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Why is there anything at all?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Gal 5 21:24 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law.

To me in logic, the spirit is the conscience. The spirit is blown into the soul at creation for the Angels. And the Angels had a choice, from the first failed spirit riddled with internal temptation in the freedom to choose creating the greatest gift, Love. With the spirit the angels chose and those saved could not get re-Sanctified without the good works through the flesh. The angels know of the coming Power of Flesh, all mankind through The Christ from Heaven. This is how mankind through Christ saves the angels and all mankind becoming united in the intelligence of creation through the Power of The Holy Spirit becoming again united as one in being together with the Father and The Son glorified and transfigured into the new Heaven and Earth, Heaven for all angels and all mankind from the fulfilled Eternal Love through His Passion.

"We're gonna live on
Forever, forever, forever
We're gonna live on
Forever, forever, forever
We are not where we belong
We have a hope we're gonna live on
Forever, forever, forever
Our hearts have been set in motion
For something more, for something more
Than we could ever imagine
There's so much more, there's so much more

Breathing air we have never breathed
We'll see colors we've never seen
Every sound like a symphony
Rising up as the angels sing
The arms of grace are open wide
The face of love before our eyes
Where every tear will disappear
Heaven is real." The Afters

Live on Forever, The Afters

Peace always,
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Premium Member
This was one persons answer to the question out of the four that were interviewed. For those who want to explore the whole episode, here is the link:

The best answer here is similar to mine. There simply no answer to the question. Any attempt to propose any answer invariably describes something such as God. This would be a paradox, because one is describing something a God or Gods.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Well, David Bentley Hart seems to come to the same view as nondual Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) in that there is a noncontingent basis ground for what we call reality. Consciousness which eludes a mechanical creation seems to meet the requirements of just that ground.

I asked my friend ChatGPT about this:

David Bentley Hart has expressed admiration for aspects of Advaita Vedanta, the non-dual philosophy rooted in Hindu thought, particularly in the teachings of Shankara. Hart draws connections between Advaita’s metaphysical monism and his own theological reflections, viewing both as profound articulations of a unity underlying all reality. He suggests that traditional Christian distinctions between God and creation might be "illusory" and that Christian thinkers could benefit from engaging with Advaita’s insights into the oneness of being.

In his book The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, Hart emphasizes themes like consciousness and transcendence, resonating with Advaita's emphasis on Brahman—the ultimate, non-dual reality behind all appearances. He aligns Advaita’s metaphysics with the idea that God is not a being among beings, but the very ground of all being, which parallels classical theism's "apophatic" approach to God



Premium Member
Well, David Bentley Hart seems to come to the same view as nondual Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) in that there is a noncontingent basis ground for what we call reality. Consciousness which eludes a mechanical creation seems to meet the requirements of just that ground.

I asked my friend ChatGPT about this:

David Bentley Hart has expressed admiration for aspects of Advaita Vedanta, the non-dual philosophy rooted in Hindu thought, particularly in the teachings of Shankara. Hart draws connections between Advaita’s metaphysical monism and his own theological reflections, viewing both as profound articulations of a unity underlying all reality. He suggests that traditional Christian distinctions between God and creation might be "illusory" and that Christian thinkers could benefit from engaging with Advaita’s insights into the oneness of being.

In his book The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, Hart emphasizes themes like consciousness and transcendence, resonating with Advaita's emphasis on Brahman—the ultimate, non-dual reality behind all appearances. He aligns Advaita’s metaphysics with the idea that God is not a being among beings, but the very ground of all being, which parallels classical theism's "apophatic" approach to God

Very similar the Baha'i Faith belief in a 'Source' Some call Gods.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Very similar the Baha'i Faith belief in a 'Source' Some call Gods.
Some difference though in that the Abrahamic religions like Baha’i are dualistic (God and creation are two).

Philosophies like Advaita Vedanta are nondual (God and creation are not-two). We are God (temporarily trapped in ignorance).


Premium Member
Some difference though in that the Abrahamic religions like Baha’i are dualistic (God and creation are two).
This distinctly true of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, The relationship between Nature and God are more intimate and there is no concept of good and evil.

