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Why is your religion right for you?


Not your average Mormon
This is not a thread about why your religion is true and everyone else's is false.

I want to know what it is about your religion that attracts you to it. What does your religion provide you with that no other religion could manage to provide as well? What are the best parts of your religion? Why wouldn't you want to ever change your beliefs? All I want to do is see what it is about your own religion that makes it unique and special to you?


The cake is a lie
Part of what attracts me to Taoism is how the Tao Te Ching is so thought-provoking and simple at the same time. :D

The lack of violence and loving the entire world as you love yourself are the best things about Taoism, I believe. It's hard to do, but it's a concept I'm enamored with.

I won't say I wouldn't ever change my beliefs... there might be a dramatic change in my future. I might speak to a deity, for example. ;) For now, though, this suits me and I'm not inclined to change it.


Not your average Mormon
Jensa said:
Part of what attracts me to Taoism is how the Tao Te Ching is so thought-provoking and simple at the same time. :D

The lack of violence and loving the entire world as you love yourself are the best things about Taoism, I believe. It's hard to do, but it's a concept I'm enamored with.

I won't say I wouldn't ever change my beliefs... there might be a dramatic change in my future. I might speak to a deity, for example. ;) For now, though, this suits me and I'm not inclined to change it.
Sounds calming and peaceful. I like that. Is your partner a Taoist, too?


The cake is a lie
Nah, she's Christian. I think she falls under Liberal Christianity or a Christian UU. We're cool with each other's beliefs, though. :) We enjoy talking about why we believe what we believe and whatnot at times, along with going 'whoa, check it out! This verse/chapter is so cool!' at each other :D


I like mine because it makes sense, and because it can answer all my questions that other religions (at least the christian ones) fail to do.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Well, none of them sound right to me, so having no religion is right for me cos

1)Religion confuses me
2)Religions some) scare me
3)Religions (some) make people think they are better than everyone else.
4)Religious (some) make fun of others

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have always been attracted to the dark side of things. Even when I was Christian, I prefered darkness. I was never happy with the way Christianity is more "light" based. I found pagan religions that are Nocturnal based, and I immediatly felt like I had found something I have always been looking for.


Wonder Woman
It has been the only thing I have found that makes complete sense to me. When I first discovered it and read up on it I realized that the beliefs of Wicca were the beliefs I had had since I was very young and never had a name for. I finally found what made me whole.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I fully agree with you, Draka. That's something that really resonates with me, and that I've heard from other people. It's putting a name to something that you grew up knowing.

My particular brand of paganism suits me well, I think. It celebrates the things I can do while reminding me to constantly be doing more. I suppose my religion provides me with a bit of a narrative about the way life interacts with other life, and I enjoy it for nothing else than that. It gives me a reason why I can do the things I do, too.

I think the best part goes without saying... Happy Heathen Pagan Dancing!


Moved on
My religion is immensly convenient. Because I only follow one rule: one/some/all God/ess/s/es exist, but no one can prove it, everything else can be made up as I deem fit. I just figure I should do anything I want if it doesn't hurt anyone, so there's no crazy code of conduct or archaic laws.

Also, let it be known that Pagans get all of the best holidays. I remember over at my friend's house last year they threw a huge party for something-or-other. There was lots of dancing and mead everywhere.

That mead was pretty great.


Active Member
Katzpur said:
This is not a thread about why your religion is true and everyone else's is false.
Hi Katzpur
That sorta rules out the whole point dosnt it? Dont all who truly follow there religion do so because they belive it to be true?

Katzpur said:
I want to know what it is about your religion that attracts you to it. What does your religion provide you with that no other religion could manage to provide as well?
What are the best parts of your religion? Why wouldn't you want to ever change your beliefs? All I want to do is see what it is about your own religion that makes it unique and special to you?
well i belive ultimatley their is going to be justice, because there is a Just God. However with that in mind i know im not perfect and have done some awful things in my life which a Just God would not accept as ok.
This is were Jesus makes real sense to me, i broke the law Jesus paid my fine - i guess is a simple way of putting it. There is no other atonement that will satisfy Gods justice, if i rely on my good works etc they are but filthy rags and nothing but an attempt to bribe the judge after the offence has been commited. Jesus made the way for me to stand befor a holy God and not be condemmed, for this i will be eternally grateful.
Not only do i escape eternity in Hell but eternity in Heaven awaits!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Steve said:
That sorta rules out the whole point dosnt it?
Hehee, no, since this is the 'discussion' thread, and doing so would move it into debate territory. It would also run the risk of inviting proselytation, which is against forum rules.

Steve said:
Dont all who truly follow there religion do so because they belive it to be true?
A lot of people here don't- or they believe that all religions have worth. Just because one is true doesn't make another untrue.


Not your average Mormon
Steve said:
Hi Katzpur
That sorta rules out the whole point dosnt it?
Only for people who can't express why they are drawn to their own faith without simultaneously feeling as if they must find fault with someone else's.

Dont all who truly follow there religion do so because they belive it to be true?
Of course. But I can easily explain why LDS Christianity rings true to me without even addressing your beliefs.



Not your average Mormon
Steve said:
Hi Katzpur
Steve said:
That sorta rules out the whole point dosnt it?
Only for people who can't express why they are drawn to their own faith without simultaneously feeling as if they must find fault with someone else's.

Dont all who truly follow there religion do so because they belive it to be true?
Of course. But I can easily explain why LDS Christianity rings true to me without even addressing your beliefs.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Unitarian Universalism is right for me because I need to be part of a spiritual community that will allow me to explore my own spirituality free from judgment and challenge me on that spiritual path as well. I also feel it is important for my children to be part of a spiritual community such as this that encourages them to learn and grow in an environment where it is OK to ask questions. It also gives me an unparalleled opportunity to learn about other's faith and to understand humankind and cultures better through the world's religions. I was also attracted to UU's dedication to social action and making the world a better place for all people.


New Member
Because I have a problem with the concept of faith. I believe what I see and observe, and from what I personally experience. Just the facts, that's all I believe.