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Why is Biden so afraid of press conferences? Not a single one yet in 50+ days.


Well-Known Member
It’s sad to think about how Biden was once a great plagiarizing con artist. "We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated."


Well-Known Member
You aren't his doctor, it is not your place to assess such things.
People said the same thing about Trump, and they are wrong.
Its an observation and I'm entitled to my opinion. He's been a racist gaff machine for years but now its more cognitive. I think it was when he called a women a "dog faced pony soldier" that we knew something was up.

biden dog13.jpg
Does it bother you to see a president actually get work done instead of just making constant PR appearances?
Wouldn’t call signing bad executive orders work. If you look at the job description of the President according to the Constitution he is a failure. The Covid bill? Let’s bail out California and only use 10% on Covid but use more deceptive language.
He doesn't need a press conference for that.
If he didn’t have dementia and could speak coherently he would be out in front of the camera, politicians like that. Joe might as well get a life size cardboard picture of himself, prop it up and have
a pre-recorded message to play.
Lol! He won’t be able to make it 4 years, so funny you all “smart people” trusting in a guy with dementia, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer? All a recipe for disaster, gonna be 30 trillion in debt here shortly, politicians bailing out their states after years of mismanagement, never learn.


My own religion
Lol! He won’t be able to make it 4 years, so funny you all “smart people” trusting in a guy with dementia, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer? All a recipe for disaster, gonna be 30 trillion in debt here shortly, politicians bailing out their states after years of mismanagement, never learn.

Well, that is not evidence! LOL


My own religion
Evidence is when he has spoken in public, when he won’t take any questions other than pre-approved questions and needs permission to answer. Can I take questions Nancy and then he’s gone, no more live feed. But go ahead and deny it, he’s toast and you can’t even admit it.

It doesn't follow, that he is toast. That, he is toast, is an evaluation in you and not a fact.
It doesn't follow, that he is toast. That, he is toast, is an evaluation in you and not a fact.
Where you gonna be when that happens? You all disappear, in August 2020, no miracle for Covid, last night, it’s a miracle, can tell you he doesn’t know the executive orders he signed or what’s in the Covid 19 bill that was about 10% Covid relief.


My own religion
Where you gonna be when that happens? You all disappear, in August 2020, no miracle for Covid, last night, it’s a miracle, can tell you he doesn’t know the executive orders he signed or what’s in the Covid 19 bill that was about 10% Covid relief.

Don't understand, what you are saying? Can you rephrase?


My own religion
You all can’t see the evidence in front of you, Biden has no idea what he is doing, he is a vassal and doing what he’s told. Used Covid as an excuse to avoid public appearance during the election and the same thing now. Hope you get your double vaccine which isn’t even a vaccine, lol. Then you can get together but just in small groups and no guarantee you won’t get the flu, I mean Covid. Not doing any of that here brother.

Oh, thank you for your answer. I believe differently than you.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Lol! He won’t be able to make it 4 years, so funny you all “smart people” trusting in a guy with dementia, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer? All a recipe for disaster, gonna be 30 trillion in debt here shortly, politicians bailing out their states after years of mismanagement, never learn.
I'm cringing when pay back the debt day arrives.

The tax bill cometh.

Something wicked this way comes.

People like to make deals with the devil I guess.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You all can’t see the evidence in front of you, Biden has no idea what he is doing, he is a vassal and doing what he’s told. Used Covid as an excuse to avoid public appearance during the election and the same thing now. Hope you get your double vaccine which isn’t even a vaccine, lol. Then you can get together but just in small groups and no guarantee you won’t get the flu, I mean Covid. Not doing any of that here brother.
This the thing. Covid is all he talks about. Others are handling the more complicated things like foreign and domestic policy and strategy.

Biden is looking more and more like a proxy president every day. Something you see in banana republics.


Well-Known Member
Let the spokesperson be president then.

Besides, if you can't figure what's he's doing to warrant a press conference, then he isn’t doing much of a job.

Biden is the leader or is he not?
In other words nothing. I'd MUCH rather have a president who actually gets work done than one who's in love with the sound of his own voice. Seems like you just miss getting pep-talks from your Glorious Orange Leader.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
In other words nothing. I'd MUCH rather have a president who actually gets work done than one who's in love with the sound of his own voice. Seems like you just miss getting pep-talks from your Glorious Orange Leader.
No it's not that. Biden is mentally deteriorating.

They don't want that shown publicly.