The attributes of God are revealed within every created thing. “Nature,” Bahá’u’lláh writes, “is God’s Will and is its expression in and through the contingent world.” It is the embodiment of God’s name, “the Creator.”

Philosophies like Advaita Vedanta are nondual (God and creation are not-two). We are God (temporarily trapped in ignorance).
The belief in the Baha'i Faith through Progressive Revelation and the evolving spiritual nature the problem of separation due to materialism and ignorance will be eliminate in the eventual spiritual unity of humanity as in the eventual unity and harmony of science and religion.

The Baha'i God is more Panentheistic than Pantheist, but undefinable regardless. . The attributes of nature are inseparable from the attributes of God, Nonetheless the ultimate nature of the "Source" some call God cannot be described from the human perspective and the irrational question of "Why is there anything at all." remains hidden and unknowable from the human perspective, and only the circular speculation of the many conflicting beliefs.
The problem with the question and whether God can be defined as completely separate or inseparable from our physical existence cannot be determined from the human perspective of many conflicting beliefs trying to describe what God is and is not.

It is most likely true our speculation is totally wrong, It is more likely our diverse and conflicting cultural names and descriptions carry the burden of the veil separating us from the "Source."

It sort of reminds me of the symbolism of the myth of the Tower of Babble. It is also possible simply nothing exists beyond our physical existence , , ,
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me in logic and through faith, the Spirit is the conscience and the Word existed before creation was ever created was even created. Angels are created beings, with the soul created existing as beings with the spirit blown into their souls. The angels now of the coming power of flesh in heaven. Flesh will save the angels and all mankind from the chasm of Bosom of Abraham crossing over and closing the chasm of Death, busting down the gates with flesh, Christ physically tears down the walls with all the angels and saints and Old Covenant saved and all the martyrs with Christ binding and destroying the first death forever from the death and resurrection through the New Living Sacrifice where the blood and water flowed for all at the cross. The New Creation in Christ will manifest from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of all being to save the angels through the Christ, the Mind of God in the flesh of Jesus becoming the Christ in all mankind, becoming again the image of the Creator God for The Father.

Peace always,
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Some ask, Why is there anything at all?
To me in logic and through faith, Choice created the greatest gift, Love and through His Passion, Eternal Love is fulfilled through the New Living Sacrifice. The One God always said, "I will provide the "Chosen" Living Sacrifice".

Psalm 51:10 speaks of “a right spirit within me” — that is, a spirit which is right. Knowing right from wrong is related to the conscience, so this verse also proves that the conscience is in the spirit. Psalm 34:18 refers to being “contrite in spirit.” To be contrite means we realize that we are wrong.

In Logic and through the Faith in the One God and all becoming united in being, "The belief in the Baha'i Faith through Progressive Revelation and the evolving spiritual nature the problem of separation due to materialism and ignorance will be eliminated in the eventual spiritual unity of humanity as in the eventual unity and harmony of science and religion" becomes transformed immortal and incorruptible and becomes again, glorified and transfigured. Created mortal and corrupt all mankind is transformed immortal and incorruptible in being from the Power of the Person of the Holy Spirit together with the Father and The Son, becoming again the glorified and transfigured image of The Creator God for The Father.

"Through The Faith of Abraham" we believe the promise sworn by God by His Own Name eternal life to Abraham and to the descendents of Abraham and through logic we can understand what unites all as one in being is the Shared Will of Creation from the Person of the Holy Spirit being.

Logically the Soul is defined rationally as the spirit "Blown" into the Soul of the created being for all created beings by the Creator God.
The Souls of Angels have spirits and the spirits are the being in the souls of the created angels beings with choice. And mankind is greater than the Angels because mankind is created from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the created beings to manifest through the good works of the flesh to save the angels and all mankind. We become through The Christ, the mind of the One God of Creation in the flesh of all becoming Human, created mortal and corrupt becoming transformed immortal and incorruptible to become again, sanctified, glorified and transfigured as one in being.

36 For from Him, the Power of the Person of The Holy Spirit and God and through Him, The Person in being of Jesus and God and for Him, The Person of The Father and God are all things. To Him, "the One God united in being with the Power of the Person of the Holy Spirit together with the Person of Father and The Person of The Son," be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

To me in Logic and through Faith: This is Why is there anything at all? The question becomes, What else can there be?
Through creation becomes the greatest gift, Love, and and through the fulfillment of Creation becomes the fulfilled eternal love of Creation through His Passion.

