Hear hear.
Also, "equality" refers to fairness in treatment and assessment. It does NOT refer to that assessment having to have the exact same outcome for both genders in past and present. Testosterone can do things to people. That is undeniable. I'm not aware of smart men who would deny it, either. That's good enough for me. The fact that men do have a historical tendency to be stupid and brutal is hidden from the mediocre ones, they are forever doomed to complain and cry foul whenever someone is reaching for the mob to clean the pig's den up a *little*. I mean, can I deny that "white people" did a lot of crap? No. And I don't feel "attacked" by noting that, either. I am just thinking basic thougts and noting the obvious. (though of course, there are sexist women, and there are black supremacists ... but I will obsess about those when they become remotely significant, how about that?)
Why past people did things is... um.. pretty complicated. Tons of factors come into to play. I don't know why people want feminism to be a bite-sized chicken nugget that is just easily digestible in the next fifteen minutes.