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Why not Bible study in schools?


Active Member
michel said:
You have reminded me that our sons were taoght RE(as it is called here) - which incorporated the basics of all the major world faiths. I specificalrly remember this because he came home one day and said "You believe in reincarnation Dad, don't you?" - that topic had been discussed that day.:)

well do you think it was a bad thing that he questioned that? Did he askm similar questiosn when they studied other faith's religions? Was christianity also included in that religious study?

If your kid was really questioning I imagine talking to him about re-incarnation could of taken at least a few days.


Instead of opposing all the suggestion, why don't we put some energy into what might solve violence in are schools. And to stereo-type all chrisitian because of a few wackjobs like Hitler is not cool. Being a chrisitian is not a bad thing nor is any other religion. Just different , but some religion for the same cause peace and love for our neighbors! What is wrong with teaching love and respect which is what is lacking from humanity.

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourself this day whom you will serve,...But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
nonda said:
What is wrong with teaching love and respect which is what is lacking from humanity.
Absolutely nothing! Go for it! Just don't use that as an excuse to push religious beliefs on little kids. Teaching love and respect can be done without preaching a religion.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I, for one, doubt that studying the bible will lessen violence in schools, Nonda. Do you have any evidence that it will? If so, please share it.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I suspect that Europe has a relatively robust history of secular education. It would be interesting to compare their schools with those in our Bible Belt.


Active Member
Deut. 32.8 said:
I suspect that Europe has a relatively robust history of secular education. It would be interesting to compare their schools with those in our Bible Belt.

Agreed.... I don't hear any stories about school shootings in France. Yet maybe that has more to do with gun regulation.

np: Fear Factory- Zero Signal


Flaming Queer
Deut. 32.8 said:
Would you also teach such things as Confucious, Pantheism, Humanism, Atheism, general ethics, etc.?
aswell as just war theories, utilitarianism, situation ethics and a bit of socrates

my point was though that i would teach about major religions, but your kinda asking me to give a fully detailed plan of a years lessons:eek: im not up to that sort of challenge


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I think all students should smudge before class... but thats not likely now is it?
Incidently if all kids smudged and learned Native American Ethics then there wouldn't be so much violence in schools... there would be less polution and everything would be nice... :cool:



Veteran Member
Premium Member
i think simply there are two valid reasons for not allowing The Bible to study in schools especially for kids:

1- because as a christian consider his bible as the perfect words of God
on the other hand, other religions consider thier holy books as ethical beautiful book of God.

2- Did anyone ever hear of the word " Incest " ?

George Bernard Shaw said that "THE MOST DANGEROUS BOOK (the Bible) ON EARTH, KEEP IT UNDER LOCK AND KEY." Keep the Bible out of your children's reach. But who will follow his advice?

According to the high moral scruples of the Christian rulers of South African, who have banned the book, "Lady Chatterley's Lover,'' because of a "tetragrammaton" — a four-letter word, they would most assuredly have placed a ban on the "Holy Bible" if it had been a Hindu religious Book, or a Muslim religious Book. But they are utterly helpless against their own "Holy Book," their "SALVATION" depends upon it!

Dr. Vernon Jones, an American psychologist of repute, carried out experiments on groups of schoolchildren to whom certain stories had been told. The heroes of the stories were the same in the case of the different groups of children, but the heroes behaved contradictorily to each group. To one group "St. George," slaving the dragon emerged a very brave figure, but to another group, fleeing in terror and seeking shelter in his mother's lap. "THESE STORIES MADE CERTAIN SLIGHT BUT PERMANENT CHANGES IN CHARACTER, EVEN IN THE NARROW CLASSROOM SITUATION,'' concluded Dr. Jones.
How much more permanent damage the rapes and murders, incests and beastialities of the "Holy Bible" has done to the children of Christendom, can be measured from reports in our daily newspapers. If such is the source of Western morality, it is no little wonder, then, that Methodists and Roman Catholics have already solemnized marriages between HOMOSEXUALS in their "Houses of God." And 8000 "gays" (an euphemistic term for sodomites) parade their "wares" in London's Hyde Park in July 1979, to the acclaim of the news and TV media.

Judah asked, "What pledge am I to give to you?" She answered, "Your seal and cord, and the staff you carry." So he gave them to her and had intercourse with her, and she conceived by him. Genesis 38:18

(( intersection with his daughter in law )) ???

Read in Genesis:

30And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.

31And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:

32Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

33And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

34And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

35And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 36Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

(( two daughters with thier father ))

and if you wanna more i have many verses talking about having sex ( intersection ) among brother and his sister, a son with his mother ... etc.

I think all of us now knows the answer for the question which is:

Why not Bible study in schools?


