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Why were we created?

Is God a Sociopath

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Ok so assuming God caused the big bang and knew the exact path of every particle that ever existed and ever will exist, then he must have gotten bored right? If God created life because he was bored with the universe then he would have endowed it with free will so that he did not know what would happen right? But if god did not get bored and created us for some purpose then he would have not given free will to us so that he could better achieve his goal right? then again he did allow Lucifer to fall which eventually resulted in the creation of hell. so if God has complete control over everything we do then people would only go to hell because god made them. that would mean that god was sending apparently random people to hell through no fault of their own. That would make God a sociopath. lest assume that God is not a sociopath and we have free will. Lucifer is just the fire by which god strengthens his creation and test their metal. If that is true then God is simply watching us and intervening at any moment he feels right. that would mean that God is toying with billions of people life just to facilitate his own amusement. that to would make God a sociopath.

so either we are gods play thing and god is a sociopath or we were created to perform some task that god could not do himself and god is impotent or we were created just so God could control us which once again makes God a sociopath.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter.

For clarification purposes I am talking about the Judeo-Christien God.


Well-Known Member
God is love, so He's to build a world of love called heaven, where love is presented by every freewill. It is called freewill because you have to choice not to love. He won't create some bots only capable of love, if so that's not love at all.

So everyone can choose to sin at a price, as the Law stands which is needed once evil is allowed.

So God created the mechanism where angels and humans exist, such that they can be part of heaven execising love. However, by some angels' freewill, they'd twist this mechanism to serve their own purpose, as they have the right to execise their freewill, even to be against the Law.

Since then the human birth-giving mechanism is exploited by those fallen angels freewill, by violating the Law. If God correct them beforehand, which means they can't choose to sin and thus have no freewill. So God let them as long as the Law is in place, the judgment will come later.


Now forget about the rest for awhile and take a look at the end result first. The end result is, a group of angels and humans exist in a place called heaven where they execise love by their freewill.

Now go back to the first line of this post,

"God is love, so He's to build a world of love called heaven, where love is presented by every freewill..."

Can't you see that God's job is done!
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But if god already knows all that will happen then can he not judge people before the commit the wrong as long as he has seen that they will not repent after committing it


Well-Known Member
But if god already knows all that will happen then can he not judge people before the commit the wrong as long as he has seen that they will not repent after committing it

Like I said, He can correct before you made the mistake, but that's not how freewill works. If your every single mistake is corrected beforehand, you are just robot.


Well-Known Member
>Why were we created?

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

“Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image, and revealed to thee My beauty. “
--The Hidden Words, Part One, #4

“Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay of My command I made thee to appear, and have ordained for thy training every atom in existence and the essence of all created things. Thus, ere thou didst issue from thy mother’s womb, I destined for thee two founts of gleaming milk, eyes to watch over thee, and hearts to love thee. Out of My loving-kindness, ’neath the shade of My mercy I nurtured thee, and guarded thee by the essence of My grace and favor. And My purpose in all this was that thou mightest attain My everlasting dominion and become worthy of My invisible bestowals….”
--The Hidden Words, Part One, #32

"Man is the supreme talisman. Lack of a proper education hath, however, deprived him of that which he doth inherently possess. Through a word proceeding out of the mouth of God he was called into being; by one word more he was guided to recognize the Source of his education; by yet another word his station and destiny were safeguarded. The Great Being saith: Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom."

—(Gleanings, CXXII, pp. 259-260)

Best! :)



Oldest Heretic
Ok so assuming God caused the big bang and knew the exact path of every particle that ever existed and ever will exist, then he must have gotten bored right? If God created life because he was bored with the universe then he would have endowed it with free will so that he did not know what would happen right? But if god did not get bored and created us for some purpose then he would have not given free will to us so that he could better achieve his goal right? then again he did allow Lucifer to fall which eventually resulted in the creation of hell. so if God has complete control over everything we do then people would only go to hell because god made them. that would mean that god was sending apparently random people to hell through no fault of their own. That would make God a sociopath. lest assume that God is not a sociopath and we have free will. Lucifer is just the fire by which god strengthens his creation and test their metal. If that is true then God is simply watching us and intervening at any moment he feels right. that would mean that God is toying with billions of people life just to facilitate his own amusement. that to would make God a sociopath.

so either we are gods play thing and god is a sociopath or we were created to perform some task that god could not do himself and god is impotent or we were created just so God could control us which once again makes God a sociopath.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter.

For clarification purposes I am talking about the Judeo-Christien God.

God Caused the Universe to come into being, he established the laws that eventually caused our earth and many others to form.
Those same laws caused us and many other creatures to evolve.

