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Why was Jesus necessary?


Well-Known Member
So I was reading Sunstones thread ( http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41976 ) and as I was reading it a question came to my mind...

Why was Jesus necessary? What world events were happening that required the son of God to preach rather than the prophets that God sent in the past? What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?

Basically I'm asking why did the son of God need to appear 2000 years ago? Or is there no actual reason other than he had to come sometime?

SB Habakuk

Active Member
I will give two answers for there are two truths
one earthly and one heavenly-

He is necessary for the Salvation of Man- This is the bringing to fore of the light
He is like Osiris dying and emerging alive-
Yet he is the Confounder of Bel (Babylonian Osiris) in that he layed down his body and took it back up.

But more evident is Jesus' role as the Reconciler- who returns every state to its original
He said
The dead are not alive and the living will not see death- this is the mystery of his name
for he did not say life aftrer death
I have the power to give life to the dead and he which i have made alive will never die
The counter feit religion of Life after Death
and the portrayal of the Ressurected Saviour is there to direct the thought of man to things which are not true
Become aware little ones


Active Member
1 Why was Jesus necessary?
Becuz God wants to be a man

What world events were happening that required the son of God to preach rather than the prophets that God sent in the past? What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?
Propitiation not for our sins only but also for those of the whole world.
Now shall the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men to Myself. Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I'm sure that there were many reasons why a "son of God" was needed, and not just a prophet, but I like to think that one reason was that it brought the Divine down to the poor.

Jesus was a simple man, without much wealth. He hung around the poor, and preached primarily to them and for them. For him to not be just another prophet, but God's chosen messenger gave the poor much of the hope they needed.

Especially among slaves. God was on their side. The wealthy may have control over their lives in this life, but their souls belonged to God.

SB Habakuk

Active Member
writer said:
1 Why was Jesus necessary?
Becuz God wants to be a man

What world events were happening that required the son of God to preach rather than the prophets that God sent in the past? What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?
Propitiation not for our sins only but also for those of the whole world.
Now shall the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men to Myself. Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone

As you see here
many think that Christ came to meet his death at Calvary
]infact Christ came
To set a war and a sword- to set ones against ones

this is his aim you did not know that he guised himself as the Angel gabriel
or that he really never died.
Yes He really never died
But yet what he has led many to beelieve is the achetype of reality - he has reconciled man to his original state.
It is recorded in Genesis
"they" said come let us go down and shield the Tree of Life lest the man eat of it and become as one of us

WAKE UP little ones
arise to the glory of the kingdom which is within you and without you
gonna have to go on opinion on this one.

First there was Adam and Eve. they were given one law, which they failed to follow.
Then there was the time outside the garden when there was no law. The world got so bad that God destroyed it. We(human) started over via Noah.
Those of God still couldnt get it so he made them slaves to humble them. They cried to God so he released them. Not long after they complained.
So God gave man a written law. They failed it.
God gave us an Example- Jesus, a man, who lived his whole life without sinning.

When we stand before God one day what excuse will we give. What will we say to explain away our failure.
God gave man spoken words, written laws, and numerous miracles from heaven.
Then God gave us Jesus.
It is actually belittling Jesus to call him God. Not because God is less than perfect, but because God cant be less than perfect. For God to have travelled on this earth and lived a perfect life would have been no big deal at all, it is God were are talking about after all.
But for a man to live a PERFECT life. that is amazing. And that is the true miracle about Jesus. Not that he did miracles, he was able to do them because God gave him the power like all men before him. It wasnt because he died for us, because God let him die. It wasnt because he was resurrected, because God resurrected him.
It was why all of it happened to Jesus, and why God called him son.
God gave us all a perfect example of what we all could become. None of us can ever be perfect our whole lives, but we can take the steps to get there. Im not talking about doing miracles either, Im talking about getting to the point where you always do the work of God in every situation in every moment.

One day we will all stand before God and he will have Jesus next to him and he will ask us, what is your excuse? What will you say?

As to the When Jesus came. Well I think God knew what he was doing and he recognized that the Jews had stopped worshiping Him and the point in time when the Gentiles(rest of the world) were ready to hear the word of God.



