I had considered the abortion issue a derail. I didn't plan on going into the issue. But the more I think about it the more I think it goes to the heart of the OP. So I will go into it a bit more. Although I still think the issue should be it's own thread. But I don't care enough to start one, as the pro-abortion people get tiresome with their bad science and the anti-abortion get tiresome with their fake scriptures.
What is tiresome is the pro-death folks like you, saying our Scriptures are fake. To make my point, post the fake Scriptures and explain why they are fake,. With my prophecy hat on, I predict you will not do this.
I don't think murder is a useful term in the discussion, because it's too subjective. As was pointed out:
Here is your first problem. Murders is not subjective, i t is very specific---it is a premeditated killing
murder is in the eye of the beholder.
Your hold gets deeper.
]Abortion is, of course, homicide.
Not exactly. Homicide only refers to killing. Killing can be accidental or premeditated. When it is premeditated it is murder.
A human being choosing death for another human being. But some are totally prolife. My mother would have died years before I was born if surgical abortion weren't available in the early 50s. I also know a woman who got a late term abortion to get even with the baby's father over something else. I, personally, consider that a murder. Except that it was legal, even though she had to fly to another state because it wasn't legal in the state they lived in.
Abortion is legalized murder.
Two ends of a huge spectrum, with a gigantic gray area in between. I don't claim to know which feticides qualify as murder and which are justifiable homicide. Nor do I think that you can.
Let me help you. Murder is premeditated' abortion is premeditated, abortion is murder.
And the Bible is no help.
It is if you understand it.
People interpret the Bible to mean what they want It to mean. Even when a simple and clear reading of a competent translation doesn't say what they want it to mean. Which is what you are doing here, and anti-abortion people often do. You are superimposing your opinion on the Bible, when the authors didn't say what you want to believe. Religious people do that quite commonly. They strongly believe something, and reinterpret Scriptures to support the belief even when it isn't actually there.
Like abortion.
Some do, conservative Christians do not.
]People reinterpreting Scriptures to support what they want to believe, rather than what It obviously says, is why I don't see that the Bible is really the foundation of Christian theology.
You do not understand the Bible well enough to make such a statement.
Christianity is a variation of Judaism, designed by Saul of Tarsus mainly, to appeal to a Greco-Roman pagan audience. Jewish Scriptures flatly deny the possibility of a "Son of God", or a New Covenant, or a Triune pantheon of persons of God, or Original Sin, Heaven and Hell, or a host of the other fundamental teachings of Christianity. Those teachings just aren't there. Believe whatever you want, but the Original Testament doesn't support Christian theology at all.
Not true. Thanks for validating the statement I just made.
The Bible is not the foundation of Christianity. It doesn't support much of any of the basic Christian teachings.
Thanks again for reinforcing my statement that you do not understand the
Bible and now I will include you don't understand Christianity either.
]PS ~If you want to talk more about an atheist prolifers position I will be happy to do so. But it probably needs a new thread~
I have had my say. If anyone wants to jump in with their say, it is an open forum.