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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Jar of Clay
How can any true expression of love be sin???

I think that deals with my last comments about how sin has corrupted our ideology of what love and many other things really are. Our definition or preconceived notions of what love is doesn't necessarily mean that's what the way God intended it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think that deals with my last comments about how sin has corrupted our ideology of what love and many other things really are. Our definition or preconceived notions of what love is doesn't necessarily mean that's what the way God intended it.

Love is beyond ideologies, Jringer. If you feel love for someone, then you feel love for them. It's not like someone says, "Oh. I have an ideology that says I should love people who are the same (or a different) sex than me, therefore that's who I'm going to love." A person who did that would be soulless. They'd be more in love with an ideology than with a person.


Disciple of Chaos
I tend to agree with those saying that acting homosexual feelings is the sin and not being a homosexual yourself. I don't look at homosexuality as any more sinful than the kinds of sinful tendancy the everyday person goes through in their life. Being 24 years old, I have plenty of sexual urges and to think that a man/woman can have those same feelings for the same sex and not be able to act on them would be tremendously difficult.
I am curious as to why you feel that allthough genetic, having homosexual intercourse is sin? Are homosexuals damned by there genes? By either not being able to express physical love for someone they love, or damning themeselves to hell for expressing this physical love?


Active Member
Sometimes I wonder:

In a gay or a lesbian relationship; surely there is a "male" role and a "female role". So how do u tell which one is which in such relationships?


The cake is a lie
Sometimes I wonder:

In a gay or a lesbian relationship; surely there is a "male" role and a "female role". So how do u tell which one is which in such relationships?
Personally I've not met any gays or lesbians that fall into that stereotype. Even if someone is more feminine or masculine than their partner it doesn't necessarily make them the "woman" or the "man".


Well-Known Member
I am curious as to why you feel that allthough genetic, having homosexual intercourse is sin? Are homosexuals damned by there genes? By either not being able to express physical love for someone they love, or damning themeselves to hell for expressing this physical love?
What proof or even evidence do you have that it's genetic?


Jar of Clay
I am curious as to why you feel that allthough genetic, having homosexual intercourse is sin? Are homosexuals damned by there genes? By either not being able to express physical love for someone they love, or damning themeselves to hell for expressing this physical love?

I would look at it as sin because I don't think in homosexual intercourse was part of God's plan for us. Sex was designed within the context of marriage between a man and a woman. And I don't necessarily think that by being a homosexual you are damned by your genes just as anybody else whos genes give them an increased predisposition to certain sins. Nobody said I'm required to have sex with my girlfriend and even if sometime down the road we get married, I'm still not required to have sex with her. I'm not sure exactly which apostles but I believe 2 of them were not married because they wanted to be able to serve God without the restrictions that come with being married. I would like to think that if I was a homosexual I would look at it the same way. I would consider it a gift of celebacy and count it gain that I could serve God more fully. And yes I cannot fully grasp how hard that would be. It obviously was pretty difficult for many Catholic priests.

Back to the being damned by the fact you are homosexual....I don't see that from these bible verses, especially verse 11:

1 Corinithians 6:9 - 11
9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,

10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
Why ?...


It's not. We have evolved so far in our understanding of things yet are still stuck in such trivial things as this. If love is consensual between 2 adult individuals no God would ever consider that evil. I don't use the word sin because it is such a stupid word. To me the word is nothing but a control device. People allways walk around talking about how they are a sinner but saved by God. Well, I am not a sinner, I am free of sin, so there is no need for a God to have to save me from anything.

People don't do what they believie in, they just do whats most convienient then they repent.

So, in other words, do what you believe is right, you will know in your gut if it is wrong.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And I don't necessarily think that by being a homosexual you are damned by your genes just as anybody else whos genes give them an increased predisposition to certain sins. Nobody said I'm required to have sex with my girlfriend and even if sometime down the road we get married, I'm still not required to have sex with her.
According to OT principles, yes you are. That's the only way you can do your part to bring about the covenant, which included promises of progeny.


Bond-Servant of Christ
It's not. We have evolved so far in our understanding of things yet are still stuck in such trivial things as this. If love is consensual between 2 adult individuals no God would ever consider that evil. I don't use the word sin because it is such a stupid word. To me the word is nothing but a control device. People allways walk around talking about how they are a sinner but saved by God. Well, I am not a sinner, I am free of sin, so there is no need for a God to have to save me from anything.

People don't do what they believie in, they just do whats most convienient then they repent.

So, in other words, do what you believe is right, you will know in your gut if it is wrong.