Active Member
faithofabraham said:
God gave us all a perfect example of what we all could become. None of us can ever be perfect our whole lives, but we can take the steps to get there. Im not talking about doing miracles either, Im talking about getting to the point where you always do the work of God in every situation in every moment.
I don't think Jesus is necessary to arrive at this conclusion. I certainly think Jesus is a good example of someone who devoted himself very much to God and God's work, but I believe there are others.

Also, can you explain how I might do the work of God while I'm sleeping? Or eating? What about procreation - I doubt you believe that it is the work of God, yet we need it to survive.

faithofabraham said:
One day we will all stand before God and he will have Jesus next to him and he will ask us, what is your excuse? What will you say?
Should we wait until we're standing before God to ask ourselves that? Should we not try to redeem ourselves each and every day? I don't see how your argument affirms the fact that Jesus is necessary.

faithofabraham said:
As to the When Jesus came. Well I think God knew what he was doing and he recognized that the Jews had stopped worshiping Him and the point in time when the Gentiles(rest of the world) were ready to hear the word of God.
Funny, I can think of some pretty religious Jews who would disagree with you on that point.


New Member
Ryan2065 said:
Basically I'm asking why did the son of God need to appear 2000 years ago?

Because it has been the Father's objective since the beginning to have the kingdom of heaven in the human soul. The entrance of sin sidetracked this. By the time Jesus came, the human race had digressed so far away from this point that if the Son of God didn't come in person Himself to establish a foundation for this mission, it never would have happened.


Active Member
Ryan2065 said:
So I was reading Sunstones thread ( http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41976 ) and as I was reading it a question came to my mind...

Why was Jesus necessary? What world events were happening that required the son of God to preach rather than the prophets that God sent in the past? What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?

Basically I'm asking why did the son of God need to appear 2000 years ago? Or is there no actual reason other than he had to come sometime?

Jesus came to offer salvation to everyone. Before Christ came only Jews were given the promise of salvation. After Christ death and resurrection Gentiles were now able to gain salvation.

Also Christ came to free people from the "law". By the law I mean "Religious Law". The Jewish in "power" were holding people to an unachievable measure. Jesus came to free all people from the "human expectations" and let them receive salvation freely, by believing and following after Him.

Also before Christ came animals were sacrificed and blood of innocent animals had to be shed for atonement of our sins. Jesus was the final sacrifice and His blood was the final inoccent blood that would need to be spilled. This is why Christ is reffered to as the "Lamb" of God.

God Bless


A. Leaf

To prove that there is more to life and the stars than written of in many philosophies.
KingNothing said:
I like this thread. I've always wondered the same thing. Would have been nicer had Jesus appeared after the creation of the camcorder.:)

I've often wondered why he couldn't've appeared right after the Fall of Man, but I guess there just weren't enough souls at stake yet to be worth the sacrifice.


Active Member
adilrockstar said:
Also before Christ came animals were sacrificed and blood of innocent animals had to be shed for atonement of our sins.
But why? Why did God want people to sacrifice animals? What good would that do?


What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?
Dying for the sins of all mankind.

No sinful Son of Adam could have done what Jesus did. No prophet is so righteous. Jesus was not just the final blood sacrifice, but he was a divine and perfect sacrifice, so divine and his authority is so massive that his shed blood covers the sin of all those who place their sins at the cross. Jesus is God. God came down in the flesh and suffered the debt we were meant to pay.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
Ryan2065 said:
Why was Jesus necessary? What world events were happening that required the son of God to preach rather than the prophets that God sent in the past? What job was too big for a prophet that required the son of God?

Basically I'm asking why did the son of God need to appear 2000 years ago? Or is there no actual reason other than he had to come sometime?

He was necessary because he was the only one capable of living a perfectly sinless life that was required to pay for our sins. No prophet could live a perfect life.


Active Member
uumckk16 said:
But why? Why did God want people to sacrifice animals? What good would that do?

It is the Law and Order that God chose. No matter what the method we would still ask "why that way".