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Why is it Okay to point out the Wrongs of Christianity and Other Religions, but not Islam?


Veteran Member
Why is it that when someone points out people in Islam doing something attrocious, people get all politically correct all of a sudden, and get all up in arms? I don't see anyone on this forum do that for Christianity, when people point out the attrocious things some Christians do, I don't see anyone go in defensive mode, or accuse the poster of generalizing and attacking all Christians. Why is this?

sorry, i don't believe that. sure there are people who can't take it. i know i can. say; a friend of mine knows i would not mind to hear what he thinks about what i am doing. that's fine. though if he makes "pointing out what seem to be wrong with me and my way of living/thinking" his daily routine, his mission, his duty, his entertainment, i am so sorry to say but i would not spend my time with him because i think that would be very annoying. IMO what's happening with Islam today is just like this. it is fashion to point out wrong doings of Muslims. a trend! it sells! it is not friendly



Agnostic Theist
Christians get upset when you attack their religion, or suggest that all of them are crazy fanatics. Atheists would also get upset if one suggested that they were all crazy fanatics. I'm sure you would get upset if I presented all homosexuals as crazy fanatics. That's the problem.

There have been various threads in which the discussion is calm and collected for the most part while talking about possible errors in Islam. However, when portraying all followers of the faith as murderous barbarians, that does rattle a few strings. I'm not a Muslim, and I find it insulting as well, as I would find any of the examples I listed above as insulting.


Plodding Along
I try to focus on all the elements actually. I don't focus on only the extremism river seed, but I won't pretend it isn't there

If you were, then you would not say it. You would just see, but not point out. Instead, you are pointing out what you see, and so you do not see it as it really is.

In order to see something as it really is, you must stop trying to see it. :slap:


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Christians get upset when you attack their religion, or suggest that all of them are crazy fanatics. Atheists would also get upset if one suggested that they were all crazy fanatics. I'm sure you would get upset if I presented all homosexuals as crazy fanatics. That's the problem.

I'd find it hilarious if someone suggested all atheists were crazy fanatics. Then again, I'm secure in my beliefs and tend to find humor in life rather than offense.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should have a "Draw Jesus Christ Day" against Christians and see what happens. Heck maybe even a "Draw Richard Dawkins Days" and try to **** off some atheists.

Edit: Damnit, someone already had this idea >_<
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Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Yeah Xkatz, I doubt any Atheist or Christian countries would ban facebook over it. Let's have a draw Ganesha day and see if India bans Facebook.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Maybe we should have a "Draw Jesus Christ Day" against Christians and see what happens. Heck maybe even a "Draw Richard Dawkins Days" and try to **** off some atheists.

Edit: Damnit, someone already had this idea >_<
Well, that's because different religions consider different things to be sacred.

I imagine that if you had a "Steal a Eucharistic Host Day", you'd see many Catholics get very violent indeed. Same for people regardless of religion for a "Urinate on Someone's Mother's Grave Day".

(Note: it goes without saying, but please don't actually do either of these)

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish


Now is India going to ban Facebook?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
......It's also about defending a beautiful faith against a narrow small minded group.

I've heard this before. I wonder....what faith isn't "beautiful"?
Is beauty important for a faith to be worthy of defense?
And how does narrow mindedness apply to the detractors of Islam,
when Muslims see themselves as the sole owners of truth?


Agnostic Theist
Yeah Xkatz, I doubt any Atheist or Christian countries would ban facebook over it. Let's have a draw Ganesha day and see if India bans Facebook.
Drawing Jesus is no problem. Drawing Jesus as a gay man would probably annoy many people.

Basing your argument on this one small example fails. There are more than enough things that I can do that would anger any group of people. If I claimed that any group was a bunch of radical maniacs, there would be quite a few people who got upset about it.


Agnostic Theist
Those people must not be very secure in what they believe then. Why would ridiculously false claims about your beliefs upset you?

I agree with you. I know that I've also annoyed people of many different religions as well. On this forum for example, I made a couple of atheists upset by saying that the had a belief system that revolved around the belief that God did not exist. I now understand that it is a lack of belief in God, and that it is different from a belief that God does not exist. Never the less, it still got those members quite upset.

I think some people are just more hot headed.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I agree with you. I know that I've also annoyed people of many different religions as well. On this forum for example, I made a couple of atheists upset by saying that the had a belief system that revolved around the belief that God did not exist. I now understand that it is a lack of belief in God, and that it is different from a belief that God does not exist. Never the less, it still got those members quite upset.

I think some people are just more hot headed.

It's possible you misinterpreted what they were hot-headed about. I've certainly had this argument with people before, but I wasn't upset about their misinformation, but rather their willfully ignorant attitude. Not that that was your attitude, but I've rarely seen an atheist actually get upset about what people say about their beliefs.


Agnostic Theist
It's possible you misinterpreted what they were hot-headed about. I've certainly had this argument with people before, but I wasn't upset about their misinformation, but rather their willfully ignorant attitude. Not that that was your attitude, but I've rarely seen an atheist actually get upset about what people say about their beliefs.
I took it as they were upset about stating that they had a belief system. I did argue with them, as I wanted to know how they supported their idea (which I eventually did let go and accepted that I was wrong on that account). So it may have just been that I also argued with them to a point that made them upset as well.

I think I would have to agree that upsetting an atheist may be a little more difficult. Off hand, I can't think of much about them to attack.
Propagating hatred is the easiest thing in the world to do, but no good comes of it. It seems some people are devoid of empathy or cannot extend it to certain groups because of their bias towards them. Islam, like every other religion has aspects that deserve criticism, and there are the Muslim equivalents of the Westboru Baptist church, and the IRA and ETA, that should cop themselves on. But two wrongs don't make a right, and If someone makes a baseless hateful remark about my friends and family, then I will call them on it.


Done here.
It's not about being afraid of Muslims it's about defending a faith that is trashed in the American and European media due to the actions of a small number of adherents.
That's ridiculous. Except for FakeNews, our media go far out of their way to avoid associating Islam with terrorism, sometime to the point of failing to do their job. In 2005, when Muslims were rioting in the streets of France, one rarely heard any reference to Islam in American news reports. They reported that the rioters were "young people" or sometimes "immigrants," and for the most part made a concerted effort not to associate the rioting with Islam.

Yosef, it is not so important. If you focus on extreme elements of a religion, then a religion will seem extreme. If you focus on peaceful elements, then the same religion will also seem peaceful.
That's what I thought, but Abu Rashid and others inform me that there is no diversity in Islam, and no distinction between "extremist" Muslims and other Muslims.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Exactly Smoke. They keep saying, let there be no compulsion in religion. Which is actually how Muslims use that Quran verse. I've heard the more extremist ones say you cannot have any innovation in Islam. That all innovation leads to hellfire.


Agnostic Theist
Who cares what the extremists state. For Islam, that is simply a minority, and does not relate what the religion is about. Thus, it is ridiculous to claim what they stand for is reflective of the whole.

The simple fact is that there is a lot of diversity in Islam as with any other religion. If you are going to base your judgement on what a minority stated, then you clearly have no intention of understanding the religion, and thus are probably spreading ignorant propaganda that is of course going to anger people. That is only logical.