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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Active Member
JayHawes your argument is flawed, gay sex is no more of a sin then straight sex as we are all full of sin thats born from the seed of Adam and Eve.

You have no argument!

If you amend it to read "straight sex outside marriage", I would agree with you. I don't see how this has any bearing on the argument though. Do explain.


Charismatic Enigma
If you amend it to read "straight sex outside marriage", I would agree with you. I don't see how this has any bearing on the argument though. Do explain.

Because after they ate from the tree they were filled with knowledge and guilt that they would have never had otherwise, they sinned and sinned again by having sex which they would not have known about had they not eaten from the tree.

Therefor straight sex is a sin, we were never meant to have sex in the first place, if we were they would have been allowed to eat from the tree and learn.

Conclusion is that straight sex (married or otherwise) is as much of a sin as gay sex!


Active Member
If Adam never disobeyed God (that was the sin), he would not have lusted for his wife. Which therefore results in sex. God knowing the choice adam would make designed something called marriage:

Ge 2:23 -And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Ge 2:24 -Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Sex within marriage is honorable, because we must supress our sinful desires.

Heb 13:4 "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge"

[SIZE=+1]povrnoß [/SIZE]Pornos (por'-nos);
Word Origin: Greek, Noun Masculine, Strong #: 4205
  1. a man who prostitutes his body to another's lust for hire
  2. a male prostitute
  3. a man who indulges in unlawful sexual intercourse, a fornicator
[SIZE=+1]moicovß [/SIZE]Moichos (moy-khos'); Noun Masculine, Strong #: 3432
  1. an adulterer
  2. metaph. one who is faithless toward God, ungodly
A Fornicator is one who commits sexual immorality, included among them is homosexuality (see Leviticus Chapter 18- the whole chapter lists what is Sexual Immorality).

Heterosexual sex within marriage is not sin. Heterosexual sex, along with all other sexual immorality, including homosexuality (married or not) is sin. Sex is not the result of sin, it is the mechnism God gave us to reproduce: hence the following " And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." Genesis 1:28. We cannot multiply upon the face of the earth unless we have sex (a man and a woman). A man having sex with a man is not multiplying :biglaugh:


Charismatic Enigma
Heterosexual sex within marriage is not sin. Heterosexual sex, along with all other sexual immorality, including homosexuality (married or not) is sin. Sex is not the result of sin, it is the mechnism God gave us to reproduce: hence the following " And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." Genesis 1:28. We cannot multiply upon the face of the earth unless we have sex (a man and a woman). A man having sex with a man is not multiplying :biglaugh:

You know what? Fine you win, all us sinners are going to hell and to be honest I really could't care less, at least us sinners are less likely to be judged by Satan then an egotistical god who smites his people as and when he feels like it.
So you have you're life worrying, I'm going to do what god really would intend us to do and live my life without worry and appreciate nature and respect people.

Well done :clap


Active Member
You know what? Fine you win, all us sinners are going to hell and to be honest I really could't care less, at least us sinners are less likely to be judged by Satan then an egotistical god who smites his people as and when he feels like it.
So you have you're life worrying, I'm going to do what god really would intend us to do and live my life without worry and appreciate nature and respect people.

Well done :clap

I dont worry. I live my life with the peace of God. I preach hope and love to the multitudes. I respect, I charish, I hope for, I endure, and I hold up the blood stained banner of Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls for those who sin, to repeant of their sin, to turn away from it, and to come unto the light.

Joh 12:46 -I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

Joh 3:18 -He that believeth on him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Joh 3:19 -And this is the condemnation, that light (Jesus) is come into the world, and men loved darkness (sin, and all satan has to offer) rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Joh 3:20 -For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

I can promise you one thing, that Satan will not judge you. You will stand before God's great White throne, and he shall open a book with all that you have done. And he will ask you "Why didn't you accept my Son, Jesus Christ as an atonement for your sins?" No answer will be worth anything. He will then read down the list of your many sins and you will be punished for every one. As for me, I want you to have that blessed hope of eternal life. Where you will not have to worry at all, and you will live happily in paradise forever. Jesus's hands are out waiting for you, if only you take them. His door is open, if only you enter in.
I dont worry. I live my life with the peace of God. I preach hope and love to the multitudes. I respect, I charish, I hope for, I endure, and I hold up the blood stained banner of Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls for those who sin, to repeant of their sin, to turn away from it, and to come unto the light.

Joh 12:46 -I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

Joh 3:18 -He that believeth on him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Joh 3:19 -And this is the condemnation, that light (Jesus) is come into the world, and men loved darkness (sin, and all satan has to offer) rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Joh 3:20 -For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

I can promise you one thing, that Satan will not judge you. You will stand before God's great White throne, and he shall open a book with all that you have done. And he will ask you "Why didn't you accept my Son, Jesus Christ as an atonement for your sins?" No answer will be worth anything. He will then read down the list of your many sins and you will be punished for every one. As for me, I want you to have that blessed hope of eternal life. Where you will not have to worry at all, and you will live happily in paradise forever. Jesus's hands are out waiting for you, if only you take them. His door is open, if only you enter in.

I really find this type of mentality not only meaningless but sickening. God never said anything was a sin, man did when he wrote the crap down. So please quit spouting it, it only shows the limits of your mentality. What God would say is, that you don't deserve the breath you have for damining someone for thier preferences in who they love.


