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why was the word of God never revealed to non-middle easterners?


Veteran Member
LOL! True religion?

Every group with a religion thinks theirs is the "true" religion.


Many religious groups believe that that evolution didn't happen. Does that mean they are right?

That must be the ugliest idea in the whole world of ugly religious ideas.

One can only imagine what other corollary ideas are cossetted with this one. I doubt that those other ideas would be openly admitted to. They would only be 'revealed to a few select people'. And closely guarded.

So you are saying, "this idea is bad" and "if they think this bad thing, then they must also think other bad things." That's well judged.

John Doe

So you are saying, "this idea is bad" and "if they think this bad thing, then they must also think other bad things." That's well judged.

Yes, I think it is well judged.

An idea like that clearly does not exist all by itself. It is part of a world view. The kind of ideas which would generate, and flow from, an idea like that are not likely to be acceptable to those who are not of the 'few select people', to use your disturbing phrase.

Surely that is obvious.


Veteran Member
Yes, I think it is well judged.

An idea like that clearly does not exist all by itself. It is part of a world view. The kind of ideas which would generate, and flow from, an idea like that are not likely to be acceptable to those who are not of the 'few select people', to use your disturbing phrase.

Surely that is obvious.

That depends on what being the "few select people" entailed. The Jews were among the "few select people" that were destined for extinction according to Nazi philosophy. This being the inverse of what you are suggesting it means.

I am saying, that without understanding the specific meaning a given people apply to such a phrase, it is foolish to make judgments on generalizations.

And I think this is in general good practice.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Except the line between spirits and gods is blurry so as to be a worthless distinction, you mean? Yeah, well done.

You're just trying to redefine it for your own purposes and not basing your argument on any actual data about that tribe. They're not really religious and they don't even treat the spirits as anything special. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to make it something more.


Hostis humani generis
You're just trying to redefine it for your own purposes
Not really.

and not basing your argument on any actual data about that tribe.
As if you'd know, either, besides what a few people have said?

They're not really religious and they don't even treat the spirits as anything special. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to make it something more.
To be honest, I don't care; this is un-PC but they're barely deserving of the title of "human", anyway. A tribe that can't count, doesn't make art, doesn't have an oral history, and so on? Even Neanderthals did that. If people want to use them as examples of atheism, I'm gladly a theist.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Why would they be?
Considering Islam believes that many thousands of prophets were sent down, would it really have been productive to have listed thousands of people's names and tribes when they had no bearing on how to live righteously or on the history of the people who received the message?
Because Islam and the Quran are suppose to be for all people for all of time

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
As if you'd know, either, besides what a few people have said?

Oh, I'm sorry, I'll go out to the Amazon now to have a chat with them. :rolleyes:

To be honest, I don't care; this is un-PC but they're barely deserving of the title of "human", anyway. A tribe that can't count, doesn't make art, doesn't have an oral history, and so on? Even Neanderthals did that. If people want to use them as examples of atheism, I'm gladly a theist.
That's rather judgmental of you and rather offensive. They're as human as you and I. The difference is culture. They're perfectly adapted to living in their environment and that's all they really need. Could you survive in the Amazonian jungle? I doubt it. You'd probably be dead soon. So I wouldn't talk down about them. They'll be there long after Western culture is dead and buried. The point was to show that not all peoples of the Earth have beliefs in gods, let alone similar enough beliefs to be able to make the claim that some god sent prophets to spread his "one true religion" to everyone. It's a bunk claim and that one example disproves it.
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Hostis humani generis
Oh, I'm sorry, I'll go out to the Amazon now to have a chat with them. :rolleyes:
K. Let me know how that works out.

That's rather judgmental of you and rather offensive.
I really, really, do not care: be offended by my statements.

They're as human as you and I. The difference is culture.
I can count, for a start, even do basic sums. I didn't spend 8 months being tutored to be unable to add 1+1, or being unable to count up to 10. I even know my colours!

Not all cultures are equal.

They're perfectly adapted to living in their environment and that's all they really need. Could you survive in the Amazonian jungle? I doubt it. You'd probably be dead soon.
I enjoy camping, and I know about survival because I enjoy prepping. It helps that I have family who know farming. They have a few thousand years of familial survival and growing up in that environment of edge over me, but hey, I'll be able to write stuff down or use drawings, or tell it to my great-grandchildren, and I know how to preserve foods through salting, smoking, etc, and even how to build shelters, just like them.

So... looks like I already have a few advantages over them. Colours, counting, how to preserve food, writing, drawing...

So, looks like you can shove that up your butt; I'd survive for a while. :p

So I wouldn't talk down about them. They'll be there long after Western culture is dead and buried.
Don't be so sure, they'll go one way or another, probably from being kicked out of their land as the jungle is depleted. They won't survive with human contact, which is inevitable, I can guarantee; they will either be reduced to zoos as a species of animal, unable to continue, having their kids taken away from them so they die off or kept in an enclosure to continue, or they will be taken into the big city to adapt, which they will fail at.

The point was to show that not all peoples of the Earth have beliefs in gods,
And I mentioned that animism can be argued as a form of theism by some; you were the one who threw a hissy fit because you don't consider it to be one.


Woke gremlin
To be honest, I don't care; this is un-PC but they're barely deserving of the title of "human", anyway. A tribe that can't count, doesn't make art, doesn't have an oral history, and so on? Even Neanderthals did that. If people want to use them as examples of atheism, I'm gladly a theist.
You needn't worry, that's not "un-PC". That's just everyday, average ignorance and bigotry.


Active Member
Those who never heard of the word of god or didnt know there was such a thing, is not responsible for it. God made them a favour :) But of course in today's world, it is not quite possible to receive such a favour unless you are mentally handicapped or in a small tribe deaf and blind somewhere.


Lets go back to Native Americans or Polynesians before they ever came into contact with the Europeans. none of them knew anything about God, Jesus, Abraham, Moses or Mohammad. there have been many civilizations in the past that were never sent a Divine scripture or prophet.
according to muslims, a prophet has been sent to every civilization. but that is simply not true. why is it that there is no evidence of such prophets being sent to Native Americans? if Islam is the true religion, why did God not send them with the same message? why did God/Allah keep this truth away from native Americans?

God seems to have an odd fascination with that particular region of the world.


yawn <ignore> yawn
To be honest, I don't care; this is un-PC but they're barely deserving of the title of "human", anyway. A tribe that can't count, doesn't make art, doesn't have an oral history, and so on? Even Neanderthals did that. If people want to use them as examples of atheism, I'm gladly a theist.

Dude, that isn't unPC. That is flat out evil.

The idea that Columbus, Hitler, Stalin, and bin Laden are human, but simple people leading sustainable lives aren't, is not just immoral. It's disgusting.



Every nation was sent a messenger

And for every Ummah (a community or a nation), there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged. (Qur'ân 10:47)

please tell me which messenger was sent to north and south america? why is it that their belief system was completley unrelated to islamic view? those people didn't even know about Adam and Eve. I wonder why God kept the the story of human origin from those people.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
please tell me which messenger was sent to north and south america? why is it that their belief system was completley unrelated to islamic view? those people didn't even know about Adam and Eve. I wonder why God kept the the story of human origin from those people.

This has been explained ad-nauseum. Different theology, different cultures/places...