Unveiled Artist
Veteran Member
I fail to understand why this would mean I couldn't love such a person if I did not like their acts. All values people have influence how they see the acts of other people. Many do feel offended at the phrase but I still do not understand how one can not love someone if they want their acts to change.
It's your definition of love, though. If that friend feels you only love a part of him, to him that's one-sided. You have good intentions but your religious values influences how you see people who don't conform to christian religious edicts.
So if he were to bring home a boyfriend you may respect his boyfriend even the love has for his boyfriend but not insofar you accept he is not sinning because that is not what his love is based on.
It varies person to person. For me personally as a gay woman if I know my friend(s) see my hypothetical girlfriend and I as sinners and they love/respect me nonetheless it's offensive. Their belief but it makes me kind of icky inside to know they love part of me not the whole me.
Another example is defining a homosexual by same-sex actions. That influences christians opinions profoundly. But, yeah, it just depends on the person. Not specific to homosexuals but minorities in general.