Charismatic Enigma
I really find this type of mentality not only meaningless but sickening. God never said anything was a sin, man did when he wrote the crap down. So please quit spouting it, it only shows the limits of your mentality. What God would say is, that you don't deserve the breath you have for damining someone for thier preferences in who they love.

ah but you see this is a biblical debate!:yes::slap:


Jar of Clay
I really find this type of mentality not only meaningless but sickening. God never said anything was a sin, man did when he wrote the crap down. So please quit spouting it, it only shows the limits of your mentality. What God would say is, that you don't deserve the breath you have for damining someone for thier preferences in who they love.

This is part of the biblical debate forum. If you are not interested in looking at homosexuality from a biblical perspective then maybe you should post elsewhere. "God never said anything was a sin..."? That pretty much goes again everything the bible teaches and the reason why Jesus, the only perfect sacrfice was crucified. Although, it's pointless me going into that since you don't hold anything in the bible accountable. I have found that last few posts you have had to show your ignorance on certain area and, ummmmm, how should I put it, "limits of your mentality".


Active Member
How would you define sin without looking at the Bible? Maybe I am ignorant in this regard, but I thought sin was a uniquely Biblical concept that has since been extended to other religions unofficially.


Liebe ist für alle da
How would you define sin without looking at the Bible? Maybe I am ignorant in this regard, but I thought sin was a uniquely Biblical concept that has since been extended to other religions unofficially.

The only way I can think of defining Sin with out the bible is to call some Taboo. All culture and religions have some type of it, Homosexuality is just one of the Christian taboos.


Bond-Servant of Christ
This is part of the biblical debate forum. If you are not interested in looking at homosexuality from a biblical perspective then maybe you should post elsewhere. "God never said anything was a sin..."? That pretty much goes again everything the bible teaches and the reason why Jesus, the only perfect sacrfice was crucified. Although, it's pointless me going into that since you don't hold anything in the bible accountable. I have found that last few posts you have had to show your ignorance on certain area and, ummmmm, how should I put it, "limits of your mentality".

I think you're right jringer04. From Genesis 3 on the Bible defines what sin is and points to Jesus Christ who came to pay the penalty for our sins because we can't pay it ourselves. The basis for our arguements is the Bible because we believe it is the Word of God and that is is completely trustworthy. If others don't believe that to be the case, then our words sound hollow to them. But Eternity will reveal if the Bible is the Word of God or the fiction of man.


Active Member
JayHawes your argument is flawed, gay sex is no more of a sin then straight sex as we are all full of sin thats born from the seed of Adam and Eve.

You have no argument!

Justifying Homosexulity is no more of an argument than justifying having sex with a dog, or a woman having sex with a horse, or anything eles. It's no more of an arguemnt than is it right for a son to sleep with his mother and is it right for a son to sleep with his uncle's wife. Sexual Morals are Morals, they are set in stone (Leviticus 18). We are all born into sin, however that's no excuse to continue sining. God calls us to stop sining.


Active Member
Are the people here arguing against the conept of Homosexuality as a sin becuase you practice it, or just becuase you dont like the concept of sin, or just dont like Christians?


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is not a sin. For sin does not exist beyond a human construct to perpetuate a mythology.

Homosexuality is natural. To deny it is to admit to a delusional belief about the human condition. Another mistaken Biblical concept is that humans are born male and female. And for the third time on this forum about this issue and for the third time it will be ignored I ask what answer do those who believe that humans are born male and female have for those human beings who are clearly not born in either? Where does their sexuality fit into this great moral scheme?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Even if you dont hold any reverance to the Bible that doesn't change the fact that God views homosexuality as a sin, and it doesn't make God suddenly not exist. Its your choice, as a free moral agent as to whetehr or not you will choose to serve God, or ignore him, or even deny him. The latter two will cause you pain though....:eek:

p.s. - this is a biblical debate form, hence, the use of the bible is common here, and therefore needed.

"...that doesn't change the fact that someone said God views homosexuality as a sin..."

Big difference.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Are the people here arguing against the conept of Homosexuality as a sin becuase you practice it, or just becuase you dont like the concept of sin, or just dont like Christians?

I'm a Christian. I like myself just fine, thank you. I'm also heterosexual (not that it's any of your business...and not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm arguing against the inherent sinfulness of homosexuality because I don't find any compelling evidence that the Biblical record on the matter is anything other than culturally derived. This is not, Biblically, a moral issue in and of itself. It's a cultural issue that is moot in this time and place.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Are the people here arguing against the conept of Homosexuality as a sin becuase you practice it, or just becuase you dont like the concept of sin, or just dont like Christians?

LOL! You're leaving out the most likely possibility: People are arguing against the concept of homosexuality as a sin because the concept is both absurd and inane.


Are the people here arguing against the conept of Homosexuality as a sin becuase you practice it, or just becuase you dont like the concept of sin, or just dont like Christians?

I argue because I've seen the love that a woman can have for another woman, that a man can have for another man, and it's just as natural as any heterosexual love I've ever seen. In fact, in many cases, it seems much more natural. My lesbian friends are all in happy, committed, long-term relationships. I cannot say the same for ANY of my heterosexual friends.
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