I've seen the evidence that we are quite capable of pointing out generalizations... apparently it is only when a conservative makes them though...
You are wrong Work in Progress.
About what? You didn't actually make a point here.
What's the point? Rick has no libertarian free will to accept this belief if you are correct; he is genetically and environmentally programmed to believe and act as he does.
True, and if I accept the findings of psychological and neurological research of recent years, showing that conservatives and liberals differ on more than superficial attitudes about social and political issues, and also show evidence of differences in physical brain function, then there may be no real path towards finding common ground on major issues...especially during stressful times:
Liberals Are From the ACC, Conservatives Are From the Amygdala? : The Intersection
Therefore? I know someone who has chronic severe depression, almost every day he doesn't want to do anything, because the only thing he wants to do is kill himself. He still gets up, puts his game face on and goes to work and school. Has never taken a pill or seen a therapist.
And I'm not sure what the point was here either...except that there is a kernel of truth that most people today (no doubt influenced by the constant barrage of drug ads) reach for a remedy - antidepressant, antipsychotic or some other mood-altering drug of choice (booze, recreational drugs), rather than accept the simple fact that people are born or develop early in life - different emotional set points.
Some people are ridiculously upbeat and happy all the time, like they are taking drugs already...and I try to avoid those kinds of people...I find them irritating to infuriating, while others have an almost permanent depressive state, that puts them at high risk for alcohol and/or substance abuse, because modern pop capitalist culture promotes the meme that everyone should be happy all the time, and something is wrong with you if you're not!
It should be noted that mind/body is a two way street. Neurochemical release affects our moods, as one ancient Greek philosopher (I forget which one) noted thousands of years ago from the intoxicating effects of wine, in his critique of Platonic dualism - "when I drink too much wine, does my soul also become drunk?"
So, we recognize that the physical effects the mental; but on the flipside, what we think about, has physical effects on the brain, through stimulating the release of neurochemicals - oxytocin or vassopressin. So, your friend may consider it more important to be in control of mental states, rather than rely on a psychiatric drug that may elevate mood, but likely include lots of physical side effects baggage, including the possibility of drug dependency.
Looking at the big picture here - there have been a few psychological studies....I don't know exactly how conclusive the evidence is, that indicate it is likely that people who tend to be on the depressive side of the line, are more realistic about themselves and others, than the majority of people, who tend towards optimism - which appears to lead them towards delusions of their abilities and often be too trusting of others. So, someone who is depressive is less likely to be duped by scammers or fail spectacularly in life because of over-reach.
And, also looking at the big picture - the public issues of greatest importance to me over the last five years or so, have been environmental, and coming from having no background in science of any kind, as I have learned about climate change, overpopulation, resource scarcity, species extinctions and other crucial issues, I have found myself continually dumbfounded by the inability of the majority of people - liberals and conservatives, to follow through these issues and consider their likely collective impacts. The unfortunate reality today, is that this world may be doomed by the eternal optimists, while if there were more of us who were pessimists of some degree, we would have done what was necessary to avoid disaster decades ago.
Everyone that has it needs to abandon a woe is me attitude. It is possible, especially at the lowest rungs of financial stability to improve your situation. Any able bodied person can rise above poverty, any.
It just takes effort, willpower, and perseverance. No one said the word easy.
And on this point, I part company again. Because judging people as: lazy, lacking motivation etc., is back to the libertarian free will treatment of all minds being essentially identical. We can't get inside other people's heads and know what is wrong with them when they fail, because we don't have full understanding of the physical system that produces their conscious mental states, which we base our judgments on.
On the other side, the free will argument excuses an economic system where money = power. Supposedly, in this fictional account, every child born into an impoverished ghetto of a collapsing rust belt city is potentially a John Galt, just waiting to bust loose and take over the world. So, failure to rise above their beginnings and achieve great financial fortune is treated as personal failure, and when that failure is consciously or subconsciously tied to race, religion or ethnicity, then it is tagged as collective failure of that group, because they have failed to take advantage of the free market principles available to them that the billionaire has taken advantage of.
Nevermind that the self-made millionaire meme today is mostly a myth...the vast majority of the wealthy come into this world with large inheritances, as well as having the best start in life available. Even if the rags-to-riches story was true, it would still be using an exception to try to prove a rule.