post 187 was the one in which you tried to talk your way around a dictionary definition of bestiality by saying that it did not really mean having sex with animals - ie: hiding behind semantics (yet again)
at that point I realised it would be of no use to provide further sources or links.
Okay, let's go and have a look at what was actually said...
You posted a website that provided a definition of bestiality.
The website defined it like this:
1. The quality or condition of being an animal or like an animal.
2. Conduct or an action marked by depravity or brutality.
3. Sexual relations between a human and an animal.
The first one isn't talking about sex between a person and an animal, is it? I don't think so. However, if I am mistaken, please feel free to explain my error.
The second one also does not state that it applies to acts of sex twixt human and beast. Activities that could fit into the second definition are throwing things around to destroy them while screaming and yelling, defecating in public, jumping on people and mauling them.
The third definition is the only one that clearly states it applies to sex.
Am I right or am I wrong?
Now, you claim that I claimed that bestiality did not refer to people having sex with animals. Please show me where I said that.
I said that the second definition - something depraved or brutal - does not necessarily apply to having sex with an animal. You just assume that it does, because you think that sex with animals is depraved.
But this is just one more case of you assuming the thing you want to prove. You assume that the actual act of sex with an animal is depraved, so you assume that the second definition must
in all cases apply to human/animal sex. And then you claim that this is evidence that the act is depraved.