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Why Should Bestiality Be Against The Law?


Well-Known Member
Except Tiberius of course.

Orly? Show me the post where I said "bestiality is normal." I'm arguing that it should be accepted. I wouldn't say that it is normal unless the majority of people wanted to do it.

Not seeing a problem in something is a good as saying it is normal - or are to have yet another semantics escape routine?

If you are defining "normal" as not having a problem with something, then you are the one playing with semantics.

Theft is a normal part of life (that's why we have locks on our front doors) and I have a problem with it.

not at all, but I still note that you haven't come up with a place where bestiality is accepted as normal - no doubt because you cannot or it is a place of such base primeval urges that it would only serve to highlight the neanderthal kind of people that go in for this behaviour.

And what difference would it make? Since when does something have to be "normal" in order to be accepted? Bondage isn't normal (how many people practice it? Only a small percentage of the population), but we certainly don't think anyone who is into bondage is sick or twisted. You are still playing your semantics game. "Common" and "Acceptable" are in no way connected.

that is totally different
the fact you are using an animal for that kind of physical pleasure is sick and wrong
we have eachother as humans to fulfill needs like that
all you have to do is put in the work and build relationships with other people instead of taking the easy route and taking advantage of an animal

what if the animal starts it?

And since when has sex been about forming emotional attachments? Sure, that can be a part of it, but the man who goes to a prostitute is looking for an orgasm, not a meaningful relationship.

dude ur missing the point
we are talking about sex with animals being different from normal practices such as using them as food

I find it highly amusing that you say that sex with another species is not normal and keeping animals so we can slaughter them for food is. How many other species do you see doing that?

the whole entertainment aspect of it in irrelevent... even if it was part of the debate, using them as racing horses and what not is way better then confusing them with those sick acts

I happen to think that horse racing is sick and should be banned. Do you know the risks those horses face? They trip and break a leg, and they are killed! They are forced to risk death for human entertainment. That is sick.

Also it is harmful to the human in a sense... psychologically they could see as a domination thing and start with animals and end up raping people or worse

Oh, the slippery slope fallacy rears its ugly head once again. Don't you guys have any better arguments than that?

animals cant give you consent...

So if a woman is naked and on all fours, and her pet Labrador comes up behind her and mounts her, then the animal hasn't given it's consent? You would look at this and say, "Well, there's no way to be sure tha animal wanted to have sex with her..." Despite the fact that you saw the dog initiate the encounter?

Please define "giving consent".

i dont understand this beastiality thing

No one's asking you to understand.

Hell, I don't understand how one man can look at another man and find him sexually attractive. But that doesn't mean that I have anything against gay people. It just means that I don't have the same thought process that they do.

But I accept them, even though their preferences are different to mine. After all, as long as no one is involved if they don't want to be, and as long as no one gets hurt, then what's the harm in two gay people having sex with each other?

And likewise for this. I fail to see how it changes just because one member is of a different species. After all, as long as both parties are happy to do it, and as long as neither party gets hurt, where's the harm?

why do people want to have sex with another species
its not natural:slap:

One could make the same argument about gay sex. And it would be just as weak.

And define "natural" in this context.


Veteran Member
nnah no its not
i can admit i streatched a little bit with the" or worse ":sorry1: but to me i feel that there is no NEED to do it at all
But there a lot of things we do that don't "need" doing.

there is no real need to do sexual acts to animals and sense you are violating the animal,that is why it is wrong
"Violating"? You mean like violating a horse by whipping it to the finish line before all the others?

its one " fetish" that is not supposed to be allowed to perform
Who supposes this? In some countries it's egal.


Active Member
nnah no its not
i can admit i streatched a little bit with the" or worse ":sorry1: but to me i feel that there is no NEED to do it at all
there is no real need to do sexual acts to animals and sense you are violating the animal,that is why it is wrong
its one " fetish" that is not supposed to be allowed to perform
I agree with you , but like I said before , the people that already do it will still do it legal or not, the People that don't do it never will. End of story. I don't care what is legal or not legal. There are always going to be freaks out there. That just be the way it is.
How about, they enjoy it.
um... people enjoy a lot of things
Such as... playing video games, taking a stroll around the park, uh killing other people, having sex with children
should we jus not lock people up or make this illegal simply because they're defense was that they enjoyed doing it

No it's not. Your point?
my point is ,if it were natural then we would be seeing animals in the wild mating(or at least trying to) with other species
it goes against the natural order of life
I agree with you , but like I said before , the people that already do it will still do it legal or not, the People that don't do it never will. End of story. I don't care what is legal or not legal. There are always going to be freaks out there. That just be the way it is.

thats right :yes:
but i jus want to at least show people that its not okay
and i know there are a bunch of people on this site playing devils advocate because there cant possibly be this many people who dont mind if it happens:D
But there a lot of things we do that don't "need" doing.

yes we dont need tv and a whole bunch other things, so whats your point

"Violating"? You mean like violating a horse by whipping it to the finish line before all the others?

okay im tired of hearing this... yes they are both wrong but that is not what we are talking about here
if i had it my way i would animals do whatever they wanted in the wild but thats what happens when you hav an intellegent species like us thrive

Who supposes this? In some countries it's egal.
the natural order of nature
Orly? Show me the post where I said "bestiality is normal." I'm arguing that it should be accepted. I wouldn't say that it is normal unless the majority of people wanted to do it.

If you are defining "normal" as not having a problem with something, then you are the one playing with semantics.

Theft is a normal part of life (that's why we have locks on our front doors) and I have a problem with it.

And what difference would it make? Since when does something have to be "normal" in order to be accepted? Bondage isn't normal (how many people practice it? Only a small percentage of the population), but we certainly don't think anyone who is into bondage is sick or twisted. You are still playing your semantics game. "Common" and "Acceptable" are in no way connected.

what if the animal starts it?

