 times.

I very seriously doubt that anyone knows more about the character of the man of the book that goes beyond what is presented in the book. There is a deeper understanding that is gained from a closer walk with the man.

Randall Patrick Mcmurphy , but its still just a book.


Guardian of Asgaard
No, I claim to have a very good understanding of the character and characteristics of the God of the Bible based on over 15 years of study and having gone completely through the Bible 17 times.

I very seriously doubt that anyone knows more about the character of the God of the Bible that goes beyond what is presented in the Bible. There is a deeper understanding that is gained from a closer walk with God.

You have nothing more than a 1-dimensional understanding of a character that so far has yet to exist or show up.
I know everything there is to know about God because there is nothing to know about God, there is no God.
I took what you said and inverted it, mine has about as much credibility as yours. Faith is not evidence, please keep that in mind.