Hiya. I'm one of those 'many replies' that Lightkeeper rightly predicted. And for this one, the tigress will be unsheathing her claws... (It's the night after my birthday, so I'm allowed to let this totem out, right? Please?!)
supertech said:
If people are trying to follow a certain religion, they will take the stance of that religion; or their understanding of what their religion says about homos. I myself have digressed as far as the christian religion is concerned . Homosexuality in my opinion, is based on the 'if it feels good--do it' syndrome. I know only a few homos, and am by no means a expert on the subject, but the individuals I am aquainted with want nothing to do with a God who dictates what is and is not acceptable.
You mean a God, in this case, that a large part of society is trying to tell them 'hates their sin'? Oddly enough, I don't think I'd want to flock to a god that disliked me. I'm funny that way.
supertech said:
I do not think it right to allow these people into a religion that preaches against that lifestyle. If one really has a belief in the Christian faith--then homosexuality is un acceptable and is an abomination before christ.
Following that line, we are all 'abominations' before Christ. And, as has been stated in other threads, Jesus Christ, himself, didn't seem to be worried enough about gay people worshipping him to mention that they should quit being gay in order to do so.
supertech said:
Therefore if you are a 'christian' and you don't agree with that--I suspect your faith is not important to you. WE have women preachers and gay preachers, sodomisers, buggery--
I know, isn't it truly
disgusting to think that some people would stoop to allowing a
woman (of all creatures!) to consider the concept that she would be able to lead God's flock?! Honestly, it makes you doubt that the diety watching over us is even a sane goddess- whoops, I meant God. Of course I did.
supertech said:
and I don't want to know what else, but I have surmised that the word has stepped aside for the 'feels good' society.
Interesting, here, that you seem consider others fallen, but you are able to believe the Word would 'step aside.' Do you think the Word is fallable?
supertech said:
The so called 'gays' are part of that society. I have known married women and men who have changed to 'gay' and they are of the feels good attitude until something that feels better comes along.
Please don't imply that humans are capable of
changing their minds! That makes my poor, feeble, feminine brain ill! Please, someone! Fetch the smelling salts! I've the vapours!!!
Oooookay, sarcasm levels returning to sub-par... Kindness and empathy factors returning to stable... Whew, I'm back.
Wait, not quite...
I extremely dislike Dr. Laura, and her Physiology degree.
There. All better now!