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Why is it always the Mormons?


Through the Looking Glass
I appreciate you letting me have an opinon. :sorry1:
I said in Post 113 you can interpret it however you want. :yes::rainbow1: That's what I do. :D But if your interpretation is that Peter is not the "rock" or the foundation of Papal authority, you're still not "Catholic" on that issue. Nothing wrong with that, of course. Join the club. :)


Rejoice in the Lord!
doppelgänger;1149423 said:
I said in Post 113 you can interpret it however you want. :yes::rainbow1: That's what I do. :D But if your interpretation is that Peter is not the "rock" or the foundation of Papal authority, you're still not "Catholic" on that issue. Nothing wrong with that, of course. Join the club. :)

You sure know you religions! :yes: . Can a Christian be a Roman Catholic Christian and reject Papal authority? Doesn't that make that Christian a protestor or Protestant at that point? Are you guys familar with the Council of Trent?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that it is indeed helpful. I've offered wondered whether it is too heavy handed or not (like the rest of the mod team, I'm very much for light moderation) but if helps create the right atmosphere then that is great. I have been on specific religion forums before (Christian, Muslim, e.t.c.) where they have had proselytism sub-forums wherein the forum religion is invited to try and convert those in that forum. For example, a pagan forum would be specifically for proselytising to pagans. It is a system that boggles my mind somewhat.

I appreciate the no proselytizing rule also. I've been on some foru.ms that only allow non-Christians to participate in order to proselytize to them. The only forums I frequent these days is religious forums and allbeliefs. They are the only places I feel comfortable discussing religion (politics, on the other hand, is a different story).


Somewhere Around Nothing
I appreciate the no proselytizing rule also. I've been on some foru.ms that only allow non-Christians to participate in order to proselytize to them. The only forums I frequent these days is religious forums and religiousforums. They are the only places I feel comfortable discussing religion (politics, on the other hand, is a different story).
Lol, that was christianforums. Thats where I came from.They changed the name briefly to foru.ms. The funny thing though, is that during the time it was named foru.ms was when it was in a "open" stage where there were no "christian" only sections and non-christians were being allowed on staff. Of course the ChristianTM's were throwing a fit and the owner sold it to some internet money making guru guy who turned back into the bigotry infested hell hole it was before. They also just changed its look, it now looks absolutely awful.


Through the Looking Glass
Universal Balance has been restored now that Evangelicals and Mormons have accomplished denying rights to homosexuals and are back at each other again here at RF.

There's something Karmic about it all, but I can't quite put my finger on it . . .


doppelgänger;1147543 said:
Over the year and a half or so I've been a member of RF, I've noticed that Protestant Christians who identify as "evangelicals," "fundamentalists" and "born again" ("EC" for short) regularly target the beliefs of LDS far more so than any other belief system, even though, frankly, LDS and EC have what appear to me to be very similar aesthetic values. Not to say that all EC do it . . . . just that many of them do . . . and when they do, they almost always zero in on Mormons.

Why is that? I'd like to hear opinions from anybody on the subject. Why not Buddhism? Judaism? Or Islam?

Why do you think it's so important for so many EC to argue with Mormons?
Many reasons, most of them the wrong reasons.

However, one reason that I think is justifiable is how Mormons PRETEND to have exactly the same beliefs as ECs, until you ask the right questions... And they don't pretend on purpose, they are taught to do so in seminary school.


I aim to misbehave!
Many reasons, most of them the wrong reasons.

However, one reason that I think is justifiable is how Mormons PRETEND to have exactly the same beliefs as ECs, until you ask the right questions... And they don't pretend on purpose, they are taught to do so in seminary school.[/quote]



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Many reasons, most of them the wrong reasons.

However, one reason that I think is justifiable is how Mormons PRETEND to have exactly the same beliefs as ECs, until you ask the right questions... And they don't pretend on purpose, they are taught to do so in seminary school.

Nope. We don't PRETEND anything. We have our beliefs and some are the same as and some are different from mainstream Christianity. ECs choose to focus on the differences. As for what we're taught in seminary, the curriculum is based on our four standard works: the OT, the NT, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants. No pretending there either - purposeful or not.

I think your post is a good example of why we are bitter enemies. ECs swoop in and say smack about us and we vigorously defend out position.


Yes, I know.