And since when has sex been about forming emotional attachments? Sure, that can be a part of it, but the man who goes to a prostitute is looking for an orgasm, not a meaningful relationship.

I find it highly amusing that you say that sex with another species is not normal and keeping animals so we can slaughter them for food is. How many other species do you see doing that?
animals kill eachother all the time for food.... proof... The food chain

I happen to think that horse racing is sick and should be banned. Do you know the risks those horses face? They trip and break a leg, and they are killed! They are forced to risk death for human entertainment. That is sick.

i know but thats not the issue at hand

Oh, the slippery slope fallacy rears its ugly head once again. Don't you guys have any better arguments than that?

So if a woman is naked and on all fours, and her pet Labrador comes up behind her and mounts her, then the animal hasn't given it's consent? You would look at this and say, "Well, there's no way to be sure tha animal wanted to have sex with her..." Despite the fact that you saw the dog initiate the encounter?

i love the what if scenarios

Please define "giving consent".

No one's asking you to understand.

Hell, I don't understand how one man can look at another man and find him sexually attractive. But that doesn't mean that I have anything against gay people. It just means that I don't have the same thought process that they do.

true ... but last time i checked they were of same species

But I accept them, even though their preferences are different to mine. After all, as long as no one is involved if they don't want to be, and as long as no one gets hurt, then what's the harm in two gay people having sex with each other?

i accept all people but the practices in which they participate in i do not accept

And likewise for this. I fail to see how it changes just because one member is of a different species. After all, as long as both parties are happy to do it, and as long as neither party gets hurt, where's the harm?

how do you know the other animal is happy
and dont say because they have an orgasm because anyone can be touched sexually get an erection and have an orgasm but still can be violated

One could make the same argument about gay sex. And it would be just as weak.

And define "natural" in this context.
i see it like this
if you dont see other animals having sex with different species then its not natural
oh yeah an do you really think an animal would start it
if so, what are the chances

Also with every partner you have sex with, you also share an emotional bond with them
its science fact


Veteran Member
my point is ,if it were natural then we would be seeing animals in the wild mating(or at least trying to) with other species
it goes against the natural order of life
But animals do. Canius lupus, wolves and dogs, readily mate with Canis latrans, coyotes. In fact, there is an enormous population of their fertile offspring ranging along the eastern border of the USA and Canada. Grizzly bears Ursus arctos horribilis and poler bears Ursus maritimus also enjoy each other's company, as do false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens and bottlenose dolphins Tursiops sp. .

the natural order of nature
And the "natural order of nature" just happens to include interspecies mating.
But animals do. Canius lupus, wolves and dogs, readily mate with Canis latrans, coyotes. In fact, there is an enormous population of their fertile offspring ranging along the eastern border of the USA and Canada. Grizzly bears Ursus arctos horribilis and poler bears Ursus maritimus also enjoy each other's company, as do false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens and bottlenose dolphins Tursiops sp. .

And the "natural order of nature" just happens to include interspecies mating.

polar bears and grizzlies are the same species


Veteran Member
polar bears and grizzlies are the same species
:facepalm: I purposely included their taxonomic names just so you wouldn't make that mistake.

Ursus arctos horribilis is not the same species as Ursus maritimus.

I highlighted their epithetical names so there won't be any mistake)


Well-Known Member
i see it like this
if you dont see other animals having sex with different species then its not natural

I don't see other species inventing television, using the internet, traveling into space, using GPS, performing surgery, reading books, hailing a cab, cooking food for the consumption of others, cooking food at all, using electricity, recording music, using written language made up of symbols representing sounds or inventing sunglasses.

However, I DO see an animal of one species having sex with an animal of another species.

By the way, I love you you replied to my post and yet refused to address a single point I raised in it.

oh yeah an do you really think an animal would start it
if so, what are the chances

You've never heard of dogs that start humping someone's leg then? Or does the human start that?

Also with every partner you have sex with, you also share an emotional bond with them
its science fact

So you are saying that if I go out and pick up a prostitute and have sex with her, I have some sort of emotional bond with her? Some woman who I know almost nothing about - I don't know her name, where she lives, what her favorite food is, her hopes and dreams - I have some kind of emotional bond with her?

And you claim this is science fact? My goodness. Unless you can provide a legitimate source for this, you'll excuse me if I just don't believe you.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
polar bears and grizzlies are the same species
That would be like saying homo sapien is the same as homo habilis.
humans should have a better sense of whats right
But right and wrong do not exist. You can assign arbitrary meanings to both, but ultimately a group of people have to make up definitions and agree to what they think is right and what is wrong. And because morals must be learned what group A, group B and what group C think are right and wrong will have at most very few similarities (such as murder and some form of incest taboo, and even the definition of incest greatly differs) and countless differences.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
It should be noted that in dog "society" humping is a sign of dominance. Its a dogs way of saying to another dog "I'm superior to you. Deal with it". Even female dogs will hump "lesser" dogs. If your dog is humping your leg, he or she thinks it is superior to you.
It should be noted that in less civilized human societies, raping is a sign of dominance. It's a barbarian's way of saying to another human "I'm superior to you. Deal with it". Even female barbarians rape "lesser" people. If your barbarian is forcing him/herself on you, he or she thinks he or she is superior to you.


Well-Known Member
Tiberius said:
I don't see other species inventing television, using the internet, traveling into space, using GPS, performing surgery, reading books, hailing a cab, cooking food for the consumption of others, cooking food at all, using electricity, recording music, using written language made up of symbols representing sounds or inventing sunglasses.

This thread should be renamed the 4 T's.