I think it's easier to answer what I don't believe before I answer as to what I do believe. I don't believe that God created mutations, although they're there. Now when I say mutations I mean debilitating mutations. I understand the reasoning behind the idea that organisms keep multiplying and environment may force one type of moth, for example, to multiply and duplicate a particular group. But that does not mean that I accept the idea that dinosaurs, for instance, became birds. Since I believe what the Bible says, there are different kinds of organisms. Interestingly, the Bible writer even explained that the type of flesh of one organism is different from another. So while I personally don't know how God did it, I no longer accept the theory of evolution, as if it happened that survival of the fittest, or natural selection is the making of evolving organisms. I do not find it unbelievable now that God is responsible for the life we have. The more I look, the more interesting it becomes to 'see' life, how it works. I was reading, for instance, about "zombie crabs." They are just beginning to be studied. Exactly how these things came about, I can't say and frankly, I don't think anyone can say either. Therefore, I attribute many things to the genius, or creation by God. When I say creation, I can also mean the prime force or mover of life.