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why was the word of God never revealed to non-middle easterners?

John Doe

That depends on what being the "few select people" entailed.


The Jews were among the "few select people" that were destined for extinction according to Nazi philosophy. This being the inverse of what you are suggesting it means.

'Master Race' .... 'Select Few (chosen by God)'

These ideas seem more similar than different.

Bear in mind, those cultures which emerged from the middle east have been characterised by the idea that they are entitled, if not obliged, to rule the world.

It is true that of the three Abrahamic religions, the most malignantly affected by this Paranoid Delusion of Grandeur have been the christians and muslims (based on the number of cultures destroyed/subjugated in the name of God).

Nevertheless, there is irony in you mentioning the nazis, given that those cultures rooted in the 'true religion' notion of the middle east murdered millions of people globally - far more in total than the Holocaust. The Holocaust was one of the worst horrors in human history, and we should NEVER FORGET what was behind it - the idea that a particular race was inherently superior.
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Veteran Member
It is true that of the three Abrahamic religions, the most malignantly affected by this Paranoid Delusion of Grandeur have been the christians and muslims (based on the number of cultures destroyed/subjugated in the name of God).

Nevertheless, there is irony in you mentioning the nazis, given that those cultures rooted in the 'true religion' notion of the middle east murdered millions of people globally - far more in total than the Holocaust. The Holocaust was one of the worst horrors in human history, and we should NEVER FORGET what was behind it - the idea that a particular race was inherently superior.

And that's my point. You are equating "chosen people" with "inherently superior". Mostly I assume, because the majority of those that take this term for themselves, use it as justification for something bad. But the phrase itself does not imply such.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
K. Let me know how that works out.

I really, really, do not care: be offended by my statements.

I can count, for a start, even do basic sums. I didn't spend 8 months being tutored to be unable to add 1+1, or being unable to count up to 10. I even know my colours!

Not all cultures are equal.

I enjoy camping, and I know about survival because I enjoy prepping. It helps that I have family who know farming. They have a few thousand years of familial survival and growing up in that environment of edge over me, but hey, I'll be able to write stuff down or use drawings, or tell it to my great-grandchildren, and I know how to preserve foods through salting, smoking, etc, and even how to build shelters, just like them.

So... looks like I already have a few advantages over them. Colours, counting, how to preserve food, writing, drawing...

So, looks like you can shove that up your butt; I'd survive for a while. :p

Don't be so sure, they'll go one way or another, probably from being kicked out of their land as the jungle is depleted. They won't survive with human contact, which is inevitable, I can guarantee; they will either be reduced to zoos as a species of animal, unable to continue, having their kids taken away from them so they die off or kept in an enclosure to continue, or they will be taken into the big city to adapt, which they will fail at.

And I mentioned that animism can be argued as a form of theism by some; you were the one who threw a hissy fit because you don't consider it to be one.

This makes me sick, really. I'm done with you.
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John Doe

And that's my point. You are equating "chosen people" with "inherently superior". Mostly I assume, because the majority of those that take this term for themselves, use it as justification for something bad. But the phrase itself does not imply such.

Yeah, it does. You can make an argument that it doesn't, and I guess propriety and diplomacy demands that. But you tell a person that they and their culture are 'the select few, chosen by God', and sure as **** they will feel superior. People need almost no reason to feel superior - all of human history confirms this. Even football fans feel superior to fans of other teams ! It's just a monkey thing. Add to that natural arrogance the notion of a special relationship with the (imaginary) Creator of the universe, and without a doubt you get hubris, arrogance and the notion of superiority. Don't kid yourself. More importantly, don't kid me. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
why was the word of God never revealed to non-middle easterners? , properly it wasn't part of their culture, that simple really.


Hostis humani generis
You needn't worry, that's not "un-PC". That's just everyday, average ignorance and bigotry.
It isn't ignorance; I know about them. It's contempt for a tribe who don't even have an oral history: there is a difference.

Dude, that isn't unPC. That is flat out evil.
Evil doesn't exist; it's just a way of saying "I don't like this", here with an addition of "but I can't say why".

But evil? Sure, if you like; I don't mind the term. I have little love for humanity as a whole, anyway. I never used to be like this, though. It may be the meds, but I don't mind.

The idea that Columbus, Hitler, Stalin, and bin Laden are human, but simple people leading sustainable lives aren't, is not just immoral. It's disgusting.
I didn't say they weren't human, just that they seem to lack everything that makes humanity, and barely deserve the term for lack of anything about them that makes humanity so interesting. There is a difference. Keep your knickers on.

This makes me sick, really. I'm done with you.
Ah yes, "I'm done with you" = The internet forum version of ragequitting a conversation to make oneself feel better, and as though one is superior in argument, but doesn't have time and won't address any of the points because it hurts their feelings.

K, cool. See ya.