None of the above is evidence that he crafted any of us individually.

As Christians we hold many unprovable beliefs, including that we have souls (spirits) that are part of God. However there is no evidence that he micromanages our lives.

It would seem that Faith is required for the power of our spirits to be effective.
In no way is God responsible for the choices we make or what befalls us in life.
It all depends on your perception of what God is. Every religion has a slightly different meaning, for example Hindu's believe that God is within each and every person (a simplified explanation), however other religions will assume God as an almighty being living up there somewhere in heaven. So it all depends on what you think he is.

From my perspective God is a man made entity to instill fear amongst people, and this to create a controlled society in which people can live lives knowing they will be punished or rewarded depending on how they live their lives.

From a scientific perpective, we are still not 100% sure of the big bang, and what is outside our own universe, more universes? perhaps who knows, there prob another civilization out there or maybe not.

h tee tee p sublimespirituality blog spot com
"how are Atheist supposed to vote

I would say none of the above.

So if I am reading these correctly you think that God gave us free will
but why?
there is not reason to let your children make mistakes that could potentually land them in a lake of eternal fire.

so i pose my question again

Did God get bored and create us to satiate his boredom?

Please no single word answers

Once again for clarification i am talking about the Judeo-Christian God/G-d


Hostis humani generis
But I do believe in God, just not the conception of the Bible brought forth from a literal reading of the Tanakh and New Testament. If I had to, I'd say that conception of God brought forth from a literal interpretation of the Bible borders upon insane.

However, a large number of people do not believe things are literal. The Jewish conception of God, ignoring the scriptures, is a pretty awesome conception of God, even if it is different to my own. :)

So I don't think I can answer this, nor should I.
you know Odion that is a Perspective on this subject that I did not consider.

I was thinking about a more scriptural God which as you said Borders on the insane,but I never really thought about the transcriptural God.

I appreciate your incite
The 'none of the above' box was in the lead at this time, so they see it.

Ok so assuming God caused the big bang and knew the exact path of every particle that ever existed and ever will exist, then he must have gotten bored right?

As you said, assuming God was bored. I do not think the Force was bored. It is the Force it goes to and fro as it shall. Its ability to put any atom where it wants is in its nature. Nature guides the atoms, which all obey the Force.

If God created life because he was bored with the universe then he would have endowed it with free will so that he did not know what would happen right?

The Force is what happens...............the Force does what it wants...it knows what it wants long before It does it.

But if god did not get bored and created us for some purpose then he would have not given free will to us so that he could better achieve his goal right?

The Force knows us, we do not understand It. It makes us stronger. Just like the Force blowing Its wind against a tree makes the trees roots stronger. So the sin/suffering in our lives makes us stronger. The Force does not want a bunch of weak characters. So It pushes us around to make us stronger, so that we can appreciate what the next life may be.

then again he did allow Lucifer to fall which eventually resulted in the creation of hell.

Hell is reserved for satan, the fallen angels, and the evil spirits, NOT HUMANS. Do you think humans could ever survive in hell. We are made from dust. The spirits are made from fire.

so if God has complete control over everything we do then people would only go to hell because god made them. that would mean that god was sending apparently random people to hell through no fault of their own. That would make God a sociopath.

So that is why you think the Force is a sociopath...But now you know hell is not reserved for humans. Humans perish when they hit the fire, that is, if they are judged unworthy by the Force. The Force needs to have alot of humans inherit the next level of life, so that they can be rewarded for being worthy of that reward. The unworthy are simply discarded into a fire. There is no eternal suffering for the unworthy. Their rewards and/or suffering is all given to them in the physical here and now world. They do not level up to the next level.

lest assume that God is not a sociopath and we have free will. Lucifer is just the fire by which god strengthens his creation and test their metal. If that is true then God is simply watching us and intervening at any moment he feels right. that would mean that God is toying with billions of people life just to facilitate his own amusement.

Think of it more for Its purpose, which is to lift many up to the next level.

that to would make God a socio path.

We are all on paths.

so either we are gods play thing and god is a sociopath or we were created to perform some task

Think of it as the potential for yourelf to receive a grand reward.

that god could not do himself and god is impotent or we were created just so God could control us which once again makes God a sociopath.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter.

For clarification purposes I am talking about the Judeo-Christien God.

I think we are all talking about the same Force.
while posters like Odion and Mathew James have opened my eyes to the fact that I was not Considering the Tran scriptural God My question still reamains

Why were we created? (I understand that that holds the connotation that we were created and humbly pose the question to increase my understanding of creationism)

Is it possible to know before death? (I understand that that holds the connotation that we will know after death and humbly ask in order to hear the views and options of the posters)