Dont we all. You are kinda stingy with yours, though.
Some facts for you, as to why Islam is dangerous.
Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into Muslim inbreeding for 1,400 years.
His study found that ( facts) ;
1) almost 50% of Muslims in the world are inbred.
2) In Pakistan it is 70%
3) 67% in Saudi Arabia
4) Immigrants to Britain from Pakistan, 50% married to 1st cousins
5) Sudan 60%
6) Iraq 54%
7) A British Pakistani family is 13 times more likely to have children with recessive genetic conditions.
8) Pakistani´s account for 3% of births in the UK, yet 33% of children with genetic birth defects are Pakistani.
9) Muslim inbreeding means 18 times the average risk for autosomal disorders
10) Inbreeding makes the Muslim risk for death by malformation ten times higher than average
11) Inbreeding makes the Muslim chances for stillbirth 100% higher than average
12) The study found that children from first cousin marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ
13) First cousin marriages result in children with 70 or lower IQ scores ( mentally challenged) at a rate 400% higher than average
14) The study author states that inbreeding has seriously damaged the Muslim gene pool
1st cousin marriages are devastating to Muslims first, because Mohammed approved them, but they are dangerous to Western countries as well.
Who pays in these countries for the results of muslim inbreeding ? The average taxpayer. Do Muslims absorb medical and welfare services proportionate to their percentage of the population ? Do they absorb these resources at the average rate of the rest of the population ?
The answer is no to both questions.
They contribute less than average per capita in taxes, yet take taxpayer funds at a much, much higher rate than the average citizen.
To put it bluntly, their inbreeding with Mohammeds blessing makes them form a parasitic relationship with western society.
Muslim immigration ensures that the costs of 1400 years of inbreeding are born by societies who since Moses have found first cousin marriages to be extremely distasteful.
The Muslims won´t change, their gene pool will become more and more flawed.
I for one don´t think I should have to subsidize the insanity of their religion.