John Doe

It isn't ignorance; I know about them. It's contempt for a tribe who don't even have an oral history: there is a difference.

Contempt ? That is a weird response. Have you really examined this feeling you have ? It seems to me that this judgement is more a statement about your conditioning than anything else. You are projecting your expectations and beliefs onto others.

I didn't say they weren't human, just that they seem to lack everything that makes humanity, and barely deserve the term for lack of anything about them that makes humanity so interesting.

Why do other people have an obligation to be interesting to you ?

Have you considered the possibility that these people have richer and more satisfying lives than the millions of worker drones in their concrete boxes, fiddling with technology to stimulate the illusion of having friends ?

Maybe that's what is ******* you off. All this 'development' just to end up being obese media zombies with diabetes, destroying the global ecosystem while they obsess about Hollywood celebrities - that is superior humanity ?

Maybe in your estimation. Or, more interestingly, maybe not - and maybe THAT is why you are feeling this inexplicable contempt.

Or could it be that they are happy without any self-induced psychosis about God, and this makes you a bit uneasy ? Perhaps the idea that you are chasing phantoms is just below the surface of your mind ?


Hostis humani generis
Contempt ? That is a weird response. Have you really examined this feeling you have ?
Truthfully? I suffer from severe depression and the meds and therapy are making me really mean-spirited and bitter on various issues; I never used to be like this, and they refuse to work on it, because I'm no longer lethargic.

Why do other people have an obligation to be interesting to you ?
They don't, nor was that what I said.

John Doe

Truthfully? I suffer from severe depression and the meds and therapy are making me really mean-spirited and bitter on various issues; I never used to be like this, and they refuse to work on it, because I'm no longer lethargic.

I am sorry to hear about the depression. I suffer it myself, as do so many in our culture. I guess that is part of what I was trying to get at. We assume superiority to people like this tribe, yet our achievements have laid us so low. And this makes us cranky and depressed. So does being the economic property of the ultrawealthy, with no good ideas of how to extricate ourselves from this complicit abuse.

I tend to be a bit of a bull-terrier on this issue. I remember a politician who dismissed the Australian aboriginal culture on the basis that "they didn't even invent a wheeled cart". On the other hand, they have survived in the desert, in a rich life-affirming culture, for over 100,000 years.

I saw videos of Papua New Guinea highlanders before and after white invasion. They went from happy, laughing forest-spirit people to miserable ghosts addicted to drugs and alcohol, wanting technotoys.

Technology is not the measure of humanity.

I wish you the best.


Hostis humani generis
I am sorry to hear about the depression. I suffer it myself, as do so many in our culture. I guess that is part of what I was trying to get at.
Unfortunately, due to the meds' effect, it comes out on things I don't even really care that much about. The belief is that it will stop, but I have a lot to be bitter about.
And despite this, I do a lot of helping out with people who are in need; helping out at a food bank, teaching immigrants English, helping people with CV writing, and so on.

I'm a good person at heart. Just a recent *******. :p

Technology is not the measure of humanity.
I agree, but this isn't what I measure humanity by, either.


Veteran Member
Yeah, it does. You can make an argument that it doesn't, and I guess propriety and diplomacy demands that. But you tell a person that they and their culture are 'the select few, chosen by God', and sure as **** they will feel superior. People need almost no reason to feel superior - all of human history confirms this. Even football fans feel superior to fans of other teams ! It's just a monkey thing. Add to that natural arrogance the notion of a special relationship with the (imaginary) Creator of the universe, and without a doubt you get hubris, arrogance and the notion of superiority. Don't kid yourself. More importantly, don't kid me. :rolleyes:

What you are saying here, is that the notion of "chosen people" provides an outlet for a person's natural arrogance. Not that the idea itself should elicit arrogance.

John Doe

What you are saying here, is that the notion of "chosen people" provides an outlet for a person's natural arrogance. Not that the idea itself should elicit arrogance.

It's arrogant of you to tell me what I am saying !

Anyway your response is a word game. When an idea elicits arrogance, it provides an outlet for a person's natural arrogance.


evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
"I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna"
synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce, excite, give rise to, call forth, prompt, generate, engender, spark off, trigger, kindle;

archaic :

draw forth (something that is latent or potential) into existence.
"a corrupt heart elicits in an hour all that is bad in us"


please tell me which messenger was sent to north and south america? why is it that their belief system was completley unrelated to islamic view? those people didn't even know about Adam and Eve. I wonder why God kept the the story of human origin from those people.
Could it be that the american natives, polynesians and aboriginals dont understand arabic, the words of the holy quran?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
They did receive word from God.
Not one group of people anywhere was ever excluded.
We were (atheists who never believed).

Now before anyone says that humans & their books gave me the word, I
don't buy that they have it. I see what they say, & it makes no sense.
I see what they do, & it (putting it politely) does not comport with the
gentler portions of their books, or worse yet, it does with the violent parts.