Here"s a thought don't read our, or the "Christian Bible" (King James version) as you put it, till you can fully understand it. To make opinions and hold them as fact is obtuse. The Bible is more complex than some seem to realize. I for one do not know about all the religions in world, therefore I do not base my opinons about them as verity! But I am willing to learn about different ethos.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
nonda said:
Here"s a thought don't read our, or the "Christian Bible" (King James version) as you put it, till you can fully understand it.
And who passes judgement on this "understanding"?
  • ... the ethnologist?
  • ... the archaeologist?
  • ... the philologist?
  • ... the antropologist/sociologist?
  • ... the Catholic Church?
  • ... the Union of Orthodox Rabbis?
  • ... the Baptist minister?
  • ... the Jehovah's Witnesses?
  • ... the Buddhist monk?
... or nonda?


Deut. 32.8 said:
And who passes judgement on this "understanding"?
  • ... the ethnologist?
  • ... the archaeologist?
  • ... the philologist?
  • ... the antropologist/sociologist?
  • ... the Catholic Church?
  • ... the Union of Orthodox Rabbis?
  • ... the Baptist minister?
  • ... the Jehovah's Witnesses?
  • ... the Buddhist monk?
... or nonda?
All of the above......lol....


artist in training
Instead of opposing all the suggestion, why don't we put some energy into what might solve violence in are schools. And to stereo-type all chrisitian because of a few wackjobs like Hitler is not cool. Being a chrisitian is not a bad thing nor is any other religion. Just different , but some religion for the same cause peace and love for our neighbors! What is wrong with teaching love and respect which is what is lacking from humanity.
I was not stero-typing christians I was just saying that being a christian has never stopped anyone from commiting a violent act. Agian like Maize said you cana teach values and respect without the Bible


Active Member
nonda said:
Here"s a thought don't read our, or the "Christian Bible" (King James version) as you put it, till you can fully understand it.

And how many christians actually understand a good chunk of the bible, let alone read all of it?

nonda said:
To make opinions and hold them as fact is obtuse.

I've seen you do this on this board. You state your opinion and your interpretation of the bible as fact, even though not all christians of all denominations agree with it. You've done so on the young earth and evolution threads.

nonda said:
The Bible is more complex than some seem to realize.

Yet you at least seem to take some matters in it "word for word" and not open to complexities such as symbolism.

np: Fantomas- Fire Walk With Me

Fascist Christ

Active Member
I don't like the idea of complete censorship of the bible. It must be done in a reasonable manner.

Teach about Jesus in philosophy classes in the same manner as Socrates. Use Jefferson's bible for this.

Teach the 7-day creation story alongside other creation stories as well as various scientific theories, and alternative explanations (ie: aliens made us).

In all cases, the teacher must be at all times as unbiased as possible, and encourage open discussions and debate.

In no case should religious education be tolerated when imposed onto children 12 and under if by any person other than their own parents.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Fascist Christ said:
I don't like the idea of complete censorship of the bible. It must be done in a reasonable manner.

Teach about Jesus in philosophy classes in the same manner as Socrates. Use Jefferson's bible for this.

Teach the 7-day creation story alongside other creation stories as well as various scientific theories, and alternative explanations (ie: aliens made us).

In all cases, the teacher must be at all times as unbiased as possible, and encourage open discussions and debate.

In no case should religious education be tolerated when imposed onto children 12 and under if by any person other than their own parents.
Phew! "Teach about Jesus in philosophy classes in the same manner as Socrates. Use Jefferson's bible for this.

Teach the 7-day creation story alongside other creation stories as well as various scientific theories, and alternative explanations (ie: aliens made us)."
After all that, do you think there will be anytime left for those unimportant subjects, such a Maths, science..etc?:D

Fascist Christ

Active Member
michel said:
After all that, do you think there will be anytime left for those unimportant subjects, such a Maths, science..etc?:D
Of course. I do not believe it should be mandated, just saying where it should be placed. Philosophy and mythology are usually optional courses.

There is still some dead weight in high school curriculums. I do believe high school should be geared toward specialization, with more options and less requirements. Simply put, if a student chooses to study philosophy, there is no reason to exclude Jesus from the class. I still say keep the bible out of the science classes, everything has it's place. But there is no reason to forbid an optional Origins class for those interested in the subject. That would be the proper place for the Creation theories and such.

I think this would be the best way to educate people about religions so that they are less likely to be suckered into religious lies.


Ulver said:
And how many christians actually understand a good chunk of the bible, let alone read all of it?

I've seen you do this on this board. You state your opinion and your interpretation of the bible as fact, even though not all christians of all denominations agree with it. You've done so on the young earth and evolution threads.

Yet you at least seem to take some matters in it "word for word" and not open to complexities such as symbolism.

np: Fantomas- Fire Walk With Me
What you consider as my interpretation is merely my OPINON. Which I am entitled to have as well you to yours. You do not have to agree or even read. Throughout history every fact could be consider dubious. You can analyze a "fact" to death and not always come out with the same conclusion as before. So my opinon of what is fact could very well be facticty!

As far as knowing the bible and understanding it. I believe that I do ! I take from the bible what i will, what it means to ME!