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Why not Bible study in schools?


Well-Known Member
My attention span is somewhat limited this week so I've only read the last 10 or so posts on this subject. Y'all have been busy! I do not want the Bible studied in school for a few reasons.

  1. I don't want someone else telling my child what the Bible "says". Their interpretation may not coincide with mine.
  2. It is not the school's job to teach my child values. While the school may reinforce the values I teach through their own rules (no lying, stealing, etc.), it is my job as a parent to teach these values.
  3. Since we are not a theocracy with only one religion allowed as in Muslim countries, enforced Bible study would infringe on other people's rights and belief systems.
I disagree with whoever said values and morals can't be taught without the Bible. I know many atheist families who have very high morals and ethics and, be honest, how many non-atheist families hauled out the bible when teaching their children and said "God says right here...." No, they told their kids "because I said so."


Melody said:
My attention span is somewhat limited this week so I've only read the last 10 or so posts on this subject. Y'all have been busy! I do not want the Bible studied in school for a few reasons.

  1. I don't want someone else telling my child what the Bible "says". Their interpretation may not coincide with mine.
  2. It is not the school's job to teach my child values. While the school may reinforce the values I teach through their own rules (no lying, stealing, etc.), it is my job as a parent to teach these values.
  3. Since we are not a theocracy with only one religion allowed as in Muslim countries, enforced Bible study would infringe on other people's rights and belief systems.
I disagree with whoever said values and morals can't be taught without the Bible. I know many atheist families who have very high morals and ethics and, be honest, how many non-atheist families hauled out the bible when teaching their children and said "God says right here...." No, they told their kids "because I said so."
Takes a village to raise a child and a community to keep that stronghold!


White Crow
I didn't get Bible study in my (public) high school, but in Conteporary Issues (a required course) we learned about all the local religions. Representatives from many local churches and philosophies (as diverse a group as we could get) came to teach the class about their beliefs. It was a wonderful experience, and I'd support that for a public school system.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
what if my community is Native American not Christian?
I should have my constitutional right to raise my child in my culture and faith, should I not?

My peoples recent history doesn't have happy memories of enforced "christian education".



Veteran Member
Premium Member
NetDoc said:
Incest? No, I never heard of it. :D God has always worked through flawed people to do his will.
Hi NetDoc,

if you didn't hear of such thing just go and search for it in any search engine and you will find it.

actually incest which have been found in the bible means:

incest: sexual contact customarily or legally forbidden on the criterion of the close kinship of the two people.
or it is the sexual activity or marriage between close family members. It is a taboo, as well as a criminal offense, in virtually all societies.

so do you imagine how our kids will think and behave according to what they learn about such things like having sex among siblings, a son to his mother, a father with his daughter in law, a daughter with her father ?????


Well-Known Member
nonda said:
Takes a village to raise a child and a community to keep that stronghold!
No offense, Nonda, but I detest this saying. It does not take a village to raise a child. It takes dedicated parents. I don't care how corrupt the outside world is. If I raise my child correctly and actively teach and model my value system, there is a better than even chance (considering they are individuals with their own mindset) that they'll turn out to have the same values as I do....but it takes more than a "g'morning" as you brush by each other in the hall in the morning and a half-hearted "how was your day" while you're all sitting in front of the tv eating dinner.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
The Truth said:
Hi NetDoc,

if you didn't hear of such thing just go and search for it in any search engine and you will find it.

actually incest which have been found in the bible means:

incest: sexual contact customarily or legally forbidden on the criterion of the close kinship of the two people.
or it is the sexual activity or marriage between close family members. It is a taboo, as well as a criminal offense, in virtually all societies.

so do you imagine how our kids will think and behave according to what they learn about such things like having sex among siblings, a son to his mother, a father with his daughter in law, a daughter with her father ?????
My friend, NetDoc is joking - you have to read his posts a few times to know if he is joking, or serious.:)


Active Member
Melody said:
but it takes more than a "g'morning" as you brush by each other in the hall in the morning and a half-hearted "how was your day" while you're all sitting in front of the tv eating dinner.

Sounds like some aspects I see in the south and other places. People putting up "a mask" and saying nice things up front, while holding back their true thoughts and emotions. All this "fake" niceness.

The saying "it takes a commuinty to raise a child" makes me think of really, it takes a community to daily fill them with enough of the same opinion to make them think that's true. So the slogan should be, "It takes a community to shelter a child from reality". A good parent and good friends are enough for a child to grow up socially and morally sound. You don't need institutions working their way in (government, church, and others...).

np: Neurosis- The Tide


Melody said:
I don't care how corrupt the outside world is.

You leave in this world don't you, if people cared it would be as bad as it is!
Religion is touchy subject at many schools. There are Christian and Jewish Schools which probably also teach religion, though I havent been in one myself. I believe there should be lessons on world relifions with a little of everything and the students can choose their own faith and they would know of other faiths. That way there would be less misconceptions about religions other than ones own

Fascist Christ

Active Member
MagickIsFun said:
... the students can choose their own faith ...
Unfortunately, that is a radical concept for most people. Parents typically don't want to give any bit of independence to their children, especially for something as touchy as religion. For example, a teenager, with church-going parents, who decides not to go to church anymore, would often be treated as a rebelious teen, rather than simply someone with a different religion.


Well-Known Member
Ulver said:
The saying "it takes a commuinty to raise a child" makes me think of really, it takes a community to daily fill them with enough of the same opinion to make them think that's true. So the slogan should be, "It takes a community to shelter a child from reality". A good parent and good friends are enough for a child to grow up socially and morally sound. You don't need institutions working their way in (government, church, and others...).
In my experience, kids are usually sheltered because of their parents, not because of the community. Now a days some parents never want their children to experience any sort of pain or discomfort at all and this is the wrong attitude. Children should feel pain just like anyone else, that way they learn how to deal with it.


Active Member
Ryan2065 said:
In my experience, kids are usually sheltered because of their parents, not because of the community. Now a days some parents never want their children to experience any sort of pain or discomfort at all and this is the wrong attitude. Children should feel pain just like anyone else, that way they learn how to deal with it.

Yes I know parents are the ones who shelter their kids. What I'm getting at is that it seems that some parents feel that their efforts to shelter kids are now failing in this age of media and information EVERYWHERE. As a result some parents now want the government and some of the media to help keep their kids sheltered from whatever it is the parents don't like. Often by having these insititutions adopting religious outlooks and policies in hopes of further sheltering the child from thinking and questioning things in life.

np: Anthrax- 1000 Points Of Hate


Reason, and reason again
[Concerning the original post]

I don't seem to understand. Why not allow kids to read some verses from philisophers instead? I'd much rather have my child read some of Ghandi's words, than the bible. After all, I don't enjoy the thought of my kids reading a book that is 2/3 genocide, revenge, murder, disobediance, and all that "good" junk that is stuffed up in the hundreds of pages.

Plus the fact I would refuse to enroll my child in the public school system if such a thing was to occur.