I don't consider LDS NOT to be Christian, like you might assume. You call yourselves Christian, therefore you are.

HOWEVER, in my experience, Mormons make every attempt to not explain the differences between Mormon doctrine and orthodox Christian doctrine, which is odd considering how vital it is to their theology. What would you call that?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, I know.

I don't consider LDS NOT to be Christian, like you might assume. You call yourselves Christian, therefore you are.

I don't assume.

HOWEVER, in my experience, Mormons make every attempt to not explain the differences between Mormon doctrine and orthodox Christian doctrine, which is odd considering how vital it is to their theology. What would you call that?

Your experience. Nothing more.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
doppelgänger;1355925 said:
Universal Balance has been restored now that Evangelicals and Mormons have accomplished denying rights to homosexuals and are back at each other again here at RF.

There's something Karmic about it all, but I can't quite put my finger on it . . .
The enemy of my enemy is my friend until I can stab them in the back?

Lesson to the Mormons, this is what happens when you pal around with Evangelicals.

Sorry, bad joke.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The enemy of my enemy is my friend until I can stab them in the back?

Lesson to the Mormons, this is what happens when you pal around with Evangelicals.

Sorry, bad joke.

I don't this it's a joke - I think you're right on. I think this analogy (from a Star Trek episode) applies:

A scorpion was wandering along the bank of the river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river.
The fox said, "No. If I do that, you'll sting me and I'll drown."
The scorpion assured him, "If I did that, we'd both drown."
So the fox thought about it and finally agreed. So the scorpion climbed up on his back and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him.
As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said, "Why did you do that? Now you'll drown too."
"I couldn't help it," said the scorpion. "It's my nature."

The scorpion represents the Evangelicals.

The fox represents the Mormons.

And the river is Prop 8.

Perhaps the only difference is that the scorpion waited to cross the Prop 8 river before stinging its ride.



By the way, I love what they've done to the Galleria.
OMG! Do you live near where I live? I actually know an RFer near where I live! Sweet!

And I hate the Galleria. It is filled with nothing but girly clothes stores! (but their food court is pretty sweet) I actually like the Fountains across the street. They have this frozen yogurt shop that is amazing!


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Many reasons, most of them the wrong reasons.

However, one reason that I think is justifiable is how Mormons PRETEND to have exactly the same beliefs as ECs, until you ask the right questions... And they don't pretend on purpose, they are taught to do so in seminary school.
You know none of what you've said in this post makes sense. First off, if we were "pretending," it would have to be on purpose. Pretence implies the desire to deceive. It has never been our desire to deceive anyone. I suppose you really do have to ask the right questions, though, as we are not mind-readers. That doesn't mean we are deliberately trying to skirt the issues or mislead you. It's simply that a lot of Latter-day Saints, particularly those who have always been members of the Church, don't know a lot about Evangelical Christianity and don't know what Evangelical Christians are really asking.

Let me give you an example. If an Evangelical Christian were to ask a Latter-day Saint, "Are you saved?" the Latter-day Saint would likely respond with a confused reply and a blank stare. This isn't because we're trying to play games. It's because, first of all, we almost never speak of "being saved" in the present tense. We speak of "being saved" as something that's going to happen if we "endure to the end." We also use the word "salvation" in different ways, depending upon the context. On one hand, we can speak of "salvation" (meaning "going to Heaven") versus "damnation" ("going to Hell"). That's how I think most Evangelicals use the word. To us, salvation, when used in this way, is almost universal. On the other hand, we speak of "salvation" as a synonyn for "exaltation" which is what we believe Matthew 7:14 is referring to. For us the word has more layers of meaning than it does for you. That's why you have to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers. Some of us Latter-day Saints have learned that, but many haven't.

Your comment about our being taught to pretend we believe the same way Evangelicals do is really unfair. First of all, unless you have attended Seminary, you couldn't possibly know this. More importantly, it's false. I attended four years of Seminary. When we attend Seminary, it's to learn about our religion. It's not to be coached in how to be sneaky in talking to people outside our faith. I have never, ever, ever attended an LDS worship service or class where I have been taught that I should be pretending to believe something I don't really believe, and I believe my experience has been pretty typical. I feel that most of us Latter-day Saints on RF have tried to be completely honest in discussing our beliefs with you. I'm really disappointed to hear you make such an unfounded accusation.
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