I have some questions on your comments. If in my gut it's ok for me to go to your house and steal everything you own and maybe cut off one of your limbs, can you tell me it's wrong of me if I believe it is right and my gut is telling me it isn't wrong?

If what is right and wrong is so subjective...how can you tell me that I'm wrong for believing homosexuality is wrong...how do you know I haven't evolved further along than you have?

If there's no set standard of what is right and wrong...then every time people get upset at Christians for saying stuff like homosexuality is wrong...don't they completely contradict their belief...because they are taking away the Christian's right to rely on their gut?
Just some thoughts...


Jar of Clay
It's not. We have evolved so far in our understanding of things yet are still stuck in such trivial things as this. If love is consensual between 2 adult individuals no God would ever consider that evil. I don't use the word sin because it is such a stupid word. To me the word is nothing but a control device. People allways walk around talking about how they are a sinner but saved by God. Well, I am not a sinner, I am free of sin, so there is no need for a God to have to save me from anything.

People don't do what they believie in, they just do whats most convienient then they repent.

So, in other words, do what you believe is right, you will know in your gut if it is wrong.

According to OT principles, yes you are. That's the only way you can do your part to bring about the covenant, which included promises of progeny.

I would like to see where in the OT that is found. Also, as Christians, we are not bound by the law anymore. The reason why Jesus came was to fulfill the law.

Romans 6:13-15
14For sin shall not )be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
15What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!

Galatians 5:17-18
17For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I would like to see where in the OT that is found. Also, as Christians, we are not bound by the law anymore. The reason why Jesus came was to fulfill the law.

Romans 6:13-15
14For sin shall not )be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
15What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!

Galatians 5:17-18
17For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

Gen. 9:1, Gen. 15:4b-6, Gen. 28:14. Need more? I don't think God was planning on this progeny being magically conceived...

True, but the NC does not "throw out" the OC, it merely fulfills it.


Jar of Clay
Gen. 9:1, Gen. 15:4b-6, Gen. 28:14. Need more? I don't think God was planning on this progeny being magically conceived...

True, but the NC does not "throw out" the OC, it merely fulfills it.

I could be wrong but I don't see as much of a need to "be fruitful and multiple" now as it was needed at the beginning of creation. I doubt if I don't have offspring in my lifetime I will be held accountable to it as when God commanded Noah and his sons to do so. You need to take it within context. After the flood, there was an obvious need for offspring.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I could be wrong but I don't see as much of a need to "be fruitful and multiple" now as it was needed at the beginning of creation. I doubt if I don't have offspring in my lifetime I will be held accountable to it as when God commanded Noah and his sons to do so. You need to take it within context. After the flood, there was an obvious need for offspring.

But the comment to which I was making answer was predicated upon the OT (specifically, how God created us, according to Genesis) -- not modernity.


Jar of Clay
But the comment to which I was making answer was predicated upon the OT (specifically, how God created us, according to Genesis) -- not modernity.

Ok...I understand. I guess my statement that I could get married but not have sex was trying to emphasize that you if you were homosexual, it doesn't mean you have to have intercourse. Sex within the context of marriage is pleasing in God's eye so you could be sure that I will be doing it plenty when I'm married :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have some questions on your comments. If in my gut it's ok for me to go to your house and steal everything you own and maybe cut off one of your limbs, can you tell me it's wrong of me if I believe it is right and my gut is telling me it isn't wrong?

If what is right and wrong is so subjective...how can you tell me that I'm wrong for believing homosexuality is wrong...how do you know I haven't evolved further along than you have?
I am wondering why you would equate homosexuality to a robbery. Robbing someone is wrong, and no one is happy in the end.
Homosexual relationships are based on love, and in the end have the same chances of causing hurt that a heterosexual relationship does.


Active Member
I think Leviticus is only expressing common sense here. I myself have always lied to women about different things than what I lie to men about. For instance, I find it unnecessary to lie to men about forgetting our anniversary because they've forgotten it too. While it is almost always necessary to tell a whopper to my female friends about why I've forgotten the date we met.

The word lie does not mean to literally lie, but to lay down with. In other words, to have sex.


Disciple of Chaos
Nobody said I'm required to have sex with my girlfriend and even if sometime down the road we get married, I'm still not required to have sex with her.
Actually, you are morally obligated to have sex under God's command of "Go forth and multiply."
With the advances is modern medicine and science, its is now possible for female homosexual couples to multiply, and scientist are predicting that even one day man may be able to carry a fetus through development and give birth via c-section. Similiar to a seehorse, only they don't need to be cut open.
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