If someone sketches Mohammad in a muslim country then fine, but non country should change its constitution because of terrorism
Non, au contraire
however these things are not all arbitrary and in such a conflict in any other arena globally both parties are past the point of innocence, how is this any different? so, .....thorny is a choice adjective
are there duplicitous parties, yes
are there interested agendas being promoted on the backs of ignorance, ....indeed...
is the media a knee jerk reactionary device that fails to fully depict the complexity of these issues to the average onlooker...absolutely
so all commentary is thus pedestrian and worth little unless it embodies the full picture which we all seem to be missing, or else all would be resolved .....when we ever figure it out.
but the waters are muddied and all the particulars are never laid out clearly.
knowledge concealed gives advantage [power]