This isn't about "those who reject evolution". It's about the proposition that evolution is not really a theory, but a proven fact. Which is it isn't.
Just like gravity, it's both.
There's the fact of evolution: living things share ancestry and species evolve into new sub-species.
The theory of evolution explains the mechanism of how that happens.
Same with gravity. The fact of gravity is that things with mass exert gravity - the bigger the mass, the bigger the gravity. That's a fact.
The theory of gravity explains how that happens, it explains the mechanism underpinning it.
It's called a theory because it is a theory. In science, a theory either works (elicits predictable results) or it doesn't, within the context of it's testing. If the theory works, it stands as a viable theory, if it doesn't it is rejected as a viable theory.
Ideas in science start out as a hypothesis.
When that hypothesis is tested and re-tested and confirmed over and over, it gets promoted to theory.
In science, a theory is a body of knowledge, a collection of well-tested and confirmed propositions that explain a specific phenomenon within a specific scope of inquiry.
Theory is the graduation stage of a hypothesis. There's nothing "higher" then theory.
And sure, theories can still turn out to be incorrect / incomplete in light of new evidence.
That goes for any scientific theory, not just evolution.
It also goes for relativity, germ theory of disease, atomic theory, plate tectonic theory, etc etc etc.
For it to become an accepted truth
Again, this is a misnomer.
Theory is the highest stage an idea can get to in science.
There's nothing beyond that.
A "really good theory" remains a theory. It doesn't become "truth" or whatever.
, as some here seem to be suggesting that it has, it will have to had ALL possible questions springing from it resolved. And in the case of evolution, that very clearly has not happened.
This hasn't happened in the case of ANY theory in ALL OF SCIENCE.
It's a logical impossibility as it would require us to know everything about everything.
So once again we come to the point where your objections aren't geared towards evolution per se, but rather to ALL OF SCIENCE.
You can take your exact "argument" here and replace "evolution" with literally ANY theory and the merit would be exactly the same. Which is to say: pretty pointless.
As there are still some very big questions left unresolved.
Such as?