The Spirit is the conscience and the Word existed before creation was ever created was even created. Angels are created beings, with a soul created existing as beings with the spirit blown into their souls. Angels are souls, only spirits blown into their souls without flesh to manifest. The angels now of the coming power of flesh in heaven. Flesh has alreary saved the angels and all mankind from the chasm of Bosom of Abraham by Christ and then The Christ crosses over and closes the chasm of Death, busting down the gates with the flesh of Christ and physically tearing down the walls with all the angels and saints and Old Covenant saved and all the martyrs with Christ binding and destroying the first death forever from the death and resurrection through the New Living Sacrifice where the blood and water flowed for all at the cross. The Christ becomes teh "Firstborn" from death to life for all in the New Eve when He said, "Ecce Mater tua". The New Creation in Christ logically will faithfully manifest without failure and void of internal temptations, with no chance to defile infallible creation from the Holy Spirit through the flesh for the souls of all beings to save the angels and all mankind through the Christ, as we become adopted brothers and sisters becoming the Mind of God in the flesh of Jesus becoming the Christ for all, becoming again glorified and transfigured united in the second becoming image of the Creator God for The Father.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Thanks for the thought, and to me the finite world of disciplines and understanding does not answer what logic can. What did He become to fulfill? Thanks in advance.
So true, and We all know we are not to judge others, but infused the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil, we know we can only judge ourselves.
To me the logic of the Kingdom is in Salvation and is in the autonomy from the spirit to be able to stand justified and self-righteous in the face of God for becoming gloriously transfigured.

Peace always,
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Veteran Member
It would be logical to presume that the result was the intent. Which them moves the question to "why does THIS exist?" (ascopposed to something else, or nothing at all).

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Thanks for the question, What is the point of these posts other than to proselytize and preach Christianity?

Then, Why is there anything at all?

To me in logic, the spirit is the common denominator for all of the Faiths through Abraham and the promise of eternal life to all the descendents made by The One God.

We know we are not to judge others, and only ourselves.

To me Through logic and faith, I think creation, and God created the greatest gift, love, and fulfilled Creation and God fulfilled eternal love through His Passion.

Thanks in advance,
Peace always,
It would be logical to presume that the result was the intent. Which them moves the question to "why does THIS exist?" (ascopposed to something else, or nothing at all).

No, logically, one cannot reasonably presume anything. There is issufficient information upon which to apply logic. Logic is not the avenue to an answer, empirical exploration is.


Veteran Member
No, logically, one cannot reasonably presume anything.
Of course we can. It's what logic is for ... comparing and testing our assumption.
There is issufficient information upon which to apply logic.
Again, this is what logic is for, since we humans never have "sufficient information". We have to try and assemble what little information we do have into a picture of "the truth", and then trust that this will be accurate enough to function for us. And that's what logic is used for ... cognitively questioning and testing that assemblage as we're putting it together in our minds.
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Peace to all,

To me in logic and through faith, the Spirit is the conscience and the Word existed before creation was ever created was even created. Angels are created beings, with the soul created existing as beings with the spirit blown into their souls. The angels now of the coming power of flesh in heaven. Flesh will save the angels and all mankind from the chasm of Bosom of Abraham crossing over and closing the chasm of Death, busting down the gates with flesh, Christ physically tears down the walls with all the angels and saints and Old Covenant saved and all the martyrs with Christ binding and destroying the first death forever from the death and resurrection through the New Living Sacrifice where the blood and water flowed for all at the cross. The New Creation in Christ will manifest from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of all being to save the angels through the Christ, the Mind of God in the flesh of Jesus becoming the Christ in all mankind, becoming again the image of the Creator God for The Father.

Peace always,

You have mentioned using logic and faith in concert several times in this thread. I feel compelled to point out that faith is counter to, or negates logic. As a result, you are in essence relying entirely on faith, which is perfectly fine if that is what is working for you.

If you are aware of the incogruity of your word usage but prefer it for some reason, then so be it.
